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1、Module 9 Innovation,English sayings,绊脚石 从头开始,白手起家 一帆风顺 失控 (不可避免的)小问题 折中 一团糟,Paragraph A,事实上,研发投资多少和创新成果无关。 As a matter of fact, there is no correlation between the amount of the investment in R&D and the innovative success. 那些认为创新是企业增加市场份额通行证的人完全是在自欺欺人。 Those people believing that innovation is the

2、passport to greater market share of a corporation are fooling themselves.,to come up with new ideas to keep up with competitors to see something through a task to take something up products to stand up to competitors,to think of to stay at the same level to finish the job to adopt / to begin to use

3、to be able to resist,Negotiation,Have you ever experienced negotiation?,Negotiation,Bargain with a shop owner; Debate with your family members; Argue with your boss; Talk with your cooperator; ,Yes! You negotiate everywhere with everybody!,Negotiation,Negotiation is a cooperative undertaking, in whi

4、ch you and the opposing party attempt constructively to find solutions that satisfy both your needs.,Negotiators,A naive negotiator gives away too many advantages and too much potential profit. He accepts too much of the work and responsibility, and too many of the risks. Thus, a naive negotiator is

5、 expensive for the organization. He is easily taken advantage of. A greedy negotiator wants to get everything without being willing to give. He is unable to accept the idea of the other party gaining anything. He wants to threat the other party and defeat it. A greedy negotiator is also expensive fo

6、r the organization. No one wants to deal with him.,Be a smart negotiator!,Business negotiation-Four Cs,Business negotiations take place within the context of four Cs: Common interest: the parties in the negotiation share, have, or want something that the other party has or does. Conflicting interest

7、: the parties bare different ideas concerning quality, payment, distribution, profits, contractual responsibilities, etc. Compromise: the parties may settle their disagreement by means of talk. Criteria: conditions under which the negotiations take place.,Business negotiation,Stages: Introduction(导入

8、阶段)-warm up; Overview(概说阶段)-general account; Clarification(明示阶段)-make clear; Bargaining(交锋阶段)-cross swords; Compromise(妥协阶段)-make concession; Agreement(协议阶段)-seal contract.,Bargaining power (议价能力),NO TRICKS Need-less needs Option-more choices Time-less pressure Relationships-more intimacy Investment

9、-more energy Credibility-more credibility Knowledge-more knowledge Skills-more skills,Techniques,Listen: listen to your counterparts motive, facts, implied meanings, etc. -Be attentive. Express: express your standpoint, plans, etc. -Be confident. Ask: ask where you have puzzlement, or when you need

10、to attract your counterpart to your remarks; -Be artful. Persuade: persuade your counterpart into discarding his/her plans and accepting yours. -Be powerful.,Case,上个月,我们公司准备发行一套印刷品,已经签了几家大企业的团购单。这个时候,有一家做商务卡的公司找上我们,希望能合作。这送上门的好事我自然是偷着乐,心里想,反正不增加成本,收个23万块钱也挺好。谈判的开篇就是要大胆报价,于是我报了8万元(quote sb $ for sth)

11、(招数一:先发制人)。对方负责人显得很惊讶,在一翻“假装”的表情之后,他说“不好意思王总,这让我很为难(make things difficult for sb),我很想跟您合作,不过这个价格太高,我不太好跟老板交待。”(招数二:虚拟高层)“张总,我知道贵公司这部分事务一直是您全权负责(in full charge of),您拍板同意的话,我们的合作一定没问题。” (招数三:知己知彼)他果然笑了笑说“不瞒您说,我的权限只有4万元,您的报价(quotation)太高了,六万怎么样?”呵,胜利一半了!我心里说,比我预想的23万已经高了不少。 这笔生意最后以6万元成交!高出了我预期的23倍。签合同的

12、那一瞬间,我想起道森先生讲的一句话“世界上赚钱速度最快的,是谈判!”,Roger Dawson (罗杰道森),Secret of Power Negotiating 优势谈判的奥秘(优势谈判) -Tell you how to win a negotiation while making your counterpart satisfied.,Business negotiation,Understanding the others position: So what exactly did you have in mind? Can you be more precise about wha

13、t exactly you are offering/looking for? So if I understand you correctly, youre saying that Accepting: That sounds fine/reasonable/acceptable. I think we can go along with that. I think that would work for us. Rejecting: Im sorry we couldnt go that low/high. Im sorry, that would be difficult/impossi

14、ble for us. Im sorry, that completely out of the question.,Business negotiation,Asking for concessions: Would you be willing to If we were to,how would you feel about it then? Would it make it more attractive for you if we? Describing the bottom line: Ultimately, it comes down to the question of At

15、the end of the day, its all about,Module 10 Travel and Entertainment,Oct. 27th, 2012,Transportation,Do you often travel on business? How? Do you think business travel should be replaced by virtual conference? Which word will come to your mind when talking about Beijings traffic condition?,Entertainm

16、ent,Do your company often have some forms of entertainment?,Corporate events,Have you ever organized a corporate event, sponsorship, parties? How?,Events management,蹭吃蹭喝的顾客 艰巨任务 钢铁意志的人 逃离交易 暴露在 审查 留下不可磨灭的印象 发布新的产品 宣传企业使命 花大笔的钱 破冰,打破沉默 依赖 还有一种办法/选择 期待 感到放松,Events management,freeloading customers 蹭吃蹭喝的顾客 an arduous task 艰巨任务 people with nerves


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