《妇产科护理学》复习题二(Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing review question two)

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1、妇产科护理学复习题二(Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing review question two)Online education courses examination (specialist) review questions and reference answersObstetrics and Gynecology Nursing review question twoFill in the blanks:1. artificial abortion with negative pressure aspiration is suitable for th

2、ose who have less than 10 weeks of gestation. Curettage is suitable for 11-14 weeks pregnant.Methods 2. gynecological examination have vulva examination, vaginal speculum examination, bimanual, three in diagnosis, referral of anus.3. the causes of postpartum hemorrhage include uterine atony, placent

3、al factors, laceration of the soft birth canal and coagulopathy.4. the signs of the neonatal alprazolam score were minute heart rate, respiration, skin color, laryngeal reflex, and muscle tone.5. main hormone secretion of placental chorionic gonadotropin, human placental lactogen, estrogen and proge

4、sterone.6. fetal presentation, the degree of decline and the extent of dilatation of the uterus are two important signs of the progress of the labor process.7. by the placenta amnion, chorion frondosum and bottom Dui film which is an important organ of material exchange between mother and fetus.Two,

5、 choice: in each question there are options, only one is in line with the requirements of the subject, please put options before letters in the brackets after the title.1. the narrowest plane in the pelvic cavity is: (D)A. inlet plane, B. outlet plane, C. maximum pelvic plane, D. or less2., about th

6、e anatomical features of the uterus, what is correct is: (A)A. uterine cavity triangular B. the narrow width of the non pregnant uterus weight of about 500 grams of C. maternal cervix showed a transverse cervical length is about 1cm D.3. menstrual hygiene does not include: (A)A. should choose food a

7、ccording to their own taste, B. pay attention to the vulva clean, anti infection C., avoid heavy physical labor, D. pay attention to rest, to ensure sleep time4. about the full-term fetal head, the wrong description is: (D)A. consists of 7 pieces of flat gap between the composition of B. skull calle

8、d cranial suture C. fontanelle is by frontal suture, sagittal and coronal suture. The formation of D. anterior triangle5. the diameter of the sciatic tuberosity 8cm should be further measured during the external pelvis measurement: (C)A. interspinous diameter B. C. sacral front concavity posterior s

9、agittal diameter of midpelvis sacropubic diameter D.6. the scheduled time of prenatal examination is: (B)A. is 12 weeks pregnant, B. pregnant for 20 weeks, C. pregnant for 16 weeks, D. pregnant for 28 weeks7. soft birth canal does not include: (B)A. fundus of uterus, B., lower uterine segment, C., c

10、ervix, D., vagina and pelvic floor8. the assessment of the primary stage of care does not include: (C)A. uterine contraction intensity, B. dilatation of the mouth, C., degree of perineal expansion, D. fetal presentation, and decrease of degree 9. Which of the following can diagnose the onset of labo

11、r: (D)A. B. false engagement of fetal head contractions C. red D. cervix 1.5cmNursing care of 10. of the second stage of labor right is: (B)A. determine the mouth dilatation, B. guidance maternal correct use of abdominal pressure, C. guidance maternal high protein food, D. ensure adequate sleep for

12、women11. infectious abortion, a large number of vaginal bleeding patients, the correct treatment is: (D)A. immediately curettage, B. immediately injected uterine contraction agent C., control infection after curettage, D. first block out large embryonic tissue, control infection and then curettage12

13、. what are the complications of a placental stroke: (D)A. placenta previa, B., pregnancy induced hypertension, C. twin pregnancy, D., placental abruption13. severe PIH patients, the main treatment measures are: (B)A. hypotensive, B. antispasmodic, C. diuretic, D. swelling14. prevention of bleeding i

14、n placenta previa is wrong: (C)A. prohibits anal exam B., observe vaginal bleeding closely, C. encourages patients to get out of bed early, D. does not feel free to do vaginal examination15. about the clinical manifestations of persistent occiput posterior position, the error is: (B)A. prolonged B.

15、floating fetal head C. premature Valsalva D. can cause cervical edema16. the main characteristics of PIH are: (A)A. high blood pressure, edema, proteinuria, B., hypertension, dizziness, headache, C. edema, proteinuria, chest tightness, D., hypertension, convulsions, coma17. postpartum hemorrhage is

16、caused by retention of placental abruption, as follows: (C)A. uterine inertia, B., spastic narrowing of the uterus, annular C., partial adhesion of the placenta, and D. bladder filled with 18. twins are the most reliable signs: (D)A. B. fetal fetal limb sense C. uterine pregnancy more than D. months to hear fetal h


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