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1、welcome,Festivals around the world,carnival,Qingming Festival,Qinming Festival is a _(宗教上的) festival, which _(发生) in April. It has its _(起源) in old _ (信仰) about the honour of_(祖先). On this important _(节日) day, people should go to clean _(坟墓) and light _(熏香) and lamps _(为了纪念)the dead. people _(期待)its

2、 coming to get together. Some western countries have exciting _(狂欢节), which includes _(游行),dancing in the streets _(日夜). People _(穿上盛装) and _(玩的开心) each other.,religious,takes place,origin,beliefs,ancestors,feast,graves,incense,in memory of,look forward to,carnivals,parades,day and night,dress up,ha

3、ve fun with,religious 宗教上的 take place 发生 origin 起源,由来 belief 信任,信仰 ancestor 祖先 feast 节日 grave 坟墓,incense 熏香 in memory of 纪念 look forward to 期待 carnival 狂欢节 parade 游行 day and night 日夜 dress up 穿上盛装 have fun with 玩得开心,vocabulary,Festivals and celebrations, ,A, ,B, ,C,A,- the structure of the passage,W

4、hen and why did ancient people celebrate ?,Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of_, _and _. Sometimes celebrations were held _.,cold weather,planting in spring,harvest in autumn,after hunters had caught animals,Para.1,People would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during th

5、e cold winter months.,Para.2-5,Festivals of the Dead,Para.2,Obon in Japan,The Day of the Dead in Mexico,Halloween,Para.2-5,the Dragon Boat Festival,Columbus Day,national festival,Thanksgiving Day,mid-autumn festival,the Spring Festival,Easter,Cherry Blossom festival,Why do people need festivals?,get

6、 together to eat, drink and have fun enjoy life be proud of customers forget our work ,Para.6,Discussion: Design your own festival,Why do you create such a festival? 2. What is it? when and where to held it? 3. How to celebrate it?,Design your own festival,It is a_ Festival/Day, which takes place in

7、 _. The festival is held to_. On this important feast day, people are grateful because they can get together to eat / drink / travel / have fun 2. dress up / play tricks on / have a holiday, rest / 3. give those who are in need a helping hand 4. ,Homework : 1. Review the passage after class and pay attention to new words and phrases. 2. Write a short passage about your festival in the discussion.,Goodbye,Thank you for your attention!,


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