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1、成都中医药大学 博士学位论文 三黄方抗内毒素活性的药代动力学和药效学研究 姓名:邓翀 申请学位级别:博士 专业:中药学 指导教师:张艺 2008-05 成都中医药大学博士学位论文 课题来源: 国家自然科学基金 用结构方程模型解析大黄蒽醌肠粘膜作用的 P K - P D相关性研究( 3 0 7 7 2 7 6 4 ) 、 泻心汤有效组分对内毒素炎症介质及 i N O S 基因表达的影响(3 0 3 7 1 7 5 6 ) 摘 要 三黄方首载于金匮要略,由大黄、黄连和黄芩三味中药组成,具有清热 燥湿、泻火解毒等功效,临床多用于热毒证治疗。热毒证与内毒素血症临床症状 相似,而清热解毒法作为治疗热毒证

2、的主法贯穿于治疗的始末。本文在中医药理 论的指导下,遵循病证结合、方证关联、药与证对应、理法方药统一的原则,提 出三黄方可以治疗内毒素血症的研究思路。 目的: 本文以抗内毒素活性为切入点, 开展三黄方抗内毒素血症的药代动力学和药 效学实验研究,并对三黄方制剂体外抗内毒素活性进行比较,以揭示三黄方有效 组分与药效的关系,阐明其作用机理,为三黄方制剂临床应用提供科学依据。 方法: 1 三黄方制剂体外抗内毒素活性及其化学指纹图谱研究 采用动态浊度法, 对不同处方的十二个厂家三黄方制剂的体外抗内毒素活性 进行比较。并对十二个厂家的三黄方制剂进行化学指纹图谱初步研究,确认其共 有色谱峰,采用聚类分析和主

3、成分分析法进行数据分析,探讨影响三黄方制剂质 量差异的因素。然后,运用多元线性回归、双变量相关分析法和主成分分析法, 分析三黄方制剂化学指纹图谱和体外抗内毒素活性的相关性。 2 一清胶囊抗内毒素血症的药效学和药代动力学研究 根据前期实验结果并结合中医药理论, 本实验选择三黄方制剂体外抗内毒素 活性较强的制剂一清胶囊,作为三黄方的药效学和药代动力学研究的受试对象。 以血清中内毒素、 一氧化氮的含量、外周血流动力学、 组织形态学等为指标, 进行一清胶囊对LPS致犬内毒素血症模型的药效学研究。 根据预实验和参考文献,以大黄酸和黄芩苷为药代动力学研究的指标,开展 一清胶囊在空白给药组和模型给药组中的药

4、代动力学研究,测定黄芩苷、大黄酸 经时血药浓度。采用DAS软件分析黄芩苷、大黄酸的药代动力学参数,采用T检 验对空白给药组和模型给药组药代动力学参数进行分析。 在一清胶囊抗内毒素血症的药效学和药代动力学实验的基础上, 以血流动力 成都中医药大学博士学论文 学、清除内毒素率、抑制NO率为效应指标,黄芩苷、大黄酸的血药浓度为药代 动力学指标,探讨一清胶囊药代动力学指标和药效学指标的相关性。 结果: 1 三黄方制剂体外抗内毒素活性及其化学指纹图谱研究 不同三黄方制剂的化学成分差异较大,黄芩苷、大黄酸、大黄素是影响制剂 质量的主要因素。三黄方制剂中小檗碱、黄芩苷、大黄酸、大黄素、大黄酚、大 黄素甲醚等

5、化学成分和体外抗内毒素活性相关性较大。 2 一清胶囊抗内毒素血症的药效学和药代动力学研究 一清胶囊能够清除血清内毒素,抑制NO的过度释放,对外周血流动力学参 数具有明显的正性作用,还能够改善LPS致Beagle犬内毒素血症脏器组织形态学 的病理变化。总之,一清胶囊能够缓解内毒素血症引起的炎症反应。 对空白给药组和模型给药组药代动力学参数进行比较, 其中黄芩苷药代动力 学参数t1/2ka、Ka、MRT(0- 8) ,大黄酸药代动力学参数Cmax、Tmax、T1/2、Ka、K 都存在显著性差异。模型给药组相对于空白给药组,黄芩苷和大黄酸的吸收、代 谢速率明显减慢。 血药浓度- 效应曲线均呈现出逆时

