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1、上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 上海大学生对体育教学的审美需要研究 姓名:李俊勇 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:体育教育训练学 指导教师:阮恩茜 20080101 上海大学生对体育教学的审美需要研究 摘摘 要要 所谓“审美”主要是指美感的产生体验,而心理活动则指人的 知、情、意。审美需要是指在审美关系中,审美主体对审美客体的 一种渴求。学生的审美需要既能推动自身审美素质的提高,也能促 进教师审美素质的提高。在高校体育教学中,大学生的审美需要既 是学生认识体育、参与体育的动力,也是体育教师提高业务能力的 动力。 大学生作为社会的栋梁之材,在思想上已经成熟,他们的需要 在一定程度上反映了社会发展的趋势。他

2、们对体育教学的审美需要, 对推动高校体育教学的发展有着不可或缺的作用。 为了解大学生对体育教学的审美需要状况,本文主要采取以下 研究过程: 一、依据体育美学、学校体育和心理学等有关学科的理论知识, 探讨了大学生对体育教学的审美需要在人类需要中的位置,大学生 对体育教学审美的物质基础和心理基础,体育教学与大学生审美之 间的关系,体育教学中美的主要存在形式及特征分析。 二、研制了大学生对体育教学的审美需要调查问卷,采用因子 分析的方法,把体育教学中主要形式的美分为 7 个方面,即身体美、 运动美、服饰美、语言美、行为美、关系美以及环境美。在此基础 上,分析了上海市大学生对体育教学的审美需要。 结果

3、显示,大学生对体育教学中的运动、人际关系和行为的审 美需要最强烈;对体育教学环境的审美需要比较强烈;对身体、语 言和服饰的审美需要较弱。 男、女大学生相比,男大学生更喜欢行为美和语言美;而女大 学生更喜欢运动美和身体美。其他审美需要,男、女大学生不存在 差异。 文、理科大学生相比,文科大学生更喜欢体育教学环境美;而 理科大学生更喜欢行为美和语言美。其他审美需要,文、理科大学 生不存在差异。 三、根据高校体育教学中审美教育的情况和大学生的审美需要, 提出自己的建议,即重视体育美学的地位和作用,加强体育教师审 美素养的培养,在普通高校开设体育美学方面的选修课,注意根据 学生的性别和专业的不同审美需

4、要来开展体育教学,积极改善教学 环境。 关键词关键词: 大学生,体育教学,审美,需要,审美需要 Research of Aesthetics Needs of University Students in Shanghai City in PE Teaching Abstract “Aesthetics” named manly refers to the experience of aesthetic feeling, however, in physiological actions refers to the perception, emotion, and consciousness.

5、 The needs of aesthetics refer to one kind of greed, when the body of aesthetics appreciates the object of aesthetics in the relation of the appreciation. The needs of aesthetics not only make the university students improve in the push of perfect, but also make the teachers of PE perfect. In the PE

6、 teaching of university, the university student needs of aesthetics is one motivation that the students know the PE, one motivation that the students take part in PE, on motivation that the teachers improve themselves in aspect of occupation ability, and it makes the art of teaching improve. As the

7、talent of the society, the students have their own thoughts, and the needs of them imply the tendency of the society in some degree. The needs of the university students in aesthetics will make the teaching of PE improve. In order to know the condition of the aesthetic needs when the university stud

8、ents appreciate the kinds of aesthetics in PE teaching, this paper will use the following research processes. Firstly, based on the theory knowledge of PE aesthetics and philosophy and so on, this paper discusses the relationship of PE teaching and Aesthetics, the bases on substance and psychology,

9、the form and characteristic of aesthetics, the parts of the psychology to improve the university PE teaching in theory. Secondly, this paper develops a questionnaire used for investing aesthetics needs of university students. And by using factor-analyzing methods, all kinds of forms aesthetics have

10、been divided into seven parts, such as the body aesthetics, the sport aesthetics, the trapping aesthetics, the language aesthetics, the behavior aesthetics, the relationship aesthetics, and the environment aesthetics. Based on the seven parts, this paper discusses the university student aesthetics n

11、eeds in PE teaching in Shanghai city. The results show that the university students need the sport aesthetics eagerly, and this need takes the first place. The behavior aesthetics and the relationship aesthetics take the second place. The body aesthetics, the language aesthetics and the environment

12、aesthetics are following. And the trapping aesthetics takes the last place. By analyzing the aesthetics between the male university students and the female university students, the results show that the male university students need less body aesthetics and sport aesthetics than the female universit

13、y students do. However, they need more language aesthetics and behavior aesthetics than female university students. And it is no difference between the female university students and the male university students in other aesthetics needs. By analyzing the aesthetics between classicality and science,

14、 the results show that the science university students need more language aesthetics than the classicality university students do, however, they need less environment aesthetics than classicality university students. And it is no difference between the classicality university students and the scienc

15、e university students in other aesthetics needs. Thirdly, based on the education of aesthetics and the aesthetics needs of university students, this paper suggests that the accomplishments of the university PE teachers should be improved, optional courses about aesthetics should be opened, the PE te

16、aching should be attended based on the sex and the major, and the teaching environment should be improved actively. Key Words: University Students, PE Teaching, Aesthetics, Needs, Aesthetics Needs 上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下, 独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容 外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品 成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以 明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名:李俊勇 日期:2008 年 3 月 13 日 上海交通大学 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定, 同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子 版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权上海交通大学可以将本学位 论文的


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