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1、2016 POWERPOINT模板 互联网+ 智慧* * contents 背景分析 解决方案实施方案 投资回报 1 23 4 1 背景分析 These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factories , dumped solid wastes from many technical operations ,and the deterioration of workers health in many factoriesmines and other industrial operations . Backgr

2、ound 刚性消费 服务消费 其他消费 中国家庭在住房1.5公里范围内的消费构成 物业管理 保洁护理 吃喝 玩乐 出行 日常采购 其他美容教育 其他服务 数据来源:*研究中心 住户的心理诉求 更方便更便捷更便宜更友爱 能不出门 就不出门 ,即使出 门就在附 近 过程简化, 效率提高。 服务上门, 便捷简单 超出预期 占了便宜, 便宜常有 满足消费 微笑服务, 尊老爱幼, 伸手互助, 和谐邻里 地产商心理诉求 综合运营 持续盈利 $ $ 提升服务质量强化管理水平 These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of facto

3、ries , dumped solid wastes from many technical operations ,and the deterioration of workers health in many factoriesmines and other industrial operations . These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factories , dumped solid wastes from many technical operations ,and the deteriorat

4、ion of workers health in many factoriesmines and other industrial operations . 2 解决方案 These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factories , dumped solid wastes from many technical operations ,and the deterioration of workers health in many factoriesmines and other industrial oper

5、ations . Solution 解决方案核心思想 12 3 体验盈利数据 充分考虑业主、物业和运营方的需求,形成全面解决方案。 These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factories These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factories These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factories 整体解决方案 服务系统 管理系统 运

6、营系统 These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factories , dumped solid wastes from many technical operations ,and the deterioration of workers health in many factoriesmines and other industrial operations . These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factories ,

7、 dumped solid wastes from many technical operations ,and the deterioration of workers health in many factoriesmines and other industrial operations . These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factories , dumped solid wastes from many technical operations ,and the deterioration of

8、 workers health in many factoriesmines and other industrial operations . 服务系统载体 物管呼叫中心智能快件箱物管APP业主APP 缴停车费 小区通知便民服务 优惠券 游戏点卡投诉保修 周边优惠 缴物业费 呼叫中心服务目标 多渠道报事整合 信息扁平化 全透明管控 有效闭环 数据积累与分析 呼叫中心服务流 业 主 物 业 400电 话 业主 APP 其他 (物业中 心、管家电 话、现场保 修等) 物管呼叫中心CRM系统 物管APP 监控中心 派单完成 异常 回访 END 智能快件箱创造新盈利模式 1 1 2 2 3 3 4

9、4 24小时不间断服务 具备基本收发件功能 多种业务集成,新广 告载体 取件流量转化,形成 新的盈利点 These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factorie These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factorie These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factorie These include the pollution of wate

10、r and air by the wastes of factorie APP的不同体验 业主APP 物业APP 家电 维修 电脑 维修 家政 服务 车位 查询 小区 话题 紧急 呼叫 物业 维修 超市 送货 快递 通知 社区 医疗 送餐 服务 服务 管理 巡更 管理 停车 管理 信息 发布 社区 医疗 商户 管理 云服务 物业 管理 车辆自动识别放行 车位锁自动感应开关 1 2 车辆进出 车辆停放 u 智能识别车牌 u 自动开闸 u 快速通行 u 车位锁远程感应 u 自动开关 u 停放便捷 进出车辆管理 O2O流量变现 核心竞争力 活跃APP 用户 业主APP 智能快件箱 手机号码 信息发布

11、 物业APP 流量变现 商家入驻 商圈服务 广告载体 服务推广 3 实施方案 These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factories , dumped solid wastes from many technical operations ,and the deterioration of workers health in many factoriesmines and other industrial operations . Implementation 实施计划 2015年9月 2016年9月 20

12、17年9月 1 2 3 智慧地产服务系统 智慧地产管理系统 智慧地产运营系统 项目启动 服务系统、 管理系统 正式上线 全部上线 方案编写实施开发调试 验 收 上 线 方案编写实施开发调试 验 收 上 线 4 投资回报 These include the pollution of water and air by the wastes of factories , dumped solid wastes from many technical operations ,and the deterioration of workers health in many factoriesmines and other industrial operations . Profit 盈利模式 智慧地产运营系统采购 商圈运营 收益分成 智慧地产运营系统销售 商圈运营支持 收益分成 运营方 *方 合作共赢 谢谢观赏 By 小亭笑谈不知 暮 thanks


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