九年级英语全册 Unit 5 You’re supposed to shake hands The Third Period教案 鲁教版五四制

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1、Unit 5 Youre supposed to shake hands.The Third Period Section A 3a3cTeaching aims(教学目标)【学习目标】知识目标:能熟练说出和写出本话题的功能句:1. Where Im from, were pretty relaxed about time.2. Often we just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can! 3. We often just drop by our friends homes.4. Its

2、very important to be on time.5. We usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere together. 通过学习,能正确写出本课课标词及短语:value, everyday, capital, noon, mad, traffic, somewhere.理解以下短语: drop by, get mad, make an effort. 技能目标: 能够运用目标语言谈论不同国家对于时间的不同看法以及与朋友交往的礼仪。 情感态度: 学会比较不同文化的差异,风俗和礼仪,增强人际交往能力。Diffic

3、ulties(难点):通过学习,掌握以下句型:1. Where Im from, were pretty relaxed about time.2. Often we just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can! 3. We often just drop by our friends homes.4. Its very important to be on time.5. We usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewher

4、e together. 熟练掌握以下词汇:value, everyday, capital, noon, mad, traffic, somewhere.Teaching steps(教学步骤)Before reading 1. Discuss in groups: What are you supposed to do when you meet people from France for the first time?2. Pair work: A: What are you supposed to do when you meet people from France for the

5、first time?B: You are supposed to when you meet people from France for the first time.教学设计说明:复习旧知,导入新课。While reading1. 出示学习目标。1. Skimming: 快速浏览3a,回答下列问题:1) Are they relaxed about time in Colombia?2) Whats the attitude towards time in Switzerland?2. Scanning: 1) 仔细阅读3a, 判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. In Colombia,

6、 its OK if you arrive a bit late for a dinner.( ) 2. People in Colombia usually make plans to meet their friends.( ) 3. In Switzerland, people are pretty relaxed about time.( ) 4. In Switzerland, people never visit a friends house without calling first. 2) 再细读3a , 完成课本3b的表格。教学设计说明:利用不同的学习策略,指导学生用不同的

7、方法,一步一步熟悉文本。3) 根据你对课文的理解,用适当的短语填空。In Colombia, people are pretty 1. _ time. They dont like to 2. _. They often just 3. _ their friends homes. They dont usually have to 4. _to meet their friends. Often they just walk around the town center, seeing 5. _ many of their friends _ they can.In Switzerland,

8、 its very important to 6. _. Theyre the land of clocks and watches, 7. _. They never visit a friends house without 8. _. They usually make plans to see friends. They usually 9. _ something interesting, or go somewhere together.教学设计说明:利用这一环节,对重点句进一步巩固.3. Reading up (研读):1)自主学习找出重、难点。2)合作探究细读全文,提出疑难问题

9、,小组讨论,互助解答。通过合作探究,还有未能解决的疑难问题吗?_4. Reading and retelling (朗读与复述):1) 听录音跟读,注意语音、语调。2) 比较Colombia和Switzerland两个国家在社交礼仪上的不同之处,试着复述课文,并在小组内交流。教学设计说明:利用这一环节,对重点句进一步巩固.并在跟读中掌握更加准确发音。观察与思考:1) Often we just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can!(1) 此句中seeing as many of our fri

10、ends as we can 是现在分词短语作_。(2) 在as many of our friends as we can中as as one can 意为_,相当_,两个as中间要使用形容词或副词的_。 注意:如果前句用了过去式,固定句式asas sb. can 中的can 应改为_。练习:用所给词的适当形式填空。1) They woke up the other family members, _ (call) out “Merry Christmas!”2) You should practice speaking English as_ (often) as you can. 3)

11、写出第二句的同义句:You should practice speaking English _ _ _ _.After reading 1. Pair work : 与同桌一起编一个对话,讨论在Colombia和Switzerland人们对于事物的不同的态度,你可以借助一下句型:What kinds of rules do they have in Colombia?How about the rules in Switzerland?Its to do 2. Pair work: 一个同学是Teresa, 另一个同学是Marc, Teresa迟到了,Marc很生气。(1) 浏览课本3a中的对话开头,然后完成对话。(2) 可以借助以下句型:Its polite to Its impolite to 教学设计说明:小组讨论中掌握语言知识点,完成语言输出目标。Homework向你的朋友介绍一些社交礼仪。说一说需要用到本课的哪些短语或句子。你们班里要评选文明标兵,请你写出自己心目中的文明标兵的标准,注意使用目标语言“ be supposed to”。儿童心理发展是有顺序的,这是由遗传决定的,不会因为各种外部环境的影响,或者学习、训练的作用而发生改变,出现心理发展的超越或逆转。人类个体从出生到成熟再到衰老的过程中心理的发生发展。既是个体自身发展成熟的过程,又是一个社会化的过程。3


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