八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Enjoy Your Hobby Lesson 41 Show and Tell同步练习(A卷)(新版)冀教版

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1、Lesson 41 Show and Tell!一、单项选择1David is _ singer. He thinks it is _interesting job.Aa; the Bthe; an Ca; / Da; an2He has a big box full _ books.Ato Bof Cwith Dfor3The Rio 2016 Olympic torch(火炬) began _ 95day journey in Brazil on May 3rd.Ait Bits Cits Ditself4Jackie Chan and Jet Li have much _. And th

2、ey often play similar roles in the movies.Ain general Bin style Cin common Din shape5There _little milk in the fridge. Lets go and buy some.Ahas Bhave Cis Dare6Which of the following signs means “No parking”? _7The old man is a good swimmer, and even now he often swims _ Tuojiang River after supper.

3、Aover Bthrough Cto Dacross8Im sorry I left my homework at home.It doesnt matter. _ it here tomorrow.ABring BFetch CTake DCarry9Its your turn _ questions.Aanswer Bto answer Canswers Danswering10Do yon know when Jay _ here tomorrow?Sorry, I dont know. But when he _ here tomorrow, Ill tell you at once.

4、Agets; gets Bgets; will get Cwill get; will get Dwill get; gets二、用所给词的适当形式填空11The _ (perform) starts at 7:00 in the evening.12Thank you for telling me all the _ (fact)13Its Li Mings turn _ (answer) the question.14The program is _ (wonder). I like it.15Lets _ (help) Jim _ (carry) the big box.三、按要求完成下

5、列各题16She has some good news. (改为一般疑问句) _ she have _ good news?17We often swim in the river. (用now改成现在进行时态) We _ _ in the river now.18Three students will go to help us. (对画线部分提问) _ _ students _ go to help us?19Many people enjoy listening to music. (改为同义句)Many people _ _ listening to music.20His yoyo

6、spun up and down just now. (改为否定句)His yoyo _ _ up and down just now.四、完形填空 (词数:约140建议用时:5分钟)Many people like to collect things. For example, they like _21 stamps, books, pictures and so on. But my friend Mr. Green likes to collect clocks. He _22 five hundred clocks. The clocks are _23 in his house.

7、You can see shelves in _24 room. All the shelves are _25 of clocks. Mr. Green is glad to do this, _26 his wife doesnt enjoy it at all. She has a lot of _27 to do every day. Its not _28 for her to clean hundreds of clocks. She is also angry at the noise. Each clock keeps its own time, so she can hear

8、 the clocks strike almost _29 time day and night. She says, “There is something even worse. I really dont know what _30 it is with so many clocks in my house.”21A.collect Bcollected Ccollects Dcollecting22A.is collecting Bwas collecting Chas collected Dhave collected23A.everywhere Bwhere Csomewhere

9、Dnowhere24A.every Ball Csome Dmany25A.filled Bfill Cfull Dfilling26A.either Bso Cthen Dbut27A.job Binformation Cworks Dwork28A.difficult Beasy Cbusy Dinterested29A.none Bno Cany Dsome30A.time Bday Cminute Dhour答 案一、1.D2.B3.B4.C5.C6.B7.D8.A9.B10D点拨:本题运用句意分析法。句意:你知道Jay明天什么时候到达这里吗?对不起,我不知道。当他明天到这里的时候,我

10、会立刻告诉你。问句中的when指“什么时候”,根据tomorrow可知用一般将来时态;答语中的when引导的是时间状语从句,应遵从“主将从现”的时态规则。故选D。二、11.performance12.facts13.to answer14wonderful15.help; (to) carry三、16.Does; any17.are swimming18How many; will19have fun20.didnt spin四、21.D22C点拨:句意:他已经收藏了五百个钟了。用现在完成时表示,故选C。23A点拨:由上文“他已经收藏了五百个钟了。”可知在他家里到处都是钟。故选A。24A25C

11、点拨:be full of装满。句意:所有的架子上都摆满了钟。故选C。26D27D点拨:job工作,可数名词;information信息,不可数名词;works作品,可数名词;work工作,不可数名词。句意:她每天有很多工作要做。a lot of后跟不可数名词或可数名词复数。故选D。28B点拨:句意:对她来说清理好几百个钟不是件容易的事。easy容易的,故选B。29C点拨:none没有任何东西;no没有;any任何;some一些。句意:几乎白天和晚上的任何时候,她都能听到钟敲击的声音。故选C。30A洗手,那还不简单。但是,并非每个人都知道正确的洗手方法。我们在数名家长中调查时发现,大多数家长都会叮嘱孩子常洗手,但对于正确的洗手方法和洗手时间的长短,并不太了解。很多家长这样理解洗手:饭前便后要洗手、每次用流动水冲洗等。3



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