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1、广西师范大学 硕士学位论文 2008年北京奥运会与我国非主办城市的互动和影响以上海 、秦皇岛、大连、青岛、桂林为例 姓名:张艳 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:体育人文社会学 指导教师:李志清 20070401 I 2008 年北京奥运会与我国非主办城市的互动和影响 2008 年北京奥运会与我国非主办城市的互动和影响 以上海、秦皇岛、大连、青岛、桂林为例 2004 级研究生 张 艳 学科专业 体育人文社会学 导师 李志清 教 授 研究方向 体育心理学 以上海、秦皇岛、大连、青岛、桂林为例 2004 级研究生 张 艳 学科专业 体育人文社会学 导师 李志清 教 授 研究方向 体育心理学 摘 要 摘 要

2、 经过几千年的历史变迁,古希腊奥林匹克运动会有了现代版,现代奥林匹克 运动会正席卷着全球的角角落落,如火如荼。奥运会己经不再是一个单纯的体育 活动,它已经成为一种十分复杂的经济社会现象。奥林匹克运动会是举办国和举 办城市借以推动经济和社会发展、提高国际地位、改善国际形象、提高城市竞争 力的千载难逢的良机,从近几届奥运会来看,奥运会均使举办城市发生了根本性 的改变,同时对所在国家的发展起到了极其重要的推动作用。综观历届奥林匹克 奥运会,举办国都从不同方面获得了不同程度的收益。举办奥运会已经成为推动 城市经济和社会文化发展的强大动力, 因此各国政府都把举办奥运会作为促进城 市再造推动城市经济、社会

3、文化全面发展的主要战略措施。 自 20 世纪 80 年代后期以来,奥运会对主办城市和举办国影响的迅速增大, 举办奥运会的效应和影响不仅限于一个主办城市, 它对举办国的其他城市都有着 不同程度的辐射响应和长远影响。 奥运会的非主办城市开始意识到搭奥运风帆可 以为自身谋取最大的城市利益,同时也为奥运会的顺利开展贡献自己的一份力 量。北京申奥的成功为中国注入了新的力量,带来了百年不遇的良机,它不只属 于北京,而是属于我们全国的。本文以上海、秦皇岛、青岛、大连、桂林这 5 个城市为代表,以社会学、经济学、文化人类学、城市发展理论、各城市发展的 目标战略等相关理论为依据,从以上城市为奥运做贡献,服务奥运

4、所做的实际工 作入手, 揭示奥运会在非主办城市现代化过程中的经济、 社会、 文化价值与影响, 分析各地为突出自身优势、服务北京奥运、整合各类资源、与奥运做好互动,所 出台的条例和实际做法,旨在客观、全面剖析奥运会与我国非主办城市的互动影 响,为其他城市和地区提供指向、参考和借鉴。 本研究采用理论与实证研究相结合的方法, 通过对各种资料的全面整合和对 比分析, 对 2008 年北京奥运会与我国非主办城市的互动影响进行了系统的研究。 研究工作查阅了大量的文献资料,通过实地考察、专家讨论、理论分析等。本研 II 究包括前言、研究结果与分析和对策建议三大部分。前言对问题提出、研究目的 和意义、文献综述

5、进行概括。研究结果与分析包括三个部分,第一部分是现代奥 运会与举办国和主办城市的影响, 对各国家和城市承办奥运会所带来的影响进行 了描述和分析,并做了概括性总结;第二部分是 2008 年奥运会对我国非主办城 市的推动作用,系统分析了奥运给非主办城市带来的经济价值、社会效益、文化 促进;第三部分对我国一些奥运会非主办城市,在奥运筹备期间所做的贡献,深 入分析了各城市在服务奥运,做好与奥运互动的过程中,及后期所获得的经济和 社会文化利益。对策建议部分归纳了本研究的主要成果,对其他奥运会非主办城 市提供参考与借鉴。对策建议部分归纳了本研究的主要成果,拟出我国非主办城 市如何做好与奥运会的互动, 服务

6、奥运并借以提升城市竞争力的建议与对策: (1) 由政府牵头,加大对 2008 年北京奥运会的宣传力度,营造奥运氛围;(2) 大力 响应“全民健身与奥运同行” ,推动全民健身活动发展;(3) 积极参赛、成功办 赛,提供良好的参赛办赛条件;(4) 为奥运做好旅游服务,分担北京接待旅客流 量。希望以此对我国其他奥运会非主办城市提供参考。 关键词:关键词:奥运会 非主办城市 互动影响 对策 III The Interactions and Influences between 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and Non-host Cites A Perspective Bas

7、ed on Shanghai, Qinghuangdao, Dalian, Qingdao and Guilin Abstract With the thousands of years of history development, ancient Greek Olympic Movement has evolved into modern form. And modern Olympic Games is sweeping throughout every corner of the world. The Olympic Games is not only a sports activit

8、y, but also a complex economic and social phenomenon. It is a golden opportunity to the host country and host city to promote the development of economy and society, enhance the international status and image, and strengthen the competitiveness. According to recent several Olympic Games, fundamental

9、 changes had occurred in the host cities by hosting the Olympics. Meanwhile, the Olympic Games also played an extremely important role in the host countries. Taking a broad view on previous Olympic Games, the host countries have obtained benefits more or less in different aspects. Hosting an Olympic

10、 Games has become a powerful driving force for promoting the development of urban economy and social culture. Therefore, all governments regard hosting an Olympic Games as the key strategic measure of city reconstruction, and economic and cultural development. Since the late 1980s, the influences of

11、 Olympic Games to the host city and host country have increased rapidly. These influences does not only been confined in the single host city, but also radiate and effect other cities of the host country more or less in a long-term periods. Beijings winning the bid of the 2008 Olympics brought a gol

12、den opportunity for China and gave fresh impetus to her. The Olympics Games is a big affair of the whole country.Present study takes Shanghai, Qinghuangdao, Qingdao, Dalian and Guilin as examples, combining sociology, economics, anthropology, and theories of city development and municipal developmen

13、t strategies of the five cities as supporting theories, considering their contribution to the Olympics, to explore the economic, social and cultural values and influences of the Olympic Games to the modernization processes of the non-host cities. And then analyzes the regulations and practices which

14、 were proposed by these cities in order to stress their own advantages, serve the Olympic Games, integrate resources and interact with the Olympics. It is aimed at dissecting the inter-influences between the Olympic Games and non-host cities on an objective and all-round perspective, with a hope to

15、offer some directions, references and experiences to other cities and areas. This study combines theory and practice to research the inter-influence of Beijing Olympics and non-host cities systematically by integrating various resources and doing a contrastive analysis. The author ploughed through a

16、 lot of documents and materials. Field work, discussing with experts and theory analysis are also adopted in as needed. This paper is consisted of 3 parts: introduction, findings and analyses, and conclusions. The introduction summarizes the scope of the study, purpose and IV significance of the study, and the literature review. The findings and analyses include three sections: firstly, the author describes and analyzes the influences of modern Olympic


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