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1、Lesson 8,The best and the worst,The plane was late and _were waiting at the _all morning . They were expecting a _ _of_ _from South Africa. A few hours earlier , someone had told the police that _would try to _the diamonds . When the plane arrived , some of the detectives were waiting inside the mai

2、n building while others were waiting on the airfield.,detectives,airport,valuable parcel,diamonds,thieves,steal,Two men _the parcel_ theplane and carried it into the Custom House . While two detectives were _ _at the door , two others opened the parcel . _ _ _ , the _parcel _ _ _stones and sand!,too

3、k,off,keeping guard,To their surprise,precious,was full of,2019/11/3,Review,几个小时之前 拿出来 充满 期待某人做. 贵重的礼物 珍贵的礼物 装有钻石的包裹 令某人惊讶的是.,a few hours earlier take off be full of expect sb to do sth a valuable present a precious present a parcel of diamonds to ones surprise,2019/11/3,Translation,1.飞机晚点了。 2.整个早上侦

4、探们都守在机场。 3.几个小时之前,有人告诉警方这个消息。 4.一些侦探在候机楼等,另一些在停机坪等。 5.令他们惊讶的是,他那时不在上课。 1.The plane was late. 2.Detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. 3.A few hours earlier,someone had told the police this news. 4.Some detectives were waiting inside the mian building while others were waiting on the air

5、field. 5.To their surprise, he was not having a class at that time.,Do you often go for some competitions (race, match比赛,竞赛), like drawing, sports, or chess competitions? Have you visited some gardens?,The Nicest Garden (花园) Competition,Which one is the best? which one is the worst (最坏的)?,What does

6、everybody enter for each year? Everybody enters for The Nicest Garden Competition. 2. Is Joes garden more interesting? Yes, it is more interesting.,Listening comprehension,nearly和almost意义相似,表示“几乎”、“差不多”、“差点儿”的意思。I have nearly forgotten his name.,enter for 报名参加(各种竞赛,考试等活动) enter for the exam She ente

7、red (her name/herself) for the mathematics competition. 她报名参加数学竞赛。 enter vt.&vi. 进入enter+地点名词 Always knock on the door before you enter. vt.&vi. 参加,加入 Weve entered into an agreement. 我们已达成一项协议。 He soon entered their conversation.,win(won,won) v. 赢 vi. 赢I win. /I lose. (输了) vt. 赢得win something 后面往往是奖

8、品,不能接对手 I win the book. win a prize 赢了奖 win a prize for因为而获奖 defeat+对手 I defeat you.,名词加-s表示所属关系,构成名词的所有格。比较的东西都是同类的事物 joes 的“s”不能省略,each和every均可译为“每一个”,两者常可互换。 every只能是形容词性,强调整体,常用来指一个大的、不确定的数目,不能直接做主语; each既可作形容词,又可作代词,强调个体,常用以一个确定的并通常是有限的数目,在作代词时,直接作主语或宾语,使用第三人称单数 Every/Each time I wash the car i

9、t rains.,make和build在这里是同义词,“修建,建造”。 make的词义比较笼统、广泛,可解释为“做、作出、制造”等 Have you made the skirt by yourself? They have made a road along the river. build主要限于建筑业,指“建造,建设,盖房子,修筑(桥梁)等”,Read fast and answer:,1 Does the writer live in the same town as Joe Sanders? 2 Has Joe got a garden? 3 Is Joes the most bea

10、utiful garden in the town? 4 What does nearly everyone enter for? 5 Who wins every time? 6 How big is Bill Friths garden? 7 Does Joe work harder than Bill? 8 Whose garden has more flowers and vegetables? 9 Whose garden is more interesting? 10 What has he made? 11 Is there a pool in the garden? 12 Wh

11、at has he built over it?,(Yes, he does.),(The Nicest Garden Competition.),(Yes, it is.),(Yes, he has.),(Joe Sanders does.),(Bigger than Joes.),(No, he doesnt.),(Bill Friths has.),(Joe Sanders.),(Neat paths.),(Yes, there is.),(A wooden bridge.),According to (根据) the text, the garden should first have

12、 neat (tidy,整洁的) paths (小路), then it should have a wooden (木头的) bridge (桥) and at last it should have a clear pool (水池).,Can you guess which kind of garden will win The Nicest Garden (花园) Competition (比赛,竞赛)?,必会语法,形容词比较级 VS. 形容词最高级,形容词副词的比较级和最高级,Yao Ming is Jordan (is).,Jordan is tall.,Yao Ming is t

13、aller.,Jordan,2.26m,1.98m,taller than,Look and say,Liu Yifei is thin.,Xiaoming is thinner than Liu Yifei (is).,Mike is the thinnest of all,Geyou is funny. Zhao Benshan is funnier than Geyou (is). Pan Changjiang is the funniest of them .,1. 形容词和副词等级的构成,1) 规则变化,cold,colder,coldest,fast,faster,fastest,

14、nice,nicer,nicest,large,larger,largest,big,bigger,biggest,hot,hotter,hottest,easy,easier,easiest,early,earlier,earliest,tired,more tired,most tired,easily,more easily,most easily,二、 不规则变化 有一些词的比较级、最高级变化是不规则的,需要特殊记忆。 good / wellbetterbest bad / illworseworst many / muchmoremost littleless-least farfa

15、rtherfarthest (表示距离) farfurtherfurthest (表示程度) oldolder older (表示新旧或年龄) oldeldereldest(表示兄弟姐妹之间的长幼关系),变比较级和最高级 small nice big early heavy wet late friendly fine red happy early,smaller,the smallest,nicer,the nicest,bigger,the biggest,earlier,the earliest,heavier,the heaviest,wetter,the wettest,later,the latest,friendlier,the friendliest,finer,the finest,redder,the reddest,happier,the happiest,earlier,the earliest,5、多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加 more或 most。 eg.delicious - more / most delicious beautiful - more / most beautiful interesting -


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