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1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式 *1 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 Unit TwoUnit Two Clear or Cloudy? 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 Part I Getting Ready o A. The following words and phrases will appear in this unit. All of them are related to weather and some are frequently used in weather fo

2、recast. Listen carefully and study the definitions. o1. freezing point: 冰点 o2. relative humidity: 相对湿度 o3. calm: 平静的,安宁的 o4. barometric pressure: 大气压 o5. widely scattered: 分散的,散开的 o6. shower: 阵雨,阵雪 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 Part I Getting Ready o7. lo

3、ws: 低点,低温点 cf: highs o8. variable: 可变化的 o9. thunderstorm: 雷雨 o10. gale: 大风 = degree(s) centigrade/celsius = degree(s) Fahrenteit C= 5(F-32)/9 F=9C/5+32 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 B. You are going to hear five statements about temperature. Write down al

4、l the degrees in both Centigrade (C) and Fahrenheit (F). 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 1.The freezing point of water is 0 or 32 . 2.The boiling point of water is 100 or 212 . 3.The normal body temperature is 37 or 98.6 . 4.The temperture on a warm spring

5、day is 15 or 59 . 5.The temperture on a hot summers day is 35 or 95 . 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 A weather forecast is given several times a day on TV and on the radio. The man who predicts weather conditions is called the weatherman. In most English s

6、peaking countries, the weatherman usually speaks with a personal and friendly tone. He acts as if he is chatting with a friend about what the weather will be like. 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 C. You are going to hear a report on weather around the world

7、. Complete the following table. 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 CityCountryTimeWeatherTemperatur e New York USA7:10 a.m. Sunny30 AuclandNew Zealand 11:10 a.m. Cloudy 7 BeijingChina7:10 p.m. Clear19 CalcuttaIndia4:40 p.m. Rainy33 HonoluluUSA1:00 a.m. Windy30

8、 Melbourn e Australia9:10 p.m. Clear10 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 Mexico city Mexic o 5:10 a.m. Rainy24 MoscowRussia 2:10 p.m. Sunny26 ParisFrance 12:10 p.m. Clear27 San Francisco USA3:10 a.m. Cloudy21 Sao PauloBrazil8:10 a.m. Rainy14 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人

9、之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 Part II Weather Reports Another important reason why people talk about the weather in Britain is that its so unpredictable. You can never tell what the weathers going to be like from one day to the next. You may listen to the weather forecast

10、 on radio, TV, or telephone. But often the weather change faster than the weatherman can predict. But still many people have formed a habit of listening to the weather forecast in the morning. 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 Part II Weather Reports oA. You

11、are going to hear a weather report for the UK. Write down all the words that the weatherman uses to describe the weather. 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 Southwestcool, warm, sunshine Around London Southeast dry, cloudy Midlandscloudy, showers North Walesfo

12、g patches South Waleswindy Northeastcloudy, rain, heavy rain Scotlandsleet, snow Northern Irelandrain, very cold 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 B. You are going to hear a National Weather Service forecast for the Chicago, Illinois area. Pay special attenti

13、on to the temperatures. Fill in the following chart with information about temperatures from the report. Note that where there is a dash () , there is nothing to write. All the time periods mentioned in the report have been filled in for you. 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、

14、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 TimeTemperature () 10 p.m.Lakefront: 76 Midway:76 OHare: 74 LowsHighs TonightLower 70s- Tomorrow-Upper 80s 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 Tomorrow night Middle 60s- Tuesday-Around 90 Wednesday Thursday Friday Upper 60s90 to 95 C. Now try

15、this: listen to a more authentic version of the weather report. Pay more attention to the other features of the weather. Take notes on the chart below. Note that where there is a dash (),there is nothing to write. 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 TimeWeather

16、 Description Humid ity WindBarometri c Pressure 10 p.m.-66%Calm30.08 and rising TonightCloudy, widely Scattered showers -Light and variable - Tomorrow Sunny, warm-South winds, 5-10 miles per hour - Tomorrow night Fair- Tuesday Sunny, hotHumid - 道德是一定社会、一定阶级调节人与人之间、个体与社会、个体与自然之间各种关系的行为规范的总和。这种规范是靠社会舆论、传统习惯、教育和内心信念来维持的。 TimeWeather Description Humid ity WindBarometric Pressure ThursdayFair- FridayCloudy, thunderstor ms - Part III A


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