理君博士dr. richard lee 谈茶树精油(Richard Lee 谈茶树精油 理君博士dr.)

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理君博士dr. richard lee 谈茶树精油(Richard Lee 谈茶树精油 理君博士dr.)_第1页
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理君博士dr. richard lee 谈茶树精油(Richard Lee 谈茶树精油 理君博士dr.)_第2页
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理君博士dr. richard lee 谈茶树精油(Richard Lee 谈茶树精油 理君博士dr.)_第3页
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理君博士dr. richard lee 谈茶树精油(Richard Lee 谈茶树精油 理君博士dr.)_第4页
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理君博士dr. richard lee 谈茶树精油(Richard Lee 谈茶树精油 理君博士dr.)_第5页
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《理君博士dr. richard lee 谈茶树精油(Richard Lee 谈茶树精油 理君博士dr.)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《理君博士dr. richard lee 谈茶树精油(Richard Lee 谈茶树精油 理君博士dr.)(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、理君博士dr. richard lee 谈茶树精油(Richard Lee 谈茶树精油 理君博士dr.)richard lee 美国檀香山大学保健博士管理学博士 理君博士dr.今天要探讨的是美乐家茶树精油.首先, 让我们先了解一下什么是精油, 精油并不完全是油,它是一种流体, 是植物的血液、生命和灵魂.它具有挥发性、亲油性、抗水性及混合性.精油产自五大洲, 用途也十分广泛, 有食品工业、香水业、制药业等等行业.影响精油纯度的因素很多, 包括产地、土质、气候、收取技术、萃取时间、萃取技术、品质管理、包装条件及技术、仓储条件、运输过程等等.使用香味的芳香疗法自古就有.主要是通过与大脑相连的嗅觉的作

2、用, 或者是通过按摩或洗浴等方法, 把香味中的有效成分吸收到体内.中国自古以来就有药浴的习惯, 在陶醉于芳香之时达到强体健身的效果.其实所谓的芳香疗法就是让您沉静于喜爱的香芬之中, 当您体味这 芳香 的同时, 这种感觉就自发地传至身体各处, 使紧张的心情松弛下来.当香味由鼻子、肌肤传入体内时, 身心也会得到修复, 这时, 体内天生的 治愈力 就会被激发, 从而使机体恢复平衡和健康.芳香精油有数百个品种, 其中使用较普遍的只有五十余种.购买时当然不可能面面俱到, 也没有这个必要.可以选择35种自己喜欢的香型, 因为从众多的芳香精油中挑选符合自己症状的产品并不容易, 但最简便的方法就是选择 自己喜

3、欢的香味, 这一点十分重要, 能够使自己感到舒心的芳香, 就是你需要的芳香精油.例如: 薰衣草、茶树、橙花、檀香木、天竺葵、迷迭香等精油就是理想的选择.茶树, 英文为melaleucaacternifolia, teatree, 属于蒲桃科, 木本, 我又称它为木香精油.茶树主要生长在澳大利亚, 原土著居民把它作为消毒的草药使用, 茶树中含有大量的萜品醇、桉油醇、松烯、萜烯类等.茶树最初在澳洲发现, 身高大约3公尺, 虽然叫茶树, 但和茶一点关系也没有, 消费者千万不要认为茶树精油是我们常见的茶叶树中提取的, 枝条长长, 花为白色, 它的生命力旺盛, 即使被砍断, 也能维持生命一段时间.土著很

4、早就用茶树叶子治疗伤口, 毒蛇咬伤也可做为解毒剂, 世界大战也曾使用为消炎剂.澳洲的原住民在很久以前就认识茶树的好处, 当世人都还当它是野草时, 他们就懂得用茶树的叶子治疗感染的伤口.它在1927年左右被介绍到欧洲, 卓越的抗菌性很快就受到瞩目.移民至澳洲的英国人也师法原住民的智慧, 并发现医疗配备短缺时, 茶树的叶片可用来救急茶树是芳香疗法中的新角色, 但它受欢迎的程度与日俱增,Because the tea tree stimulates the immune system very well. Australia, the United States and France are stu

5、dying the efficacy of tea tree against infection and mildew, especially in the treatment of various skin diseases. In the two World War, the tea tree was sent to the tropical army and arms factory to cure the skin damage. Often used in surgery and dentistry, it is also found in soaps, deodorants, de

6、tergents, and air fragrances.Tea tree oil extraction is part of leaves and shoots, through direct method or steam distillation, extraction of object is mainly containing pinene, pinene terpenes, eucalyptol and other sesquiterpenes and other substances, about 100 kg per 1 kg of oil extraction. The es

7、sence of pure tea tree oil should be fresh, strong medicinal flavor, the color is from colorless to pale yellow, clear and low viscosity. For high volatilization, therefore, preservation should be done at low temperature shade. After careful analysis, Melaleuca tea tree oil is indeed genuine in need

8、.Tea tree oil mainly has the following functions:NeuromodulationRelieve mental tension and refresh the mind; when attacked, make people excited and remove the depressed mood.Applicable symptomsHighly volatile. Calm, strong, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-virus, anti red, stimulating, cool an

9、d so on. Strengthen the immune system, effective treatment of oral inflammation and toothache disease; inflammation caused by bacteria, fungi and other bacteria have certain inhibition and prevention; effective prevention and treatment of lip eczema, herpes zoster and chickenpox, ringworm, beriberi

10、and other symptoms, controlling the number of Candida and propagation velocity of fresh air.For skinAnti-inflammatory sterilization, improving secretion, strengthen the repair, suitable for oily, black (white) head, acne, acne, burns, burns, insect bites, abscesses and skin symptoms. Be sensitive to

11、 irritation and sensitive to skin.Usage methodMassage, bath, press, apply, inhale, etc.Tea tree oil is a non-toxic essential oil and has no known cases of discomfort in pregnant women or children. Most aromatic essential oils are very stimulating and therefore very dangerous to use directly on the s

12、kin. Tea tree oil is outside, relatively safe, even if it is not used with the base oil, there is no strong irritant.The most important use of tea, is to help the immune system fight against infectious diseases, instigated white blood cells forming a protective line against invading organisms, and c

13、an shorten the time of disease, is a potent antibacterial essential oil. Use perspiration to remove toxins from the body. Use this oil when it is inflamed with influenza, sore lips, and mucous membranes. Can also be used to treat glands, fever, and gum inflammation. Although AIDS disease can not be

14、cured, it can strengthen their immune system, of course, must be implemented by qualified medical personnel. Massage with tea trees before surgery can help strengthen the body. After surgery, it can soothe the panic. It has a strong antiviral and bactericidal properties, can treat persistent infecti

15、ons, help the weakened state of the virus infection, so that the body at the restoration stage to add vitality. It is anti fungal characteristics, can remove the vaginal Candida infection, generally speaking, genital infection is very helpful. It can also purify the urethra and improve cystitis. Rel

16、ieving genital and anal itching also relieves generalized itching,Rash pox and insect bites. It is said that breast cancer patients who can receive X light therapy can significantly reduce scarring. Before the treatment, apply tea tree oil to form a protective film on the skin. This layer protects the X from penetrating too deeply. Reduce otitis, the infection of the middle ear, which is often accompan



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