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1、Towards Operational Excellence LEAN Practitioner Program,Single Minute Exchange of Dies 十分鍾內整法快速切換,SMED / Quick Changeover 快速切換,Lean,Performance Metrics 績效指標,There are many tools and techniques in the Lean tool box, all suited to different applications and circumstances.在LEAN工具箱中有許多工具和技巧,它們可以用于各種不同的

2、情況.,Layout Optimization/Cell 布局優化Cell,Shop Floor Management 車間管理,Total Productive Maintenance全面生產性維護,Material Control 物料控制,Error Proofing 防錯法,Value Stream Mapping 价值流程圖,Lean Diagnostic 精益診斷,Theory Of Constraints 瓶頸理論,Change Management 改變觀念,Lean Tools 精益工具,Contents,Training objectives培訓目的 What is a c

3、onversion/ changeover什么是切換 The mind shift改變觀念 Quick conversion and benefits快速切換及其好處 Lot size and inventory批量與庫存 The 8 Step Approach to reducing downtime降低停機時間的8個步驟,Terminology術語,Change Overs切換,Planned Maintenance (PMs)計划維護,Conversions切換,SMED Single Minute Exchange of Dies十分鐘內整法,Change Over Time Redu

4、ction降低切換時間,Set Up Time Reduction降低切換時間,Down Time Reduction降低停机時間,Training Objectives,Understand and explain the purpose and advantages of quick conversions理解並能解釋快速換模的目的及好處 Understand the major concepts driving quick conversions.理解快速換模的几個主要概念 Use quick conversion techniques to improve existing proce

5、dures, and hence;並因此使用快速換模的技巧來改善現存工序 Reduce non-production downtime within your working area.在妳的工作區域內減少停机時間. Understand the structure of the activities and what your role as a team member will be.理解這些活動的架构以及作為隊員妳扮演什么角色,After completion of this training you should be able to:,What is a Conversion Tim

6、e?何為切換?,Mindshift!改變觀念,Conversions are a problem, therefore Maximize lot sizesConvert less frequently!切換是一個問題因此應盡可能使批量做到最大這樣就可以減少切換的次數! Planned Maintenance activities are a problem - they take too long! 計划性維護是一個問題 太耗時了!,Conversions and Planned Maintenance activities are not the problem!切換及計划性維護不是問題!

7、 It is the time that conversions and Planned Maintenance activities take that is the problem!切換及計划性維護所花費的時間才是問題! More conversions are good, the paved the way for faster production throughput更多的切換是有利的!,The Mindshift - What is Possible?,You!,20 Minutes! (or maybe 15 if you are a big guy!),Formula 1 Te

8、am,8 Seconds!,Typical Benefits of Quick Conversions/PM快速切換/維護的典型好處,Quick Change- Over,Reduced Machine Downtime,Increase Machine Availability,Increase Machine Capacity,Increase New Productions Capability,Reduce Batch Sizes,Reduce Capital Expenditure,Reduce Inventory,Reduce tied down Financing Charges

9、,Reduce Lead-time,Creates Flexibility,LEVEL OF INVENTORY,Inventory Hides True Production Problems 存貨掩蓋了真正的生產問題,What are the rocks in your organization ?,DECREASING INVENTORY LEVEL,Slowly lowering the water line - Get rid of the rocks! 不停地降低水平線-清除石塊,Inventory Hides True Production Problems 存貨掩蓋了真正的生產

10、問題,Scenario 1 = 100,Lot Size,Average Inventory,Scenario 1 = 50,Scenario 3 = 12.5,A lot size reduction yields an equivalently significant reduction in inventory levels.批量降低將顯著降低庫存.,Quick Conversions means more flexible and higher productivity due to lower WIP 快速切換會降低庫存,提高彈性和生產力,The 8-Steps Approach,A

11、CT -,CHECK -,DO -,PLAN -,1 Document Current Changeover Elements 記錄目前工作要素,2 Separate Internal and External Activities 區分內部活動和外部活動,3 Shift Internal Activities to External 將內部活動轉化為外部活動,4 Locate Parallel Activities 确立平行作業,5 Streamline Internal/External Activities 优化內/外部活動,6 Trial the Short Term Plan 試運行

12、短期計划,7 Validate Procedure & Results 确認流程與結果,8 Document New Procedure 新流程文件化,Improvement,Work Sequence工作順序 : Record each work element by its sequences and record the time taken按先后順序記錄每個要素及其所耗時間 Classify each element by categories對每個要素進行分類 Pareto analysis to rank categories對分類進行柏拉圖分析 Prioritize elemen

13、ts/categories for reduction區分先后順序並進行選擇性刪除 Techniques技巧: Stopwatch/traditional work-study techniques傳統的秒表工作效率研究技巧 Video tape recording錄像帶記錄 Observation/discussion (to identify exceptional circumstances) Critical Success Factors重要的成功要素: Open study開放式研究 Non critical不批評 Operator involvement, understandi

14、ng and ownership操作者的參与理解与主人翁意識,Step 1 - Document Current Work Elements記錄目前工作要素,Document and number the elements on the Work Element Analysis Sheet - use whiteboard/flipchart if possible.在要素分析表上按順序記錄下各工作要素如果可能的話用白板或筆記板,Step 1 - Document Current Work Elements記錄目前工作要素,Our Approach,Practical Exercise Ca

15、r Tyre Change換輪胎,Internal activities MUST be performed while the machine is shut down.內部活動必須在停机后才能進行,External activities CAN be performed while the machine is running外部活動可以在机器運行時進行,Step 2 - Internal Vs External區分內部及外部活動,Examples of External work外部活動例子 fetching tools and materials去拿工具及材料 moving handl

16、ing equipment移動操作設備 preparing bolts, clamps, tools准備螺釘夾鉗及工具 clearing up and clearing清洁及整理 organizing and planning組織計划 heating/cooling of dies加熱或冷卻模具,External外部活動 Tasks that can de done as the process runs on the previous job. 可以預先完成的工作 Internal內部活動 Tasks that require the machine stopped必須在停机后才能完成的工作.,Examples of Internal work內部活動例子 removing guarding移去防護裝置 removi



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