七年级英语上学期Unit5 Section A 3a-4 PPT课件

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《七年级英语上学期Unit5 Section A 3a-4 PPT课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语上学期Unit5 Section A 3a-4 PPT课件(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ? (Section A 3a-4) Wuhan Oliver Chan 教材内容分析 n1. 复习 Do you have a ? n2. 熟悉并熟练运用一般现在时的否定形式。 n3.能用能用Lets do.Lets do.及及 That sounds good. That sounds good. 等提等提 出建议、发出邀请和表达个人的感受并为出建议、发出邀请和表达个人的感受并为 下一课时打好基础。下一课时打好基础。 n n 4. 4. 培养学生对生活的热爱的情感。培养学生对生活的热爱的情感。 n n 5. 5. 学会单词学

2、会单词 lets ,play, sound, good, clublets ,play, sound, good, club 等。等。 教学重难点 1. I dont have a 2. Lets 3. That sound good . 教学目标 n语言学习目标 1,Lets 2, I dont have a 3,That sounds good. n能力目标 1,提建议 2, 表达个人感受 n情感目标 培养学生对生活的热爱的情感。 教学方法 多媒体教学法 任务型教学法 交际教学法 教学过程 Task One Warming up Revise the structures: I have

3、a _. He/she has a _. I have a job. I have a brother. I have a sister. But I dont have a car. I have a computer. Task Two Presentation Do you have a_? Lets _. That sounds good. Task Three: Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. soccer lets have dont Lets have soccer A: Lets play tennis. B: I

4、 dont have a tennis ball. A: Lets play soccer. B: That sounds good. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Task Four : Pairwork Task Five Practice Fly a kite Ride a bike Watch TV Play computer games Take photos Go board skating Basketball Fan Club Name : Gina Brown Age: 13 Like: Basketball Games Have: A basketball Basketball

5、Star: Yaomin School: Yichang Middle School Lets join a club! Task Six Practice racket Sports Club Welcome to our Sports Club. Do you like sports? Lets play! We have many sports clubs. Lets join it. Fill in the form. Sports Club FIRST NAME:_ LAST NAME:_ AGE: _CLASS:_ SPORTS YOU LIKE:_ THINGS YOU HAVE

6、: _ Sports Star: club: Make a conversation with your partner using the form. Task Seven Homework 复习今天所学的内容。用表格中的 内容写一小段话。 根据自己的爱好,申请参加不同的 俱乐部,也可以自己组建俱乐部号 召他人参加(做好登记)。 板书设计 let us lets = let us play sound good club A: Lets play soccer. B: I dont have a soccer ball. A: Well, lets play volleyball. B: That sounds good. I dont have _ Lets _ That sounds good. Thank you for your listening !


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