高中英语 unit2 sporting events reading课件2 牛津译林版必修4

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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 (模块四 高一下学期) Advance with EnglishAdvance with English Language items 课件描述: 用多种方式的展现帮助学生学习 课文中出现的十个语言点。 1. delighted adj. (very pleased, very happy) be at sth. / to do sth. / that 我对你的进步很欣慰。 Im delighted at your progress. Im delighted to see your progress. Im delighted that you have made

2、much progress. delight n. (find pleasure in sth. / doing sth.) take in sth. / doing sth. I take great delight in your progress. I take great delight in finding your progress. 让我感到欣喜的是,你取得了很大的进步。 _ _ _, you have made great progress. To my delight 2. compete v. in with for 刘翔在奥运会上和其他的运动员一起争夺冠军。 Liu Xi

3、ang competed with other athletes in the Olympic Games for the gold medal. competition n. 竞赛 competitor n. 竞争者 competitive adj. 竞争的,竞争性的 3. separate adj. / v. separation n. They sleep in one room, but on separate beds. A from B They go back home together, but separate at the crossing. England and Fra

4、nce are separated by the English Channel. England is separated from France by the English Channel. The English Channel separates England from France. divide v. into I would like to divide the whole class into four groups. 4. honour n. / v. in honour of show great respect for honourable adj. 光荣的 1. T

5、hat was a great _ for his parents , as well as himself. 2. Our school held a party _ the teacher who has taught 30 years. 3. They had a parade _ the heroes who librated the city sixty years ago. honour in honour of / to honour in honour of / to honour 4. Teaching is an _ career. 5. The Olympic Games

6、 are considered as _ games. honourable honourable 5. side by side 肩并肩 hand in hand 手拉手 arm in arm 臂挽着臂 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 back to back 背靠背 heart to heart 心连心 face to face 面对面 A true friend is someone who works with you _whenever you are in trouble. Before you get the job, we will have an inter

7、view _. Stand _ and well see which one of you is taller. side by side face to face back to back Fill in the blanks with the phrases on the left. shoulder to shoulder 6. light v.点燃,照亮 lighted-lighted lit- lit The previous champion returned gladly to light the Olympic Flame. The stadium was lit by the

8、 lighted torch. 7. recognize Translate the following sentences into Chinese. The Great Wall is recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. 长城被公认为世界的七大奇观之一。 I did not recognize her when she entered as she had had her hair dyed. 当她进来的时候,我没有意识到她把头发染了。 They recognized that this was an unpleasan

9、t choice for them to have to make. 最后他们承认这是他们不得不做出的很不愉快的选择。 The board finally recognized him as the new CEO. 董事会最终批准他做新的首席执行长官。 8. record n. 记录,记载,唱片 v. 记录 He _a lot of language points and grammar in his _book. keep a record保持记录 break the record打破纪录 set / make a record创造一个记录 recorder n. 录音机 recorded

10、 record 9. absence n. absent adj. presence n. present adj. They spoke ill of him in the absence of the boy. in the boys absence.缺席 In the absence of any further evidence, the police were able to solve the murder. 缺少 Absence of rain caused the plants to die. 缺乏 absent adj. 不在场的,缺乏的 absent-minded adj.

11、 心不在焉的 10. attempt n. / v. 尝试,试图 The prisoner made an attempt to escape, but he was shot to death. The prisoner was shot to death in an attempt to escape. He was shot to death at the first attempt. The prisoner attempted to escape. an escape. Write a short story as you like by using the words we learn in class in 120 words.


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