高考英语一轮复习 unit20 new frontiers课件 北师大版

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1、模块7 Unit 20 New Frontiers,.写出下列必考单词,基础再现,识记类词汇 1assist(vt.)_ 2radioactive(adj.)_ 3enterprise(n.)_ 4starvation(n.)_ 5conflict(n.)_ 6equality(n.)_,帮助,放射性的,商业;公司,饥饿,冲突,平等,基础再现,7assess(vt.)_ 8specialist(n.)_ 9colleague(n.)_ 10procedure(n.)_,评定;估价,专家,同事,步骤;程序,基础再现,表达运用类词汇 1捐赠(vt.)_ 2通信;符合(vi.)_ 3现象(n.)_

2、4障碍(n.)_ 5专利(n.)_ 6宣告(vt.)_ 7技术的(adj.)_,donate,correspond,phenomenon,barrier,patent,declare,technical,基础再现,8不久;很快(adv.)_ 9歧视;识别力(n.)_ 10最重要的(adj.)_,shortly,discrimination,premier,.写出下列单词的变化形式,基础再现,1帮助,协助(vt.)_ 帮助(n.)_ 助手;助教(n.)_ 辅助的(adj.)_ 2技术上的(adj.)_ 技巧(n.)_ 技工,技师(n.)_,assist,assistance,assistant,

3、assistant,technical,technique,technician,基础再现,3后者(n.)_ 前者(n.)_ 4饥饿(n.)_ 挨饿(vi.)_ 5平等(n.)_ 平等的(adj.)_ 等于(vt.)_,latter/former,former/latter,starvation,starve,equality,equal,equal,基础再现,6电子的(adj.)_ 电的,用电的(adj.)_ 电的,电气科学的(adj.)_ 7专家(n.)_ 专门的,特殊的(adj.)_ 专攻,使专门化(vt.)_ 8捐赠;赠送(vt.)_ 捐赠(n.)_ 捐赠者(n.)_,electron

4、ic,electric,electrical,specialist,special,specialize,donate,donation,donor,基础再现,9现象(n.)_ 现象(n.复数)_ 10允许,准许(vt.)_ 允许(n.)_ 11成熟的(adj.)_ (使)成熟(vi.)_ 12毒药,毒物(n.)_ 下毒,使中毒(vt.)_ 有毒的(adj.)_,phenomenon,phenomena,permit,permission,ripe,ripen,poison,poison,poisonous,基础再现,活学活用,用所给单词的正确形式完成下列句子。 1The old man is

5、 a warmhearted_Every year he _much money to the school,and the school uses his _to help many children who cant afford the fee to go back to school.(donate) 2Though they had no maps to _them,the general finally led his soldiers to climb over the mountain with the _of his_(assist),donor,donates,donati

6、on,assist,assistance,assistant,基础再现,3The man said,“Our boss believes all men are _,so he treats employees as _”(equal) 4The _who _in contract law is good at dealing with _cases.(specialist) 5This kind of fruit is _So if you eat it by mistake,you will get _(poison) 6It is not _ to enter the room,but

7、you can ask your boss for _(permit),equal,equals,specialist,specializes,special,poisonous,poisoned,permitted,permission,基础再现,7Thousands of people will _to death if they can not even get a _diet.(starvation) 8Of the two the _ is better than the _(latter) 9The tomatoes quickly _in the hot weather.So y

8、ou should try to pick them before completely_.(ripe) 10His father is a laboratory _He often gives _trainings to the new workers,and his good _makes good impressions on all of them.(technical),starve,starvation,latter,former,ripen,ripe,technician,technical,technique,.短语熟记,基础再现,翻译下列必背短语 1可被利用_ 2补偿, 弥补

9、_ 3换言之_ 4总之_ 5以为根据_ 6熄灭_,be available to,make up for,in other words,in conclusion,based on,put out,基础再现,7以结束 _ 8建立 _ 9求助于;翻到_ 10泄露(秘密);分发_,end with,set up,turn to,give away,活学活用,基础再现,根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1Im afraid the kids will _(tell others) the whole thing. 2The sports meeting has been put

10、 off _(because of) the bad weather. 3Can you _(find out) how to do it? 4Someone must have left the door open _(wrongly),give away,due to,figure out,by mistake,基础再现,5Rent should be given three months _(ahead of time) 6He_(be devoted to) scientific research on rice. 7Will you _(take control of) the dr

11、iving when we reach Shanghai? 8You must have taken away my keys _(instead of) yours. 9_(in a word),I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today. 10The fire has _(be out),in advance,is dedicated to,take over,rather than,In conclusion,gone out,.语篇学习,基础再现,.课文内容语法填空 阅读课文,然后按照课文内容在空格处填入一个适当的词

12、,或使用所给词语的正确形式完成下面短文。 Many people are interested in the future. Those 1._ plan the future of the world for a living are called futurologists. On Friday,a seminar of futurologists will be held at Newcastle University. They 2._ (discuss) the endless possibilities of the future. The following are 3._ they are predicting: In the next few years,it will be,who,will be discussing,what,基础再现,more convenient for people to use computers because they are going to give instructions to computers 4._voices. By the year 2015,new types of material that remain stainless 5._ (produce) by the clothing



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