话题复习 训练读写微技能话题18资料

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1、Useful Material 晨读狂背 短语熟记 1.wildlife chain 生物链 2.endangered species 濒危物种 3.wild animals/plants 野生动物/植物 4.shellfish and seafood 贝类和海鲜食品 5.the insect world 昆虫世界 6.flowering plants 开花的植物 7.shade of trees 树荫 8.in the jungle 在丛林里 9.bunches of flowers 成束的花儿 10.farm produce 农产品 11.abandoned farms 废弃的农田 12.

2、along the valley 沿着山谷 13.in mountainous areas 在山区 14.beneath the water 在水下 15.damp weather 潮湿的天气 16.the flood season 汛期 17.global warming 全球变暖 18.average rainfall 平均降雨量 19.the North/South Pole 北极/南极 20.space exploration 太空探索 21.the earths gravity 地球引力 22.sunrise and sunset 日出和日落 23.a satellite of th

3、e earth 地球卫星 24.volcanic ash 火山灰 25.a strong sandstorm 强沙尘暴 26.a frightening typhoon 可怕的台风 27.active earthquake regions 地震活跃地区 28.overlook the bay 俯瞰海湾 29.cause damage 造成损害 30.grow organically 有机种植 31.practice survival skills 训练求生技能 32.the most beautiful rainbow 最美的彩虹 33.the importance of wildlife p

4、rotection 保护 野生动物的重要性 熟读背诵以下句子,朗读时注意句子重音 及意群停顿。 佳句诵背 1.Confidence is a plant of slow growth. 信心是一种缓慢生长的植物。 2. Great trees are good for nothing but shade.大树底下好乘凉。 3. The good seaman is known in bad weather. 要识好海员,须凭坏天气。 4. Truth and roses have thorns about them. 真理和玫瑰,身旁都有刺。 5. Falsehood like a nettl

5、e stings those who meddle with it. 谎言似荨麻,玩弄会刺手。 6. Great oaks from little acorns grow.再大 的橡树也是从小小的种子开始生长。 7. Tall trees catch much wind. 树大招风。 8. Flame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off. 名誉如河流 ,发源处最狭,愈远愈宽广。 9. One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。 10. The best fish s

6、wim near the bottom. 好 鱼常在水底游。 先改后背 (做短文改错,背满分作文) We live on the earth, but we are not alone in the world. Everyone know we should keep the balance of nature, or we dont always do as we say. A species can become endangered with different reasons. for but knows But the very important one is their liv

7、ing places are ruined. We cut down trees without plant new ones, and we pollute the place where animal live. Because of this, they have no home and they are going to be die out. animals planting that Other reason is money. Many tigers are killed by those who want to sell our fur and use their bones

8、for medicine. We should do everything which can be done to change the situation, or wild animals can only exist in our memories. their Another that 汉语大意 我们在地球上生活,但在这个世界上我们并 不孤独。大家都知道我们应该保持生态平衡,但 我们并不总是照我们说的那样去做。由于不同的 原因,物种可能会濒危。但最重要的原因是他们 生活的地方被破坏。我们砍树而没有种植新的树 ,我们污染动物生活的地方。由于这个原因,他 们没有栖息地,他们将会灭绝。另一个

9、原因是钱 。很多老虎被那些贩卖虎皮和用虎皮做药的人所 捕杀。我们应该做我们所能做的一切来改变这种 状况,否则,野生动物只能存在于我们的记忆之 中。 本文阐述了物种濒危的一些原因, 呼吁人 们保护野生动物。 1. know knows 主语everyone为第三人称 单数。 2. or but 两句之间是转折关系。 3. with for 由于原因用forreason 4. is 后面加上that is后面是个从句,缺引导 词。 5.plantplanting 介词后面的动词应用动词- ing形式。 6. animal animals 动物的总称要用复数形 式,从后面谓语动词live也可得到提示

10、。 7. 去掉be die out 是不及物动词,be 多余。 8. Other Another 前面讲了一个原因,这 里讲“另一个”原因,用another。 9. our their 指老虎的, 跟后面的their bones并列。 10. which that 引导定语从句,先行词是 everything, 引导词用that。 美文研读 1. What does the writer mainly tell us in the passage? A. The first breath-taking pictures of the Earth taken from space. B. Hum

11、ans recognition of the earths surface. C. The German scientist Alfred Wegener. D. The early explorers discovery. B 主旨大意题。根据文章第 1 段最后一句中的 however 及全文内容可知,文章主要谈论人类对 地壳表面的形成的认识。故答案选 B。 2. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. We didnt see the Earth from far away until we saw the p

12、icture taken in the space. B. Our ancient thought that the surface of the earth is still. C. Alfred Wegener was not the first person to investigate the idea that the continents move. D. The coastline of India and Africa fit together. A 推理判断题。根据文章第 1 段的第 1、2 句可知 ,人们直到看到从太空对地球所拍的照片后才知 道从远方看地球的情形。故答案选

13、A。 3. The last word of the fourth paragraph “split apart” mean “ _”. A. move away B. gather around C. tear apart D. flow away C 词义猜测题。根据Wegener argued that the continents had moved and were still moving 及地理常识可知答案选 C。 4. What did the explorers find? A. The coastlines of South America and Africa could

14、 fit together. B. The coastlines of North America and Africa could fit together. C. The east coastlines of North America and the west coast of Europe could fit together. D. The coastlines of North America and India could fit together. C 事实细节题。根据文章最后一段中的 The explorers noted the east coast of North Am

15、erica and South America would fit almost exactly into the west coast of Europe and South Africa 及倒数第 2 段中 的 the coastlines of South America and Africa could fit together like two pieces of a puzzle 可知答案应该选 C。 1. space2. solid 3. distance4. land 5. coastal6. shape 7. 板块8. 滚下 9. 适合10. 大陆 11. 确实,的确 复记强

16、化 知识运用 一、句子翻译 1. 数百台电脑上个月被送往了灾区学校。 Hundreds of computers _ schools in the _last month. (send) 2. 据报道,四川雅安地震已导致将近400人丧 生。 The earthquake that happened in Yaan Sichuan is reported _ the death of nearly 400 people. (result) to have resulted in were sent to disaster districts 3. 因为许多学生要来听他的关于濒危动物的报告 ,这位教授一整天都在做准备。 With many students _ his lecture about the_, the professor has been preparing for i


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