On contemporary radical economics and neoclassical economics(当代激进经济学和新古典经济学)

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On contemporary radical economics and neoclassical economics(当代激进经济学和新古典经济学)_第1页
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On contemporary radical economics and neoclassical economics(当代激进经济学和新古典经济学)_第3页
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On contemporary radical economics and neoclassical economics(当代激进经济学和新古典经济学)_第4页
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On contemporary radical economics and neoclassical economics(当代激进经济学和新古典经济学)_第5页
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《On contemporary radical economics and neoclassical economics(当代激进经济学和新古典经济学)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《On contemporary radical economics and neoclassical economics(当代激进经济学和新古典经济学)(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 On contemporary radical economics and neoclassical economics Abstract: In essence, the radical Marxist economist economist Radical economist is the status of cohabitation in the orthodox neoclassical economists completely different, they stressed the historical, institutional and interdisciplinary

2、analysis. radical economists stress the contradictions of capitalism in the basic system of capitalism. radical economists against capitalist globalization, but not a correct understanding of the market economy on the development of socialist economic significance. Keywords: Sherman, radical economi

3、cs, neo-classical economics U.S. Marxist economist Howard J Sherman (Howard J. Sherman in an article published in 1984 (4) <<Economic Education>> magazine, entitled <<Contemporary radical economics>> article , a pioneer of contemporary radical economics, radical economics, so

4、cial roots, radical economic critique of neoclassical economics, the general paradigm of radical, radical economics and the application of some special problems, to do an in-depth discussion. The article on contemporary radical economics and neoclassical economic theory point of view of comparative

5、analysis is especially noteworthy. This paper intends to do a little review of their analysis. A pioneer of contemporary radical economics Sherman at the outset that, although some American radical economist Thorstein was by Veblen (ThorstEin Venlen) and other U.S. economists hold different views in

6、fluence indisputably the most radical economists inspired by Karl Marx, they have made, as well as their reference method, have been Marxs influence. Sherman revealed as a radical Marxist economic theory based on the philosophy he believes, with Marx has four main tenets of the philosophy of science

7、 associated with the first, Marx was a materialist, in his view, there is no supernatural world that people must make analysis based on the fact that the world based on. Second, Marx believed that scientific determinism, that any given event, including our own behavior, may be explained based on pre

8、vious events. Third, Marx believed in a dialectic, the dialectic that, people would always ask the question: this phenomenon is linked with other phenomena it? Any process in two distinct opposite is actually relevant? This relationship is contradictory relationship or working relationship? we obser

9、ved some slow change will lead to a relevant change? If there is a qualitative leap, then, is what led to this change in the slow leap? Fourth, Marx was a humanist who pay attention to moral principles. Since there is no higher than the human nature of things, then, to improve peoples lives is the h

10、ighest ethical standards, but for the class interests in Marxs understanding of differences and contradictions is different from the utilitarian, for example, the best policy from ethical slaves and slave owners of their own standpoint is different. Marx also recognized that there is no moral value

11、from the social sciences, social sciences each value thesis is a combination of facts and values. Marxist social sciences should reflect the oppressed and exploited groups of moral values. By a discussion of Marxs philosophy, Sherman and then discusses the history of Marxist theory, he pointed out t

12、hat Marxs theory of history as history is constituted by two factors in the process. In this process there is the economic base (or production methods and social - and political superstructure. The economic base is not just land, labor, capital and technology, the technical component (Marx called pr

13、oductivity), but also peoples relations of production - In particular, said the process of economic class relations. social superstructure that contains (a system, such as government, education system and family, (b ideas, from the individuals psychological concepts to scientific thought. the econom

14、ic base and superstructure as a unified body interactions, other aspects of their own have decided Marx opposed both ideas (can not be explained by their own decisions based on narrow economic theory, but also against the economic base (which itself can not be explained) determine the system of narr

15、ow ideas and theories. When the people and the class relations of production in a manner to protect the interests of the ruling class for the hardening of the law hindered the further development of the productive forces, when the history of changes will come. Progress rigid class relations and clas

16、s relations caused tension between the class conflict, leading to revolution. class conflict on economic performance, government and other institutions, but also the performance in the ideological field. Marxist theory is applied to the end of the feudal system of the English Revolution of 1648, applied to the 1789 French revolution, the capitalist system applied to the end of the Russian Revolution of 1917, China applied to the en


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