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1、nulll: 2009-11-09; null: 2010-01-20null: nullEBnullSES/95( 2006BAB 12B 01).nullYT:+,q, T e:l 13801102692, E-m ai:l hjw ang63 263. netnullTe:null( 1981- ),3,28g,pV3, 98% )alqbo,K,null,T,.?Fo-T!#? J., 2008, 23( 1): 30-36. ) 7 null,gnull,.1=08nullF J., 2008, 23( 2): 97-103.( YANG Quan-hong, LU W e,i YA

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4、, GONG Y in-x iang, MA L ing. E ffect o f expansiontim e on them icro structure of an expanded natural flake graphite J. N ew C arbonM aterials, 2006, 21( 2): 139-143. ) 12null G upta V, Nakajim a T, Ohzaw a Y, et a.l E lectrochem ical char-acteristics and structure o f surface-fluorinated graphites

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7、.( X IA Yun-ka.i Process research of purify ing natural flakegraphite by chloridizing roast J. Non-m etallic M ines, 1993( 5): 21-24. ) 24 nullfb,y,onull.FA J.d, 2004, 27( 4): 1-3.( ZHANG Q ing-cen, LIU Jian-ping, X IAO Q ,i et a.l Exper-im ent & research study on rem ov ing of silica im purity from

8、 m -icrocry sta lline graphite J. N on-M etallicM ines, 2004, 27( 4):1-3. )Preparation of high purity graphite byan alkaline roasting-leachingmethodGE Peng, null WANG Hua-jun, null ZHAO Jing, null X IE L in, null ZHANG Q iang(Th eM in istry of Edu ca tion K ey Labora tory ofH igh Efficiency M in ing

9、 and Safe ty for M e ta lM ines,Un iversity of S cience and Technology B eijing, B eijing 100083, Ch ina )Abstract: null An alkaline roasting-leaching method w as used to prepare h igh purity graph ite from flake graphitefrom Hubei Jinchang instead of the common ly-used alkaline-acid method. The pro

10、cess param eters were opt-im ized. R esults show ed that the fixed carbon mass fraction achieved by th is m ethod could be as h igh as 99. 9%under the op timal cond itionsw hile that by the alkaline-acid m ethod was only 85. 8%, indicating that the alkalineroasting- leaching m ethod w as very effect

11、ive to improve the fixed carbon content of the graphite.Keywords: null F lake graph ite; R roasting; Immersion; A cid leach ingFoundation item: NationalK ey T echno logy R& D Program during the E leventh Five-Year Plan Period ( 2006BAB 12B 01).Corresponding author:WANG H ua-jun, Professor. Te:l 13801102692, E-m a i:l hjw ang63 263. netAuthor introduction: GE Peng( 1981- ), m ale, Ph. D. Studen,t engaged in the research of m ining environm enta l eng ineering. Te:l 13811862353,E-m ai:l rockeh 126. comnull28null nullnullnullnullnull25


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