英语修辞English Rhetoric Devices的几种常见手法

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1、英语修辞,English Rhetoric Devices,English Rhetoric Devices,Figures of speech (修辞)are ways of making our language figurative. When we use words in other than their ordinary or literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effect, or to create suggestive imagery, we are said to be speaking or writin

2、g figuratively.,English Rhetoric Devices,Rhetoric devices make your speeches, essays etc. more interesting and lively and help you to get and keep your readers / listeners attention. Now we are going to talk about some common forms of figures of speech.,Simile:(明喻),It is an expressed likeness, which

3、 makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic (特性)in common. To make the comparison, words like as, as.as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other.,Simile:(明喻),e.g. As cold water is to a thirsty soul, so is go

4、od news from a far country. Reason is to faith as the eye to the telescope. He bellowed like a bull seeking combat.,Metaphor:(暗喻),It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated.,Metaphor:(暗喻),e.g. The world

5、 is a stage. The fountain of knowledge will dry up unless it is continuously replenished by streams of new learning. Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is sound, your whole body is full of light; but when it is not sound, your body is full of darkness.,Analogy: (类比),It is also a form o

6、f comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance. The pattern is : A is to B as C is to D 借助一些共同的相似之点来做平行的比较,比明喻和暗喻着眼点更广阔。,Analogy: (类比

7、),e.g. Shoe is to foot as tire is to wheel. Followers are to a leader as planets are to a sun . Shells were to ancient cultures as dollar bills are to modern culture.,Personification: (拟人),It gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes(赋予) to inanimate(无生命的) objects, or

8、to ideas and abstractions(抽象). 把事、物、观念等拟作人,赋予它们以人的思想, 感情与行为方式。,Personification: (拟人),e.g. The wind whistled through the trees. Money talks; money prints; money broadcasts; money reigns.,Hyperbole: (夸张),It is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis. 在真实的基础上有意言过其实以更好地反映

9、事物的本质。,Hyperbole: (夸张),e.g. He almost died laughing. Hamlet: I love Ophelia: forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love, make up my sum. His eloquence would split rocks. My legs weigh three tons.,Understatement(低调陈述/含蓄陈述),It is the opposite of hyperbole, or overstatement. It

10、achieves its effect of emphasizing a fact by deliberately(故意地) understating it or minimizing the importance, impressing the listener or the reader more by what is merely implied or left unsaid than by bare statement. 轻描淡写地陈述一种想法。,Understatement,You know I would be a little disappointed if you were t

11、o be hit by a drunk driver at two a.m., so I hope you will be home early. The face wasnt a bad one: it had what they called charm. (正话反说,反映说话者的矜持) The man is no fool. 这个人决不是个傻瓜 Yes, I know a little about rocks. ( A rock expert says),Euphemism: (委婉),It is the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensi

12、ve(无冒犯) expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant. 用比较温和的词代替粗鲁的词或使人不愉快的词, 用通行的词代替禁忌的词。,Euphemism: (委婉),e.g. Charles Shively, 94, passed away at home and went to be with the Lord on April 22, 2004, from natural causes. He went to sleep peacefullybut forever. (be called to God

13、; be no more; go to his long home; be gone to a better land) funeralmemorial service graveyard memory garden.,Metonymy (转喻/借代),It is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the meaning of one thing for that of another. 用一个单词代替另外一个在概念上有关联的单词,Metonymy (转喻/借代),e.g. The pen (words) is

14、 mightier than the sword (forces/war). Beware of bottle. (谨防喝醉酒) The red eyes walked into the classroom. He has a good ear for music. 他善于欣赏音乐。 He has a sharp tongue.他言语尖刻。,Synecdoche (提喻),Synecdoche is some kind of generalization or specification that involves the substitution of the part for the wh

15、ole, or the whole for the part. 用局部代替整体,单个代替类别,具体代替抽象;或反过来。,Synecdoche (提喻),They say theres bread and work for all. Turning our long boat round on the last morning required all hands on deck (hands = people) Troops halt the drivers (troops = soldiers) She wore gold around her neck. (gold = chain),Pu

16、n: (双关语),It is a play on words, or rather a play on the form and meaning of words. 一个词在上下文中有双重或更多的含义。英语中常用同形异义词(拼写相同但意义不同)或同音异义词(发音相同或相似,拼写与意义不同)来造成双关的效果。,Pun: (双关语),e.g. A cannon-ball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms. (Here “arms” has two meanings: a persons body; weapons carried by a soldier.) e.g. Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man. ( grave man,即是严肃的人,又是坟墓中的死人。),Zeugma: (轭式搭配/拈连),It is a single word which is made to modify or to govern two or



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