6、针滞后环,效应的峰值滞后于血药浓度峰 值,效应室不在血液室,出现效应滞后于血药浓度的现象。 结论: 本实验综合采用药效学、化学指纹图谱、药代动力学等多学科研究模式,证 明了三黄方能够减轻内毒素引起的炎症反应;黄芩苷、大黄素、大黄酚、大黄酸、 大黄素甲醚等是三黄方抗内毒素活性的主要有效组分, 其中药理效应明显滞后于 血药浓度。 创新点: 1 提出了三黄方能够抗内毒素血症的研究思路, 这为三黄方治疗内毒素血症提 供了科学依据。 2 建立化学指纹图谱- 药效学( 体内和体外) - 药代动力学结合的方法评价三黄方 质量和药效。 关键词:三黄方;一清胶囊;指纹图谱;抗内毒素活性;药代动力学;药效学 成都

7、中医药大学博士学位论文 Abstract San- Huang Formula was firstly recorded in “Jingui Chamber“, composed by Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, Rhizoma Coptidis and Radix Scutellariae, with the function of clearing heat- fire, removing dampness and removing toxin, for the treatment of heat- toxin syndrome,which is similar to

8、endotoxemia. According to the characteristics of the principle of the treatment of heat- toxin syndrome, the method of clearing heat and removing toxin is constantly applied. Under the guidance of TCM theory, this paper is based on the research ideas that San- Huang Formula can treat endotoxemia, ob

9、eyed the principles of the combination of disease and syndrome, the relevance of formula and syndrome, the correspondence of drug and syndrome, and the unification of theory, method, formula and drug. OBJECTIVE Regarding the anti- toxin activity as the breakthrough point, this article had studied ph

10、armacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anti- endotoxemia of series of San- Huang preparations, and also compared anti- endotoxin activity, in order to reveal the relationship between effective components and effect of San- Huang Formula, elucidate its mechanism and provide scientific basis for the c

11、linical application. METHODS 1 San- Huang Formula anti- endotoxin activity in vitro and chemical fingerprints Compared with the anti- endotoxin activity in vitro of the different prescriptions of 12 manufacturers of San- Huang Formula, and preliminarily studied chemical fingerprints as well, all the

12、 major peaks had been confirmed by the method of the dynamic turbidity, with cluster analysis and principal component analysis to process statistical data. 2 the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodyamic research of Yiqing Capsule for anti- endotoxemia According to preliminary results combined with TCM the

13、ory, this experiment had been chosen Yiqing Capsule, one of San- Huang preparations with comparative anti- endotoxin activity in vitro. With the index of the content of endotoxin in the serum and NO, peripheral hemodynamics, histomorphology and so on, Yiqing Capsule had been studied the pharmacodyam

14、ics of LPS- induced Beagle endotoxemia, the pharmacokinetics of 成都中医药大学博士学位论文 treatment group and blank treatment group with baicalin and rhein as the index, and the determination of plasma concentration of baicalin and rhein which the pharmacokinetic parameters of had been analyzed by DAS. Treatmen

15、t group and blank treatment group had been compared the pharmacokinetic parameters by T- test. On the basis of the pharmacodynamic experiments of anti- endotoxemia of Yiqing Capsule, the relevance of the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic targets had been investigated with effective index of hemody

16、namics, the removal rate of anti- endotoxin and the inhibiting rate of NO. RESULTS 1 San- Huang Formula anti- endotoxin activity in vitro and Chemical fingerprints The results showed that the chemical compositions of San- Huang preparations were of great difference with the main factors of baicalin, rhein and emodin that affected the quality of preparations. The chemical compositions, such as berberine, baicalin,rhein,emodin,chrysophanol,and aloe- emodin,were correlated with anti- endo



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