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1、上杭一中2019-2020学年届高三第一学期10月月考英语试题参考答案听力15 CBBCC 610 ACABC 1115 BABAB 1620 BBAAC阅读理解2123 DCD 2427 ABCC 2831 ABAC 3235 BADC 3640 CAFGE完型填空:4145 BDCAA 4650 CDABC 5155 BDADC 5660 CABDB 语法填空 61.organization/organization62. how63. terribly 64. their 65. But 66. wounded 67. who 68. was needed 69. to bring 70

2、. to改错with/amongheroinesbuthappinessthatlikemytoespeciallyJane Eyre is a world-famous storybook, which is very popular to middle school students. The main character Jane is one of my favorite heroine. The book tells us not only about her hard life and about her efforts to gain her happy. It was her

3、perseverance and determination which helped her to get what she deserved at last. I liked Jane very much, and her story leaves a great effect on her life and study. I make up my mind work hard at my lessons. Meanwhile, I will try to make the full use of any opportunity to train my characters ,especi

4、al my tolerance and perseverance to solve all of the difficulties in my life.书面表达: One possible version:Dear Mary,I am Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union of our school. I am writing to invite you to attend a seminar about international trade. It is scheduled to be held at the school hall 3 p.m. t

5、o 6 p.m. on September 15. Youre supposed to get there 20 minutes before it starts. During the meeting, we will first watch some videos related to international trade. Then some experts will make speeches on the recent international trade situation, after which, there will be about one hour for commu

6、nication between experts and the audience. Im sure the seminar will benefit you a lot. Not only will you be able to have a better understanding of international trade, but also you will know the latest world trade situation. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. (126 words)Yours sincerely,

7、Li Hua 听力原文Text 1M: Excuse me, maam, but the sign out says this is the greatest show on earth. Well, I just went to see the show, and I dont think it was the greatest. Can I have my money back?W: Im sorry, but we cant do that. We dont promise that everyone will like it. Text 2W: What time do you hav

8、e to leave for the airport?M: The security is pretty tight so I should get there early. I plan on arriving there 2 hours before my flight leaves. The flight takes off at 4:30, so Text 3M: Good morning, Mrs. Wilson. Im from the New York Book Review. Could I ask you some questions about the prize you

9、received this afternoon?W: Certainly. What would you like to know?Text 4W: Everyone, please come closer. Now were visiting Tiger-running Spring. M: I dont think the spring looks like a running tiger. W: Well, its name comes from a legend that two tigers ran here and made a hole, and then a spring ca

10、me out of it. Text 5W: Look at you, Mark. How did you make it?M: Well, I used to eat a lot. But now when I eat I use smaller plates, knives, forks and glasses. W: Dont you exercise?M: I dont go to the gym. But I walk a lot. Text 6W: I really need to find a new job!M: So do I. Do you see anything goo

11、d listed?W: How about this telephone sales job? You call people and try to sell them magazines. M: That sounds boring. And anyway, Im not good at selling. W: Well, I am! I might check that one out. Oh, heres one for you. An entertainment director assistant on a ship. M: That sounds like fun. I love

12、traveling, and Ive never been on a ship. W: It says here you have to work every day while the ship is at sea. Thatll be tiring. M: Thats OK. I dont mind working long hours if the pay is good. I think Ill apply for it. Text 7M: Welcome to Subway. What can I get for you? Todays daily special is the st

13、eak and cheese sandwich. W: Mmm. Steak sounds good. But I think Im going to go with chicken today. M: No problem. And what kind of bread would you like with that? We have Italian, honey wheat, whole wheatW: Whole wheat, please actually, no, honey wheat, please. M: No problem. W: Can you make it a me

14、al as well? I want the chips instead of the cookie. Is there an additional charge for that?M: Nope. Text 8W: Bob. You are still here! How long have you been sitting here studying?M: I dont know. I came to the library this morning at 7:30. W: My goodness! That was early! How many subject reports have

15、 you finished writing?M: Ive finished world history, politics, modern arts, and Im working on the last page of biology. W: Good for you! I still have two subjects to go but my deadline is next Tuesday. So I still have 5 days to finish my work. Do you have any class right after you finish?M: No, I dont have to go to class until 3:00. W: Good. Would you like to join me for lunch today?M: Of course! Just give me ten minutes to finish this and we can take off and go to the dining hall. W: OK, take your time. Ill be sitting here reading my book.


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