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1、山西省忻州市第六中学2015届上学期九年级期中考试英语试题(客观卷)75分.听力(15分)一、听对话。根据对话内容选择正确的图片,每组对话读两次。二、对话理解:请听对话,根据其内容选择最佳答案,每组对话读两次(5)( )6.A. A doctor。 B.A teacher. C. A manager.( )7.A.She went to the library. B. She went to the museum.C. She went to the cinema.( )8.A.Do the dishes. B. Do his homework. C.Cook dinner.( )9.A.On

2、 Friday. B.On Thursday. C.On Wednesday.( )10.A. A pair of gloves. B. A pair of pants. C. A pair of shoes.三、语篇理解,根据短文内容,选出最佳答案,短文读两次(5分)( )11.When do the Browns always go shopping?A.On Sunday morning. B.On Monday morning. C.On Saturday morning.( )12.Why does Mr.Brown always sit in the car and wait fo

3、r his wife?A. Because he enjoys the car very much.B. Because he doesnt like going shopping.C. Because he wants to read some newspapers.( )13. Were there a lot of people in the shop that morning?A. Yes, there were. B.No, there werent. C. We have no idea.( )14.Who came up to Mr.Brown while he was sitt

4、ing in the car? A. A man. B. A policeman. C.A friend of his.( )15.Which of the following is true according to the passage? A.Mrs.Brown felt ill. B. Mrs.Brown didnt have enough money with her. C. Mrs.Brown met an old friend. 单项选择(15分)( )16.How do you learn English? I learn English practicing conversa

5、tions with friends. A.on B.by C.in ( )17.My cousin Mary was born a singing voice. A.from B.in C.with( )18.David finds difficult to communicate with his parents A.one B.it C.this( )19.We all know travel can our knowledge of the world.A.discover B.develop C.increase( )20.How about dressing up as goast

6、s on Halloween?. What should we prepare?A.Have a good time B.I don t think so C.That sounds like fun( )21.The song Where did the time go? Tells us that our parents grow old withoutbeing noticedWe should stay with them as as possible.A.often B.soon C.littleA. often B. seldom C. almost( )22.I used to

7、in the morning, but now Im used to before going to bed.A. read ; read B. reading ; read C. read ; reading( )23. What do you think of my shirt ? It cotton. It looks nice on you.A. is make in B.is made of C. is made into( )24.Do you have in Beijing? Yes. My aunt and uncle live there. A. cousins B. par

8、tners C.relatives( )25.I cant go to the meeting , but Ill send someone to speak for me.A.in danger B.over and over again C. in person( )26.Many trees and flowers in our city last year and they made our city a beautiful garden.A.have panted B.are planted C. were planted( )27.A. Mum, I did best in our

9、 group discussion today. Well done!I you. A.am mad at B.am patient with C.am proud of. 完形填空(151分=15分)Every child has his own dream . Every child hopes to be an adult . 31,is it really like what they imagine ? As a boy32 lives in modern times and in a modern city, I feel33pressure(压力)on me with the c

10、itys development.Although we34worry about money , we still have some 35 prpblems , such as competition among classmates and expectation (期望) from parents. These experiences are very 36 to our future. But 37 they really give me a lot of pressure. I still clearly 38 the happiness of my childhood . 39,

11、 we had to face the fact with time passing by. We began to 40 this invisible (无形的) pressure come upon us . We get up before sunrise and 41 after sunset. We work and study42 an adult ,even harder . 43 we do is in order to get an excellent 44 . Growing up is very boring ,but we 45 try to find happines

12、s while growing up . I think friendship among our friends , the support from our parents and the encouragement from our teachers can help us .Why not enjoy the pleasure of growing up and its delicious taste? 31. A. However B. And C.So 32. A. what B.who C.where33.A.less B.fewer C.greater34.A.always B

13、.often C.seldom35.A.other B.another C.others36.A.helpful B.happy C.bad37.A.at first B.for example C.in fact38.A.think B.remeber C.forget39.A.Luckily B.Unluckily C.Impossibly40.A.see B.touch C.feel41.A.come out B.come down C.come back42.A.as B.like C.alike43.A.What B.That C.How 44.A.progress B.mark C.success45.A.should B.shouldnt C.mustnt .阅读理解(一)(30分)


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