四年级英语上册 Unit 4(17)教案 北师大版

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1、1(北师大版)四年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where is it?Lesson One教学目标:(一)知识目标:1.能够听懂、认读表示方位的单词:in, on, under, behind, in front of2.能够掌握运用句型:Where is it?Its on/in/under. Is it (on) the ground? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.3.理解故事大意。(二)能力目标:1.能够正确用表示方位的单词表述物品的位置。2.在讲故事的过程中,能够听清、听懂课文的大意,培养学生的听说的能力。(三)情感态度目标:1.在多种活动中,学生积极参与,乐于表达

2、,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。2.理解松鼠送还 nut 的事件,引导学生学习其拾金不昧的精神。教学重点:运用所学的句型、单词正确表述物品的位置。教学难点:正确区分、运用表示方位的单词,尤其是 in front of 和 behind教学准备:教学卡片、单词卡、小图片、小贴画、课件教学过程:一、Lead in:1.Guessing game。猜词活动: Hello, children. Look at me. I will act some animal, you guess.教师做动作,让学生猜:monkey, frog, snake, bird, squirrel, rabbit. 设计意图:作

3、为课堂的准备活动,Act and game 有助于帮助学生集中注意力,做好上课的准备。同时在活动中渗透本节课将要使用的有关动物的词汇,从而为后面的活动做好准备。2.Set the scene:Now I tell you a story. This story happened in a forest. In the forest, there are some animals. Look at the big screen.教师手指大屏幕,将学生的注意力集中到上面,而屏幕上还是实物投影透出来的影像,教师寻找遥控器,却找不到:Oh,where is the controller?Can you

4、 help me?找到后,教师说:Oh, its on the desk. Thank you.设计意图:这是一个真实的情境,教师让学生看大屏幕,却找不到遥控器,通过教师来寻找遥控器,并反复呈现 Where is the controller?地句型,很快就能够帮助学生理解这句话的含义,理解了该句型在什么情况下来使用,为后面的句型单词教学做好了铺垫。2二、呈现与操练:1.呈现表示方位的单词:(1)出示图片过渡:In the forest, there are some animals. Who are they? Look at the big screen. (2)介绍场景T:How man

5、y animals are there in the picture?S:Five animals.T:Who are they?S:They are bird, snake, frog, Mocky, and squirrel.(3)学习单词 rock,onT:Very good. Look, where are they? (教师指大屏幕,逐一问,帮助学生理解。)若有学生回答,则问其他学生:Is it right?并看课件,听第一句话:The bird is on the rock.让学生重复。教师领读,并指大屏幕上的大石头,出示单词卡:rock(领读,并范读字母 o 的发音。 )重复句子

6、 The bird is on the rock.提出单词 on,做手势,要求学生跟着做。教师边读单词边做动作,检查学生是否按要求做动作。出示单词卡片 on.指生读。翻转卡片,看图,教师提问:Where is the cat?学生回答,教师板书:Its 教师贴卡片,随机提问:Where is your English book?Where is your pencil-box?Where is my English book?(4)学习单词 under,in,方法同上。 (中间可以让通过听和模仿已经会了的学生来代替老师教一教单词和句子) 。(5)滚动复习:教师说单词,学生重复,做动作。 (I

7、say the words, you do and repeat.)(6)问句及单词 behind出示问句:教师指大屏幕,问:Whats this?S:Its a squirrel.T:Where is the squirrel? You ask me, Ill tell you.教师板书:Where is it? 领读,指生询问。点击课件,让学生听:The squirrel is behind the tree.3教师出示教学卡片,问:Where is the cat?学习单词,贴图。(7)用同样的方法学习 in front of(8)区分 behind 和 in front of教师随机叫

8、起一前一后两名学生,教师点学生,学生说单词:behind 或 in front of设计意图:故事中的第一幅图为整个故事的展开设定了一个真实的情境,挖掘好地一幅图,既能让学生明白句型在什么情况下使用,同时在不断的倾听和模仿中,还能很自然地感知新的语言,自然地接受新的语言。2.操练:(1)滚动复习:出示卡片,学生认读,边读边做动作。(2)Game:Find the friends.教师出示单词卡,让学生认读,并将单词贴到相应的图片下方。(3)Repeat and do.T:I read the words, you repeat.教师出示炸弹的图片:Here are two bombs. 教师将

