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1、 Classified Index: CODE:10075 U.D.C: NO:20090809 A Dissertation for the degree of History The Research of Commercial and Industrial Loan of Baoding between1912 to 1945 Candidate: Wang Man Supervisor: Prof. Liu Qiugen Prof. Zheng Qingpo Academic Degree Applied: Master of History Specialty: Special Hi

2、story University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: May,2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 保定作为近代内陆没落的政治型城市,民国时期的经济日呈衰落之势。在社会动荡 不安的环境中,城市工商业遭受了巨大损失,陷入了空前的困境中。工商业亟需获得金 融支持。当时,旧式金融机构日趋衰落,对工商业的发展很难起到促进作用。银行等新 式金融机构虽然逐渐取得了金融市场的主导地位, 但由于其在地域分布上的严重不平衡 和种种规制,也影响了其对工商业资金支持的效果。民国时期,保定传统商业占统治地 位的现状决定了信用借贷在整个社会借贷体系中的作用。但

3、随着社会经济的日渐衰败, 金融机构为降低放款风险,抵押借贷在工商业借贷中越来越居主要地位。随市场形式而 变动的借贷利率,到日伪时期不断高涨,加速了保定工商业及金融业的衰败。 融资渠道的困难构成保定工商业发展的最主要瓶颈, 而工商业的不振使保定在近代 发展严重滞后,成为地位向下发展的少数城市之一。 关键词 借贷 工商业 民国时期 Abstract II Abstract As the downfallen political city inland, Baodings economic had showed a decline trend since the period of Republic

4、 of China. Under the society turbulent environment, the citys industry and commerce suffered huge losses, and faced an unprecedented predicament. The city needs to obtain financial support urgently. But at that time, the old type financial institutes were fading down themselves and not possible to p

5、lay a role to promote the development of the industry and commerce. The new type financial institutions like bank, although they gradually made the dominant position in the financial market .Due to the serious imbalance geographical distribution and all sorts of regulation, the effect of financial s

6、upport to industrial and commercial is very minimal. In the period of republic of China, the dominant position of traditional commercial had decided the role of the credit loan in the entire social credit system. But along with the social economy languishing, in order to reduce to loan risk, the Mor

7、tgage loan began to playing the dominant role in the social loan system by the financial institutes. The leading rate , which is easy to effect by the market situation, was keeping rising during the Puppet period, accelerated the decline of Baodings finance, industry and commerce. The lack of financ

8、ing channels is the main bottleneck of Baodings economic development. Because depress of economic, Baodings development was seriously lagging behind in modern time and becoming one of the few status down city in China. Key Words Loan Commercial and Industrial Republic of China 目 录 III 目 录 前言 1 第 1 章

9、 借贷者状况分析9 1.1 工商业状况9 1.1.1 七七事变前保定的工商业10 1.1.2 日伪时期保定的工商业 11 1.2 借贷成因13 第 2 章 放贷者主体状况19 2.1 金融机构状况19 2.1.1 旧式金融机构19 2.1.2 银行业22 2.2 放贷情况24 第 3 章 工商业借贷方式与利率 29 3.1 借贷方式29 3.1.1 信用借贷30 3.1.2 抵押借贷34 3.2 利率的变化39 第 4 章 工厂借贷的个案分析 44 结语 58 参考文献61 致谢 67 攻读学位期间取得的科研成果 68 前 言 1 前 言 借贷是一种历史悠久的社会经济现象,在其背后隐藏着广泛而复杂的社会经济关 系。 作为一种


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