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1、华中科技大学 博士学位论文 专利权利用的制度性风险研究 姓名:蒋逊明 申请学位级别:博士 专业:技术经济及管理 指导教师:朱雪忠 20061026 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 I 摘摘 要要 促进专利权的利用既是专利制度的价值目标,也是一些国家专利战略的重要内 容。然而我国专利权利用及其相关制度对专利权价值的充分利用存在着制度性风 险,这也是我国专利技术转化率不高的重要原因之一。 通过分析研究,本文得出以下结论: (1)职务发明专利权归属制度不合理,是当前制约专利权自主实施的最大制 度性风险。对于利用单位物质技术条件所完成的发明创造,通过合同约定将发

2、明人 或者设计人作为发明创造的专利权人,或者由发明人或者设计人与其所在单位共 有,均不利于专利权的自主实施。从职务发明专利权归属制度效率价值目标和公平 价值目标实现的角度考虑,职务发明专利权以归属于发明人或者设计人所在单位为 宜。 (2)专利实施许可制度侧重于保证专利权人对许可实施专利权的控制,其利 益的天平倾斜于专利权人,对被许可人而言存在着较大的风险,不利于专利实施许 可。建议作如下修改:其一,建立默认许可制度、完善许可人对专利权无效的瑕疵 担保责任以及赋予专利许可实施权可转让、质押、出资的法律地位。其二,许可人 破产时,赋予被许可人相应的解除合同或者保留专利实施权的选择权,并明确界定 许

3、可人和被许可人选择权的行使条件、效力范围,以及进一步规范解除权行使的制 度措施。其三,构建破产法上的专利实施许可合同转让制度。 (3)限制出质专利权转让、许可实施,质权人对专利权利用情况缺乏知情权 和对由此产生的收益缺乏控制权,对专利权质押担保乃至专利权价值的充分利用存 在着风险。建议对专利质押担保制度作如下修改:其一,赋予出质人对出质专利权 享有转让、实施、许可实施的权利;其二,规定出质人在转让、实施、许可实施出 质专利权时对质权人负通知的义务,以及对由此产生的收益向与质权人约定的第三 人提存的义务。 (4)共有专利权利用制度设计不合理以及各共有人之间的机会主义对共有专 利权的利用存在着风险

4、。建议对共有专利权利用制度作如下修改:其一,赋予共有 专利权人对共有专利权享有实施权、普通实施许可权并分享由此产生的利益;其二, 赋予按份共有专利权人对其应有部分的出质权;其三,在专利权的维持和司法行政 保护方面,实行各共有专利权人各自承担其行为的后果。鉴于共有专利权人之间的 机会主义所引起的风险总会存在,制度的修正也无法化解所有的风险,提出了防范 风险的管理对策。 关键词:关键词:专利权 自主实施 实施许可 质押 风险 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 II Abstract To promote the use of patent is not onl

5、y the universal objective of patent system, but also an important part of patent strategies in some countries. However, in China, there exist system risks in the use of patent and relevant institutions which limit the full exploitation of patent value and lead to low transfer rate of patented techno

6、logies. Through careful analysis on the current patent system of China and its potential impacts, this dissertation concludes as follows: (1) At present, the biggest system risk that restricts independent enforcement of patent license is the unreasonable ownership system of service invention-creatio

7、n. For inventions accomplished with company material and technical service, whether the licensors are appointed to be the inventors or designers or to be the inventors or designers and the companies by contractual agreements is not conducive to the independent enforcement of patent license. From the

8、 efficiency and fairness perspective, the service invention patent should belong to the inventors or designers companies. (2) The running enforcement system of patent license in china inclines to ensure the licensors control over patents while leaves the licensees to bear more risks, which is not co

9、nducive to patent licensing. Therefore, suggestions are proposed: First, establish implied license system, improve the patent invalid flaws in the implementation of the licensors security responsibilities and endow the right to enforcement of patent license with legal status of transfer, pledge and

10、investing. Second, the licensees have the options to cancel the license contracts or continue to perform the license, where the licensors are bankrupted. Clearly define the exercise conditions and effectiveness scope of both licensors and licensees option rights, and further regulate measures of exe

11、rcising rights to cancel. Third, construct patent licensing contract transfer system in the Bankruptcy Law. (3) Restrictions are put on the transfer and license implementation of the pledged patent. Pledgeors are deprived of the rights to know the use of patents and to control the corresponding reve

12、nue. Risks exist in the patent pledge system and limit full utilization of patent value. Recommendations of the patent pledge system are as follows: First, pledgeors are endowed with the rights to transfer, implement and license the pledged patent; Second, pledgees have rights to know the transfer,

13、implementation and license implementation, and to some extent, to control the resulting benefits. 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 博博 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 III (4) Unreasonable system and opportunism between part owners incur risks to the use of joint patents. Recommendations are as follows: First, endow joint licensors

14、with the rights to implement, commonly implement the joint patents and share the resulting profits ; Second, endow joint licensor with the rights to pledge the joint patent in his own share; third, in the course of maintenance and judicative and administrative protection of joint patents, licensors

15、resume separately the consequences of his actions. Given that opportunism between part owners will always incur risks and amendments of system couldnt solve all problems, some managerial precautions against risks have been proposed. Key Words: Patent Independent Enforcement License Pledge Risk 独创性声明

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