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1、第 立早 高考英语阅读理解经典真题150篇 第一节入物经历篇 Passage 1 (上海卷) The teacher who did the most to encourage me was,部ithappened, my aunt. She was Myrtle C. Manigault, the wife of my mothers brother Bill. She taught me in the second grade at al1-black Summer School in Camden, New Jersey. During my clldhood and youth, Au

2、nt Myrtle encouraged me to deveiop eve可臼pectofmy potential, without regard for what was considered practical or possible for black females. 1 liked to sing; she listened to my voice and pronounced it gd. 1 couldnt dance; she taught me the basic dancing steps. She took me the thea阳-not just childrens

3、 theatre but adult comedies and dram臼-and her faith由at1 could appreciate adult plays was not disappointed. My aunt also took down books企omher extensive library and shared them with me. 1 had books at home, but也eywere all serious classics. Even as a clld 1 had a strong liking for humor, and 111 never

4、 forget the joy of discovering Don Marquiss Archy velleryshop峰江ischief customers were his old台iends费Tonew customers, my mother had始help.She upa long-forgotten membership in the localleague ofwom缸,so that she could get to尬。wmore people.留hetherthose people would turn into custom缸swas础。也佼4,“,.,Vli.11le

5、w校latmy parents had to wait for a long time befo陀theirs盟allinvestment Whats more,也eyhad not waned enough to be rich and successful; otherwise they could not possibly have their live5 50 1 was tom b佼weenthe desire如helpthem在ndchange出eirlives, and the determination戏。tto repeat their mistakes. 1 had a s

6、trong belief in my pow衍togo what 1 wanted. After months ofhard 1 won a full scholarship (史学金).My father could 协议llycon他总协归dein血怠,and my mother eventually gave in before my success. 1. The author was not allowed to go to Cornell 人,始也thergr况duati忍dfrom the B. his mother did not位linksit a universi可 巳hi

7、sneeded him to help the D籍hisp在rentsdid not have enough mo放eyforhm 2.T如ef注therst就始dhis small shop with the money 役。m because A. a local B. his univ衍悦。C.hs relativ部D. his vVU.“,-“,企iends 3.有hydid the mother renew her membership in 钱。league? A. To help wth her husbands business. B. To r骂isemoney for h

8、er so江 - 18 第二章高考英语阅读理解经典其题150篇 C. To meet her long-forgotten企iends.D. To better manage her life. 4. According the text, what was the author determined to do in由atau阳mn? A. To get a well-paid job for himself. B. To improve relations with his mother. C. To go to his drearn university. D. To ca町onwith

9、 his fathers business. Passage 15 (全国卷I、新课标全国卷与海南卷) There were srniling children all the way. Clearly they knew at what time the train passed their homes and they made it their business to stand along the railway, wave to complete strangers and cheer them up as they rushed towards Penang. 0丘enwhole

10、families stood outside their homes and waved and srniled as if those on the trains were their favorite relatives. This is the simple village people of Malaysia. 1 was moved. 1 had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or ca巳sothis was the frrst time 1 was on a train. 1 did not particuIarly relishthe

11、long train journey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread. 1 looked about the train. There was not one farniliar face. 1 sighed and sat down to read my Econornics. It was not long before the train was across the Causeway and in Malaysia. Johore Baru was just another city like Sin

12、gapore, so 1 was tired of looking at the crowds of people as they hurried p出t.As we went beyond the city, 1 watched the straight rows of rubber trees and miles and miles of green. Then the OOt village came into sight. Immediately 1 came alive; 1 decided to wave back. From then on my journey became i

13、nteresting. 1 threw my magazines into the waste basket and decided to join in Malaysian life. Then everything came alive. The mountains seemed to speak to me. Even the trees were srniling. 1 stared at everything出if1 was looking at it for the frrst time. The day passed fast and 1 even forgot to have

14、my lunch until 1 felt hungry. 1 looked at my watch and was surprised that it was 3:00 p.m Soon the train pulled up at ButtelWorth. 1 looked at 出epeople all around me. They all looked beautiful. When my uncle arrived with a smile, 1出rew my arms around him to give him a warm hug (拥抱).1 had never done

15、this before. He seemed surprised and then his weather-beaten face warmed up with a huge srnile. We waIked arm in arm to his car. 1 looked fOlward to the returnjourney. 1. The author expected the train trip to be一一一一- A. adventurous B. pleasant C. exciting D. dul1 2. What did the author remember most

16、 fondly ofher train trip? A. The企iendlycountry people. B. The mountains along the way. C. The crowds of people in th盯住eets.D. The simple lunch served on the train. 3. Which of the folIowing words can best take the place of the word “r穹lish“in the second p础agrapb? A. Cboose. B. Enjoy. C. Prepare for. D. Carry on. 4. Where was the writer going? A. Johore Baru. B. The Causeway. C. Butterworth. D. Singapore. 5. What can we learn企om由estory? A. Comfort in甘avelingby train. C. Re



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