三年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1 We’ll go to the zoo教案3 外研版(一起)

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《三年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1 We’ll go to the zoo教案3 外研版(一起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1 We’ll go to the zoo教案3 外研版(一起)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 3 Unit 1 Well go to the zoo 1教学目标 1、知识技能目标:1.会用“Excuse me, wheresplease?”问路。2、会用“Go straight on. Turn left .Turn right.”指路。3、情感目标:培养学生懂礼貌的品质,请别人帮忙要用“Excuse me ” “ please”等礼貌用语。2学情分析 本课学习对象是本校四年级学生,他们活泼上进,有一定的英语基础,喜欢合作学习,有良好的课堂合作学习习惯,能静能动,集体观念较强。3重点难点 用英文问路、指路。4教学过程 活动1【导入】1 一、GreetingT:Hi. Bo

2、ys and girls.Ss: Hello. Ms zhaoT: You look happy. How are you today?Ss: Very well. Thank you .And you?T: Im very well. Excuse me, what day is today?Ss: Its Friday.T: Excuse me, whats the weather like?Ss: Its 活动2【讲授】2 1、(Play the video)T: Boys and girls. Do you like dancing? Good. Stand up ,please. L

3、ook and the screen, follow the music , lets dance .教师在前面示范。Left. Right. Go. Turn around .Go go go.Left. Right. Go. Turn around .Go go go.三、Presentation1、T talk to S1T: Excuse me, give me a pencil-box, please?S1 Pass a pencil-box to T.2、T pretend to drop the pencil-box.T: The pencil-box is lost .Wher

4、es my pencil-box? (Ss poit to it)3、T:Oh .Go straight on. Turn left .Its here. Thank you.4、T:Boys and girls, now, were learning discretions.板书Module 2 DirectionsGo straight on(画图标)。 Turn left(画图标) .Turn right(画图标)。活动3【活动】3 四、Learning and pratice1、Act and say: Go straight on. Turn left .Turn right.T:(

5、Turn right)Ss: Go straight on.2、Read the three sentences.3、Contest: Listen and act每大组派一名成员上台,教师发出口令,用上刚才学过的句子。如果学生反应快,教师加快口令的速度,增加游戏的趣味性。两个或多个一组,一人发口令,任务完成后快速坐好。5、Group show and comments小组展示,大家评出最佳小组。先是个别学生评价,“Excuse me, which group is the winner? ”然后统一评价意见。6、Talk about the text:T:(Show the picture)

6、This dog is Doudou. Hes lost.(作丢失、不知道在哪儿的动作)。7、T:Wheres the dogs house: Please look at the screen, you will find the answer.8、播放课件Look. Sam.This dog is lost. My name is Doudou. I live in No. 2 West Lake Road.9、S1 tells T where the dogs house is.10、ReadNo. 2 West Lake Road.11、Continue to watch the fl

7、ashExcuse me, Wheres No. 2 West Lake Road, please?12、T:Excuse me, Wheres No. 2 West Lake Road, please? ( 板书 )Do you know?如果学生说出答案,教师不要急于表态,引导同学们看课件检查;如回答不出,教师鼓励学生认真在课件中寻找答案。13. Read the sentencesTurn left. Go straight on. Turn right. Its next to a supermarket.14. Read in roleA: Excuse me, Wheres No.

8、 2 West Lake Road, please?B: Turn left. Go straight on. Turn right. Its next to a supermarket.把Unit 1课件看完 .活动4【练习】4 1. Task 1:SB activity 3:find and sayA: Excuse me, wheres the supermarket, please?B: Go straight on2. Task 2 :GameUse a scarf to cover S1s eyes, the class guide him(her) to find his (he

9、r)book(pencil-box)S: Good morning. May I help you?S1:Yes.Excuse me, wheres my book, please?S: Go straight on .Turn left. Its in the desk.S1: Thank you so much.S: Youre welcome.3、Task 3 :talk about the directionsShow-pair-class(1) Would you like to go to my house?If you use “Excuse me, Wheres your ho

10、use?” to ask me, I would like to tell you the discretions.T do the action of answering the callT:Hello. This is Miss Wang.S1:Hello.This is Excuse me, wheres your house?T:(拿出事先画好的由学校到自己家的路线图)Turn leftIts next to a bookstore.S1: Thank you. Bye-bye.T: See you later.2) Pair workT: Welcome to my house. W

11、hich classmates house you would like to go?You can ask him (her)the directions, be polite, ok?3) Ask some Ss to talk in classStep 6: dance(Play the video)T: Boy and girls. Are you tired? Do you want to dance? Ok. Lets begin.Activity after class: Im a polite guideT: Boys and girls, you did a good job. I think you can do better after class. Please make a dialogue with your good friends in group, one acts as a guide, the others act as travelers, using the sentences we learn today.儿童心理发展是有顺序的,这是由遗传决定的,不会因为各种外部环境的影响,或者学习、训练的作用而发生改变,出现心理发展的超越或逆转。人类个体从出生到成熟再到衰老的过程中心理的发生发展。既是个体自身发展成熟的过程,又是一个社会化的过程。5


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