9、图片贴到图片上。Now, I say the words,(指没贴炸弹的图片。 )you do and repeat. I say these words,(指贴了炸弹的图片)you do like me.(教师双手捂住耳朵,趴在桌子上。 )If you dont do like me, you are hurt.3.讲故事:(1)接着讲故事:出示课件(第二幅图) ,You are very happy. But Mocky isnt. Hes very sad. Why? Lets look. There are a lot of nuts in the tree. Does Mocky l

10、ike the nuts? (Yes, he does.) Look, he is climbing the tree and picking a nut. But the nut falls off his hand.点击第四幅图:What is Mocky doing? (出示词组 look for)Oh, he is looking for his nut. Who can act look for?(2)听故事并根据故事回答问题:T:Where is the nut? Well watch and listen this story. After that, answer these

11、questions.课件出示问题:Is the nut in the water?Is it on the ground? (出示单词卡片,利用课件帮助学生理解单词 ground 的含义。 )Is it under the rock?Who has the nut?观看课件,完成问题。观看第二遍课件,教师提问:Does the squirrel like the nuts? Does he return the nut 4to Mocky? He likes the nut very much, but he returns the nut to Mocky. Hes great.我们应该向他

12、学习。(3)跟读课文(4)打开书,跟读课文,要求指读。(5)自己读。三、语言运用1.师生示范:教师呈现一幅卧室图:Look, there is a bedroom. In the bedroom, there are a lot of things. But I dont know what they are.(教师指图下放的四幅小图片。 )Who can tell me? Where is the doll?让拥有另一幅图的学生来回答,教师用笔在如上做好记号。2.生生互动调查。设计意图:由于学生的图片不同,学生之间自然存在信息沟,孩子们都希望了解自己涂上物品的位置,从而产生交流的欲望。交流的

13、欲望是语言交流的前提和动力。此外,本项活动将语言要求提高到句子实际运用的高度,学生还要正确地认读和记录所得的信息并向全班学生汇报调查结果,使语言学习上了一个新的台阶。同时调查活动将语言,信息归纳、整理等技能巧妙结合,促进学生能力的全面发展。四、Set the homework:1. Read the text.2. Remember these words. Use them describe your house.Lesson Two教学目标:1.学习有关方位和物品的单词,达到熟练认读,能拼写简单的单词的程度。2.进行听力训练,巩固本单元的功能句型和核心词汇。教学重点:1.正确熟练地认读单词

14、。2.完成听力训练。教学难点:能够正确区分有关方位的单词。教学准备:教学卡片、录音机、配套光盘。教学过程:一、Review:1. Greetings.52. Read the text after the tape.3.Flashcards activity:(1)用教学卡片,复习课文中出现的单词。in, on, under, behind, in front of(2)依次拿起每张卡片,提问:Where is the cat?引导学生回答:The cat is (in) the (box). / Its (in) the (box).(3)师生问答。二、Words to learn:(一)学

15、习方位介词:1.教师呈现配套光盘中的单词,引导学生观察表示方位的单词。2.师生问答:T:Where is the (boy)?S:The (boy) is (in) the car.3.学习单词 next to(1)引导学生看图片。(2)师生问答:T:Who is he?S:He is Tommy.T:Where is Tommy?若学生能够回答出,则让学生来教授单词。若学生不能正确回答出,则点击课件,让学生跟读。T:Where is Tommy?S:Tommy is next to the car.指生反复说。(教学意图:根据学生的不同情况来安排教学活动,可以发挥学生的自主性。 )4.滚动复

16、习:(1)教师说表示方位的介词,让学生来做手势。(2)教师做动作,学生说单词。(3)教师做动作,学生不仅要说单词,而且要说出他们的拼写。(二)学习物品的单词:1.教师用配套光盘出示单词,引导学生观察。2.教师提问:哪些单词是你已经学过的?3.让已经会的学生来教单词。估计:bed, chair, desk, sofa64.教师点击光盘,学习其余单词。5.滚动复习:(1)教师出示教学卡片,让学生认读。(2)拼写练习:利用发音,记忆单词拼写。拼写练习:b d ch fl r d sk s f 三、Listen to this:1.示范:(1)指第一幅图片,引导学生观察。(2)师生问答:What can you see in this picture? (a hat and a table)Where is the hat? (The hat is on the table.)2.用同样的方法完成其余的图片。3.放录音,逐句停顿,


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