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1、维 词 课 堂 Victor Vocabulary Class 版本 人教模块 B7U3 目录 CONTENTS opposite 01 reflect 一词多义 05 depth 02 narrow 06 0303 sharp 07 0404 abandon urge 一词多义 一词多义 一词多义 一词多义 opposite 01 opposite adj prep n 相对;相反 象形记忆 opposite 科学学习 opposite 词源义 相对的;相反的 opposite opposite 10 维词解读 opposite adj 无比较级 相对的;另一边的 他的父母在这个国家相距很远

2、的两 个地方工作,因此只能周末见面。 a long distance apart His parents work at opposite ends of the country, so they only see each other at weekends. 常用于名词前 11 维词解读 opposite adj 无比较级 相反的;完全不同的 异性 _ 向反方向 _ the opposite sex in the opposite direction 我以为这种药能让我睡着,但 效果却恰恰相反。 I thought this medicine would make me sleep, bu

3、t it had the opposite effect. opposite 相对的 相反的 相反之物 对面的,另一边的 相反的,完全不同的 在的对面 对立物;反义词 adj prep n opposite 词性 位置相对 prep 在的对面: 那家宾馆离这里只有5个街区,在银行的对面。 The hotel is only 5 blocks away opposite the bank. n C 反义词;对立面;对立物: Long is the opposite of short. I didnt feel sleepy at all just the opposite, in fact. 长

4、是短的反义词。 我一点儿都不困,事实上正好相反。 常用the opposite 即时检测 一、将下列短语翻译成英语 1. 完全不同的影响 _ 2. 在门对面的墙上 _ the opposite effect on the wall opposite the door 3. 反方向 _ 4. 重的反义词是什么?_ the opposite direction What is the opposite of heavy? 二、根据汉语提示完成句子 1. The bank is just over there,_ (在超市对面). 2. David turned and walked off _ (

5、向相反的方向).(2008全国) opposite the supermarket in the opposite direction 3. More is _(的反义词)fewer and less. the opposite of 5. The shop is on _(街的对面). 6. Good habits always lead to high efficiency, which bad ones bring _(对立面).(2013四川) the opposite side of the street the opposite 4. He has just _(截然不同的观点).

6、 the opposite opinion depth 02 歌曲欣赏 Out of my depth Kaiser Chiefs You can drive in the wrong direction And arrive at your destination Youll be driving for a while and meanwhile Ill be down in my old back garden Waiting for something great to happen We could meet up on the way Here comes Alex with a

7、tray out of my depth是 什么意思呢? I get out of my depth Until nothing is left And its only coming up to our hips I get out of my depth Unless something is said If you ignore it then it doesnt exist Here we go for the final chapter Time is called on the final after When you go the wrong way round Youll ge

8、t there in the end 词源解读 depth是deep的名词形式。 维词详解P127 depth n U & C 深 (度);深处: 30 feet in depth 30英尺深 In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. 在 我记忆深处,我与父亲一起做过的很 多事仍然历历在目。 2008 浙江 具体事物如河水等的深度 ,也可指抽象事物的深度 U (知识) 渊博;深刻;(感情) 深厚: a man of great depth and insight 具有渊博学识和洞察力的人 W

9、e have expressed the depth of our gratitude to them. 我们向他们表达了 深深的谢意。 in depth 全面地;深入地;仔细地: an in-depth study 深入的研究 I havent looked at the report in depth yet. 我还没有仔细阅读这份报告。 其他抽象 事物如知 识、情感 等的深度 词汇拓展 widedeephighlongbroad widthdepthheightlengthbreadth 学后检测 基础训练 一、翻译下列词块。 1.一条10米深的河 _ 2. 深入交谈 _ 3. 海洋深处

10、 _ 二、翻译下列句子。 1. 她渊博的知识令我惊叹。 _ 2. 他的想法缺乏深度。 _ in the depths of the ocean / sea an in-depth conversation a 10-meter-deep river / a river of 10 meters in depth I am / was amazed at / by the depth of her knowledge. His ideas lack depth. 能力提升 写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。 1. Im not a strong swimmer so I prefer not t

11、o go out of my depth. _ 2. I was out of my depth in the advanced class, so I moved to the intermediate (中级) class. _ 去水深没过头顶的区域 无法驾驭;超出能力 urge 0303 urge 我们每天都需要去卫生 间,那么“急需去卫生 间”怎么表达呢?可借 用urge的名词来帮忙: the urge to pee (尿急) 。 【词源解读】 名词来自于动词 动词词源义:驱赶 维词详解P464 urge 动词 正式用语 驱策;驱赶: I urged the elephant deep

12、er into the forest. 我赶着大象进到森林的更深 之处。 2014 重庆 用于较正式的场合或文体 催促;力劝 to advise or try hard to persuade sb to do sth: urge sb to do sth: They urged me to eat the strange food. 他们怂恿我吃那种奇怪的食物。 urge + that . (should) do sth: He urged that we (should) take such steps. 他力劝我们采取这些措施。 借助英语释义精准理解, 注意程度副词hard 掌握两种常用

13、结构 结构中,that从句 要用虚拟语气 (should) do sth 大力推荐;极力主张 to recommend sth strongly: The situation is dangerous and the UN is urging caution. 局势 危急,联合国力主谨慎行事。 借助英语释义精准理解,注意 程度副词strongly 名词 n C 强烈的欲望;迫切的需要 (desire) : urge to do sth: Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack between

14、meals. 吃饭时摄入充足的脂肪和盐会减少两餐之 间想吃零食的欲望。 2017 全国 借助近义词理解 【拓展】 urgent R2 adj 急迫的;迫切的;紧急的: in urgent need of in urgent need of money 迫切需要钱 Every minute of the day is filled with urgent matters. 一天中的每分钟都排满了亟待解决的事情。 北师大 1 【学后检测】基础训练 写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。 1. She began urging him towards the front door. _ 2. Police are urging anyone who saw the accident to contact them immediately. _ 3. We urge effective action to be taken immediately. _ 4. He could no longer resist the urge to go and see Amanda. _


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