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1、英语翻译各单元必会英汉互译词组 Lesson 1 1. fellow countrymen 2. average height 3. gleaming eyes 4. in his middle twenties 5. to be seated 6. stand squarely 7. more than ten years his junior 8. revolutionary road 9. Chinese communist Party 10. full member 11. membership 12. keep a secret Lesson 2 1. immeasurable co

2、ntrast 2. to and fro 3. upturn face 4. sweet spring 5. anger and bitterness 6. dense fog 7. tense and anxious 8. 五一的下午 9. 无言的呼唤 10. 探测绳 Lesson 3 1. 各种流派的 2. 前两天 3. 受限制 4. 传统观念 5. 不合理的制度 6. 最高境界 7. 浓妆艳抹 8. 主人公 9. 花言巧语 10. 社会进步和人性发展 Lesson 4 1. 工业革命 2. 多功能的机器 3. 出于自愿和兴趣 4. 新兴城市 5. 大胆的举止 6. 实干家 7. 交通动脉

3、 8. in the air 9. source of power 10. outstanding feature Lesson 5 1. 极西地带 2. 山区 3. 永久定居 4. 为打下基础 5. 专门从事 6. 合法手续 7. establish communities 8. stock-raising 9. open public domain 10. regular event 11. high plains 12. criss-crossed Lesson 6 1. 新民主主义 2. 五四运动 3. 4. 革命知识分子 5. 帝国主义 6. 无产阶级 7. 在的号召下 8. 小资产

4、阶级知识分子 9. 统一战线的革命运动 10. 平民文学 11. 北伐战争 12. 右翼 Lesson 7 1. life-giving 2. everlastingly 3. the Nile Delta 4. freshly harvested 5. Mediterranean 6. the Pyramids 7. negative effects 8. a ghost town 9. brightly painted 10. member of a team 11. 河流入海口 12. 水坝发电 Lesson 8 1. Mt. Lofty Ranges 2. average annual

5、 rainfall 3. surveyor general 4. business district 5. residential section 6. municipal government 7. lord mayoralty 8. mineral deposit 9. marketing centre 10. automobile components 11. 地中海型气候 12. 文艺节 Lesson 9 1. Palace Museum 2. walled courtyard 3. watchtower 4. complete group of ancient buildings 5

6、. ravages of time 6. ancient Chinese architecture 7. historical sites 8. cobbled roadway 9. Golden Water Bridge 10. typical masterpiece Lesson 10 1. global economy 2. sovereign nation 3. mutual prosperity 4. sum total 5. foreign investment 6. per capita GNP 7. 沿海地区 8. 平均率 9. 电力生产 10. 双边贸易 11. 外汇 12.

7、 生活水平 Lesson 11 1. marine insurance 2. flows of capital 3. foreign exchange dealing 4. outward investor 5. Pacific region 6. the right climate for 7. vast size and resources 8. to take a real interest in sth. 9. coastal city 10. international community 11. entrepreneurial spirit 12. 对外开放政策 13. 世界投资体

8、系 14. 经济改革 Lesson 12 1. 基本方针 2. 自给自足 3. 客观有利因素 4. 生产条件 5. 耕地 6. 中、低产田 7. 灌溉面积 8. 宜农荒地 9. 复种指数 10. 水利工程 11. 单位面积产量 12. 粮食总产量目标 Lesson 13 1. agonizing flashback 2. come and go 3. property damage 4. monotonous 5. flash-flooding 6. to imprint on ones mind 7. scare tactic 8. power of nature 9. river bed

9、10. to give sth. much thought 11. 无情的 12. 雨季 Lesson 14 1. maternal grandfather 2. the flower of ones youth 3. popular science 4. undue absorption in the past 5. sucking vigor 6. live ones own life 7. the founder of Girton College 8. clinging to youth 9. 过去的好时光 10. 高等教育 Lesson 15 1. 旧梦重温 2. 儿童出版社 3.

10、散文集 4. 丝绸之路 5. 历史古迹 6. 大英博物馆 7. 简单的早餐 8. 花坛 9. 斗兽场 10. 教皇 Lesson 16 1. wandering tune 2. haggler 3. order sb. About 4. pedigree Lesson 17 1. insinuate into 2. occur to somebody 3. novelty Lesson 18 1. to spare oneself 2. trace of a smile 3. take on sb. 4. go-between 5. downcast eyes 6. lackluster 7.

11、 to be a good boy 8. to chop wood 9. innards Lesson 19 1. foothill 2. freshet 3. ranch life 4. topple Lesson 20 1. a far cry from Lesson 21 1. 旧社会 2. 拉家带口 3. 排队等待 4. 瓢泼大雨 5. 落汤鸡 6. 节约 7. 铜板 8. 说的好 9. 织毛线 10. 纺线 11. 剧团 12. sth do for sb. 13. jostle 14. to live on 15. frantically Lesson 22 1. refine i

12、nto 2. interval combustion engine 3. illumination 4. friction 5. sedimentary rocks 6. refinery 7. vapor 8. pitch lake 9. lubrication 10. Arctic Seas 11. shale Lesson 23 1. living organisms 2. applied entomology 3. pathology 4. genetics 5. physiology 6. biochemistry 7. ecology Lesson 24 1. 海洋可持续发展战略

13、2. 大陆架 3. 专属经济区 4. 渔场 5. 陆地自然资源 6. 行使主权 7. 浅海 8. 娱乐、消遣 9. 联合国海洋法公约 Lesson 25 1. environmental law 2. statute 3. indictment 4. court of appeals 5. strip mining 6. enacting legislation 7. amendment 8. bill 9. hearings 10. tradeoff Lesson 26 1. The Contracting States 2. facilitate 3. dissemination 4. international understanding 5. Universal Copyright Convention 6. hereinafter 7. accede to 8. instrument



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