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1、2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,1,第十一章 货物检验与争议处理,合同条款:检验、索赔、不可抗力、争议解决,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,2,14. Inspection(检验) 14.1 Pre-Delivery Inspection (*Select one of the following) 14.1.1 The Seller shall, before the time of shipment, apply to the inspection organization for the inspection of the quality, specifications, q

2、uantity, weight, packaging and requirements for safety and sanitation/hygiene (卫生)of the goods in accordance with the stipulations of this Contract, or _standards. The inspection certificate issued by the said inspection organization shall be an integral part of the documents to be presented for pay

3、ment. Inspection organization: In China;_Import & Export Commodity Inspection Bureau of the Peoples Republic of China.,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,3,14.2 Re-Inspection(复验) For the purpose of warranty and other claims, the Buyer shall have the right to apply to the inspection organization for the inspection o

4、f the goods after the arrival of the goods at the final destination, or at the port of unloading. Inspection organization: In Japan; _ of Japan. 检验时间,检验内容,检验标准,检验机构,检验证书,索赔依据。,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,4,17. Claims(索赔) 17.1 Except those claims for which a third party is liable, should the quality, specific

5、ations, quantity, weight, packing and requirements for safety or sanitation/hygiene of the goods be found not in conformity with the stipulations of this Contract, the Buyer shall give a notice of claims to the Seller and shall have the right to lodge(提出) claims against the Seller,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义

6、,5,based on the inspection Certificate issued by the inspection organization provided in Clause 14.2 of this Contract within ( ) days from the date of the arrival of the goods at the final destination. In the event of non conformity, the Seller shall promptly repair or replace such goods or supply t

7、he quantity that is deficient and compensate the Buyer for damages, if any. 索赔基础,索赔通知、索赔时间,救济方法。,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,6,15. Force Majeure(不可抗力) Neither party shall be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this Contract due to flood, fire, earthquake, snowstorm, drought, h

8、ailstorm,hurricane, war, government prohibition, or any other events that are unforeseeable at the time of the execution of this Contract and could not be controlled, avoided or overcome by such party. 不可抗力的定义与法律后果,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,7,However, the party whos performance is affected by the event of

9、Force Majeure shall give a notice to the other party of its occurrence as soon as possible and a certificate or a document of the occurrence of the Force Majeure event issued by the relative authority or a neutral independent third party shall be sent to the other party not later than ( )days after

10、its occurrence. 程序要求,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,8,If the event of Force Majeure event continues for more than ( ) days, both parties shall negotiate the performance or the termination of this Contract. If within ( ) months after the occurrence of the event of Force Majeure, both parties can not reach an agr

11、eement, either party has the right to terminate this Contract. 不可抗力的法律后果:延迟或解除,解除条件。,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,9,摘要:本章主要讲述国际货物买卖合同中普遍需要规定的检验、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁条款的订立及相关的知识。 第一节 货物的检验 第二节 索赔 第三节 不可抗力 第四节 仲裁,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,10,第一节 货物的检验 (Inspection of the Goods),一、约定商品检验的意义 买方的检验权:若买方没有利用合理的机会检验货物,则他就放弃了检验货物的权利,也丧

12、失了拒收货物的权利。,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,11,案例分析,我方售货给加拿大的甲商,甲商又将货物转售给英国的乙商。货抵甲国后,甲商已发现货物存在质量问题,但仍将原货运往英国,乙商收到货物后,除发现货物质量问题外,还发现有80包货物包装破损 ,货物短少严重,因而向甲商索赔,甲商又向我方提出索赔。 问:我方是否应负责赔偿?为什么?,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,12,二、检验时间和地点,确定检验时间和地点,实际是确定买卖双方中的哪一方行使对货物的检验权,即确定以哪一方提供的检验证书为准。,(一)在出口国检验 1、产地(工厂)检验 2、装运港(地)检验 注:以上两种方法否定了

13、买方的复验权,对买方不利。 (二)在进口国检验 1、目的港(地)检验,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,13,2、买方营业处所(最终用户所在地)检验 采取以上两种方法时,卖方须承担到货品质或数量的责任,对卖方不利。 (三)出口国检验,进口国复验 该方法兼顾了买卖双方的利益,公平合理,是目前我国进出口业务中最常用的一种方法。 (四)装运港(地)检验重量,目的港(地)检验品质,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,14,三、检验、检疫机构 (一)国际上的检验检疫机构 (二)我国的检验检疫机构 1、1998年成立的中国出入境检验检疫局(CIQ):主管卫生检疫、动植物检疫和商品检验(三检合一),该

14、局的职能已并入2001年成立的中国质量监督检验检疫总局(简称质检总局) 2、检验检疫部门的工作职责 法定检验(Making Legal Inspection) 监督管理(Supervision and Administration) 公证鉴定业务(Authentic Attesting Business),2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,15,四、检验证书(Inspection Certificate) 1、检验证书的种类 2、检验证书的作用,检验证书的签发日期一般早于运输单据的出单日期,说明:新商检法第22条对提供检验服务的检验机构的资格,修改为统一由国家商检部门认定,规定:国家商检部

15、门可以按照国家有关规定,通过考核,许可符合条件的国内外检验机构承担委托的进出口商品检验鉴定业务。,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,16,五、检验标准 六、检验条款的实例 检验条款 一般包括以下内容:有关检验权的规定、检验或复验的时间和地点、检验机构、检验项目和检验证书、检验标准等。,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,17,第二节 索赔(Claim),一、各国法律对违约的不同规定 1、英国法的规定 违反要件(Breach of Condition)和违反担保(Breach of Warranty) 2、美国法的规定 重大违约(Material Breach of Contract)和轻

16、微违约(Minor Breach of Contract) 3、公约的规定(第25条) 根本性违约(Fundamental Breach of Contract)和非根本性违约(Non-Fundamental Breach of Contract) 4、我国合同法的规定(见第六、七章),2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,18,二、索赔对象 (一)向买、卖方索赔 (二)向承运人索赔 (三)向保险人索赔 国际贸易业务中常见索赔事故及可能的责任分析:,2019/11/3,国际贸易实务讲义,19,案例分析1:,中国某公司与欧洲某进口商签定一份皮具合同,以CIF鹿特丹成交,向保险公司投保一切险,用信用证支付。货到鹿特丹后,检验结果表明:全部货物潮湿、发霉、变色,损失价值10万美元。据分析,货物损失的主要原因是由于生产厂家在生产的最后一道


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