牛津版 高中英语 电子课本 模块二M2U2

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1、M2U3Reading An adventure in Africa30 JuneDear Ai huaHow are you? I havent written for so long. I have been quite busy arranging my holiday with my older brother, Colin. Colin and I plan to spend a few weeks travelling before he goes to university. We are going to visit so many exciting places and lo

2、ts of extraordinary things. We will go to Africa first. I cant wait! Have you ever been there? We leave London on 15 July, and well be taking a flight to Morocco, in northern Africa. Were going to ride camels through the Sahara Dessert. Its the biggest desert in the world-about the size of the Us! I

3、 expect it will be very hot, dry and dust there. Well be travelling by camel with local guides, camping in tents and sleeping on the ground. Ive heard that, in the Sahara, there is no shade during the day, and the stars seem especially brilliant on clear nights. Itll bring a flashlight with me so th

4、at Ill be able to see in the dark. Altogether, the trip will take 6 days. That means Ill have to sit on a camel for almost a week-how uncomfortable! I hope my camel likes me.! After the trip by camel, we are going to travel down the River Nile. We will start at Lake Victoria. A little way down the r

5、iver from Lake Victoria, the water gets quite rough. So, we will go white-water rafting. It is quite dangerous, but very exciting! You have to wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection, just in case you fall into the water. Then, we are going on a trip to see wild animals in Kenya. We will live

6、 with the local people in their village, and eat and drink whatever they do including cows blood! Do you think I should drink it? Since we will be walking for almost 2 weeks, Ill need to buy a large backpack in advance to carry my supplies of food and water. During the day, well walk across the land

7、, following the tracks of wildlife such as elephants, even though they are dangerous, so that we can take some really good photographs. But dont worry about me. Our guides will have guns with them for defence-they can use the guns to scare the animal away if they come too close. I really want to see

8、 an elephant up close, and Colin wants to see a giraffe. After that, we will be moving on to Tanzania, where we are going to climb Mount Killimanjaro. Mount climbing can be very tiring, and many people feel sick as the atmosphere gets thinner. So Colin and I will make sure that we will get plenty of

9、 rest. The African part of our trip will take about 4 weeks. Afterwards,we are going to the Himalayas. I will send you postcards from all the different places we visit!Love TobyM2U2 ProjectShangri-laWould you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the south-west of China? If yo

10、ur answer is Yes, consider a trip to Shangri-la.How to get thereStart in the city of Dali and drive north along the Yunnan-Tibet Highway until you reach Zhongdian,the capital of Diqing.Zhongdian is 659 kilometres away from Kunming,and there are regular flights between the two cities.The world-famous

11、 Chinese Shangri-laThe wordShangri-la” first appeared in a classic novel by James Hilton. Today, Shangri-la has become a common English word meaning heaven on earth. Hilton described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, steep mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass

12、covered the earth. In this peaceful world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever.Which place could officially take the name of this wonderful land? There were arguments over which tourists would win the name of Shangri-la. Many years after the book was published, some people reali

13、zed that the Shangri-la of the novel was a perfect match for Zhongdian in Yunnan province,China .in September 1997,the government of Yunnan province announced that Zhongdian was the Shangri-la of Hiltons story.What you will see in Shangri-laThree mountains, Meili, Baimang and Haba ,which are covered

14、 with snow, tower over the land. Their snowy mountaintops form a beautiful picture that will leave you at a loss for words.Below the mountains, the sunshine reflects on the many lakes, making them shine like diamonds against the rich countryside. Sheep, cattle and horses wander on the green grass, a

15、nd the surrounding forests are home to many birds and animals. In this peaceful land, people live in harmony with nature, far away from the noise and worry of the outside world.Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, ,making the land a happy home for the local people.What the weather is likeThe weather changes so quickly that people say you can experience four seasons in one day. The best times to visit Shangri-la are spring and autumn when the temperature is at its mildest.


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