九年级英语下册 Module 1 Travel Unit 1 The flight was late学案(无答案) 外研版

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1、Unit 1 The flight was late学习目标:1.Key vocabulary 重点词汇airplane coach departure lounge transport 2.Key phrases 重点短语departure lounge full of because of have a good time by bus/coach3.Key structures 重点句式 The trip back was very long.I had to stand for over six hours.Its the busiest season in China because

2、 of Spring Festival.Better get back to work.Well have a great time.学习重难点:1.The words, useful expressions and the grammar。2. The usage of the attributive clause。学习过程:导 学 案 设 计达成情况1、 自主学习Read and write the words of Unit 1, try to remember.2、Listen and answer the questions. (p2 2)3、Listen again and com

3、plete the table.(p2 3)4、Listen and read. (p 2 4)二、合作探究 1、文中又不理解的地方或有不会读的生词吗?(提出组内解决) 2、你能和小组内其他同学朗读对话,并能翻译下来吗?(可以齐读,也可以分角色读。) 3、Read and complete the chart. (p3 5)4、Read again and answer the questions.(p3 6)5、Read for the third time and complete the sentenses.6、Listen again and find out the difficul

4、ties.三、课堂检测. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词。1. They had some coffee in the l _ while they were waiting for the train.2. We can find various forms of t_ around us: bikes, cars, trucks, boats, etc3. She doesnt often travel in an a_ because she doesnt think its safe.4. A c_ is a large comfortable bus used for sightseei

5、ng or long-distance travel.5. The train is coming and every passenger is ready for d_. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1. This is one of _(busy) underground stations in London.2. And now, better _(go) to hospital.All right.3. Plenty of shops _(be) open on Sunday mornings.4. Its only about an hours _(fly) from Qingd

6、ao to Beijing by air.5. There w ill be a school _(leaver) party next week. 根据汉语意思翻译下面的句子(每空一词)。1. 由于下雨,他来迟了。He arrived late _ _ _ the rain.2. 在街的尽头,有一家购物中心。There is a shopping centre _ _ _ _ the street.3. 他 们在北京过得非常愉快。They _ _ _ _ _ in Beijing .4. 我们都盼望着寒假。We are all _ _ _ _ the wint er holidays.5. 明天他将乘飞机从香港返回。Hes _ _from Hong Kong tomorrow.四、知识视窗1、各种交通工具的名称,你能用英语说出来吗?2、Can you make a conversation about your holiday with your partner?学后反思儿童心理发展是有顺序的,这是由遗传决定的,不会因为各种外部环境的影响,或者学习、训练的作用而发生改变,出现心理发展的超越或逆转。人类个体从出生到成熟再到衰老的过程中心理的发生发展。既是个体自身发展成熟的过程,又是一个社会化的过程。3



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