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1、小升初英语每日一练(22)一、单项选择1. The teacher asked the students _ computer games for too long.A.dont play B.didnt play C.not to play D.not play2. The doctor doesnt feel well today, _ he still works very hard.A.but B.and C.so D.or3. The smile on my mothers face showed that she was _with me.A.sad B.pleased C.ang

2、ry D. sorry4. Youd better _the book to others.A.dont lend B.not to lend C.didnt lend D.not lend5. The text is very easy for you. There are _new words in it.A.a few B.a little C. few D.little6. The box is_far for the boy_reach.A.too.to. B.to; too C.so;that D.no;to7. May I use your dictionary? I want

3、to _a word.A.look at B.look for C.look after D.look up8. -Would you like some chicken ?-_.Ive had enough.A. Yes, thank you. B.No, thanks C.Thats all right D.Just fine.二、阅读理解Long,long ago people made the first lightening(闪电).But they had to keep the fire burning,for they couldnt start it again if the

4、re was no lighting.Later,they found out hitting two pieces of stone together could make a spark(火花).The spark could fire dry leaves.In this way they could make the fire again if it went out .Then people also learned to make a fire by rubbing(摩擦).They made a hole on a piece of wood and put a smaller

5、stick into the hole. They turned the stick again and again.After a few minutes they got a fire.As years went by, people learned other way to make a fire.Sometimes they used the heat from the sun.They held a piece of glass in the right way and made a piece of paper on fire.About two centuries ago, pe

6、ople began to make matches.Matches brought people a quick and easy way to make fires.Today matches are still being used, but people have more new ways to make fires.One of them is to use an electric fire starter.Of course an electric fire starter is much more expensive then a box of matches, But it

7、is very useful.1. From the text we know that a spark can_.A.fire and leaves B.burn anythingC.burn dry leaves D.keep fire burning2. We can also get a fire by_.A.making a hole on a big piece of woodB.putting the smaller stick into the holeC.turning the stick hard for a whileD.all above together3. Matc

8、hes have been used _.A.for about two thousand yearsB.for about two hundred yearsC.since people began to use fire for cookingD.since people used the heat from the sun4. From the text, we know that _.A.electric fire starters are widely usedB.people havent used matches since they had electric fire star

9、tersC.today there are only two ways to make fireD.some forest fires happen from lighting5. Which of the following is the right order of the ways to make fires that people got to know?a.with a match b.from the sunc. from lightening d.by rubbinge. with an electric fire starterA.a,b,c,d,c B.b,c,a,e,dC.c,d,b,a,e D.d,a,c,b,e


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