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1、必修1 Unit 1 Friendship -3- 主题语境:人与社会社会服务与人际关系 -4- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 1.upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt.使不安;使心烦 高考佳句 What impressed me most was that I failed in an English exam,feeling extremely upset and disappointed.(2015湖南卷)令我印 象最深的是,我在一次英语考试中成绩不及格,这使我感到非常难 过和失望。 (1)be upset about/by/at sth 为某事心烦/难过 be upset

2、to do sth 对做某事感到不安/难过 (2)upset oneself about sth 为某事而烦恼 It upsets sb to do sth/that.让某人心烦的是 -5- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 四维热练 (1)完成句子 She that her application for the position was refused. 知道她对这个职位的申请遭到了拒绝,她感到很沮丧。 Dont upset yourself it no harm has been done. 不要为那件事烦恼没有造成损失。 was upset to know about -6- 高频单词重点短语

3、难点句型 (2)写作升级 Once I was not very good at English.I didnt know enough words and my grammar was also poor,which really upset me. 我曾经不擅长英语,掌握词汇少,语法也差,这使我确实伤心。 (2014山东卷) 满分表达Once I was not very good at English.I didnt know enough words and my grammar was also poor,so . it really made me upset -7- 高频单词重点

4、短语难点句型 2.concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n.担心;关注;(利害)关系 高考佳句 It is love and concern that have brought about the great changes.(2013天津卷)是爱和关心带来了这巨大的变化。 (1)Its none of your concern.这不关你的事。 show/express concern about/with 对表示担心 (2)concern oneself about/for 担忧/关心 concern oneself with 从事;参与 (3)be concerned about

5、/for 关心;挂念 as far as sb be concerned 就而言 be concerned with/in 与有关;涉及 (4)concerning prep.关于;涉及 -8- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 四维热练用concern的适当形式填空 The professor will deliver a lecture environmental protection. 这位教授将做一场关于环保的演讲。 She was that she might miss the turning and get lost. 她担心自己会错过转弯的地方而迷路。 concerning concer

6、ned -9- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 3.power n. 能力;力量;权力;电 高考佳句 The bicycles will have smartphones attached to the handlebars measuring how much power is being generated for the hotel.(2016浙江卷)自行车的车把上将会装上可以测出这辆自行车 为宾馆发了多少电的智能手机。 It is not within my power. 我是爱莫能助啊。 Then he turned the power on.(2014江西卷)然后,他接通了电源。 -10

7、- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 (1)come to/into power 掌权;上台 beyond ones power 超出某人的能力 do all/everything in ones power=do ones best 尽力而为;竭尽 全力 (2)powerful adj.强大的 powerless adj.无力的;没有能力的 -11- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 四维热练 (1)完成句子或用power的适当形式填空 It has been two years since the party . 这个党执政已经两年了。 It is believed that Putin is the m

8、ost (power)man in Russia. 有人认为普京是俄罗斯最强大的人。 came to power powerful -12- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 (2)写作升级 We will do our best to help you,but you must get prepared to meet all kinds of difficulties. 我们将竭尽全力帮助你,但你必须做好迎接各种困难的准备。 (2014天津卷) 满分表达Well do everything to help you,but you must get prepared to meet all kind

9、s of difficulties. in our power -13- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 4.suffer vt.忍受;经历 高考佳句 With no rains for over a year,the city is suffering from unusually hot weather.(2017全国卷)一年多没有下雨了,这个城市 正遭受着异常炎热的天气。 Cathy suffered some terrible illness in her early childhood.(2016 天津卷)Cathy在童年早期患有某种可怕的病。 (1)suffer pain/defeat/

10、damage/loss 遭受痛苦/失败/破坏/损失 suffer from 受折磨;受之苦;患某种疾病 (2)suffering n.痛苦 sufferer n.患者;受难者 -14- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 四维热练 (1)用suffer的适当形式填空 A large quantity of money has been collected to help those from the floods. 募集了大量的善款来帮助那些遭受洪灾的人们。 The old man is said to have gone through varieties of (suffer)during the

11、war. 据说这位老人在战争期间经历了各种痛苦。 suffering sufferings -15- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 (2)完成句子 With existing medical knowledge and skills,two-thirds of the worlds 42 million blind .(2014江 西卷) 就现有的医学知识和医疗技术来看,全世界四千二百万盲人中有 三分之二本不该遭受这种痛苦。 Early settlers once a dry climate in Montana(蒙大拿州).(2014浙江卷) 早期的定居者曾在蒙大拿州遭受过干旱的气候之苦。 sh

12、ould not have to suffer suffered from -16- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 A schoolgirl saved her fathers life by kicking him in the chest after he a serious allergic(过敏的)reaction which stopped his heart.(2014四川卷) 一名女学生在父亲由于严重的过敏反应导致心脏停止跳动后,通 过踢父亲的胸部而挽救了父亲的生命。 (2)写作升级 He has suffered from lung cancer.The sufferer deci

13、des to give up smoking.(用非谓语动词做状语改写) 他已经患有肺癌。这名患者决定戒烟。 满分表达 ,the sufferer decides to give up smoking. suffered Having suffered from lung cancer -17- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 1.add up 合计;把加起来 教材原句Add up your score and see how many points you get.(Page 1)把你的分数加起来看看你得多少分。 (1)add sth up 把加起来 add sth to sth 把加到/进里 a

14、dd up to 总共是(不用于被动语态) add to 增加;增添 (2)in addition 另外 in addition to 除以外(还) -18- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 四维热练完成句子 Our caf offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options, seasonal specials.(2017全国卷) 除了季节性的特色饮食,我们的小餐馆还提供午餐和小吃的完整 菜单。 In (add),by doing the part-time job I can get some precious experience so that

15、 I can better adapt to the development and changes of society.(2016全国卷) 此外,通过做兼职工作,我能获得一些宝贵经验以便能更好地适 应社会的发展和变化。 As is known to all,good friends life. 众所周知,好朋友会给生活增添快乐,使生活更有意义。 in addition to addition add happiness and value to all the expenses and youll find that you cannot afford the trip. 把所有的费用加起

16、来,你会发现你负担不起旅游费用。 -19- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 Add up -20- 高频单词重点短语难点句型 2.go through 经历,经受;仔细检查;完成;用完 高考佳句 I myself went through this searching process and found something that has changed my experience at college for the better:I discovered ASLAmerican Sign Language(美式手语).(2017 全国卷)我亲身经历了这个探索过程,发现了这个让我的大学的 经历向更好


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