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1、Review of Unit3 Topic3,制作: 魏集一中 修订人: 魏玉荣,复习目标,1单词:能读写本话题Topic3的四会单词 2短语:能说出并灵活运用本话题的重点短语 3句子: 能说出并灵活运用本话题的重点句子 4 语法:“特殊疑问词+动词不定式“及构词法。(课标中必掌握的语法),复习指导一,复习内容:本话题Topic2的四会单词。 复习要求:会读,会写,知道其汉语意思 复习方法:看音标记单词,同桌互背 复习时间:5分钟,复习检测一,1 困倦的 2真实的 3 (外)孙女 4发音 5对话 6抄写,复印 7笔记本 8日记簿 9录音带 10大声地,1 sleepy 2 real 3 gra

2、ndfather 4 pronounce 5 dialog 6 copy 7 notebook 8 diary 9 tape 10 aloud,11物品,东西 12能力,才能 13复习 14翻译 15讨论 16精确地 17获得,实现 18厌倦的 19 拉,拽 20 提到,11 object 12 ability 13 review 14 translate 15 discussion 16 exactly 17 achieve 18 bored 19 pull 20 mention,复习指导 2,复习内容:(P71P78)的重点短语. 复习要求:熟练掌握,灵活运用。 复习方法:同桌互提, 互背

3、 复习时间:7分钟,Key Phrases,1.make yourself understood 把自己的意思说清楚 2.take a breath 吸一口气 3.as long as 只要. 4.get in trouble 遇到困难 5.be afraid of 害怕做某事 6.dare not do 不敢做 7.what to do 做什么 8.make progress (in) 在取得进步 9.feel like doing 喜欢做 10.stick to (doing)sth. 坚持(做)某事 11.share sth with sb 与某人分享 12.turn to sb 向某人

4、求助,1.make yourself understood 2.take a breath 3.as long as 4. get in trouble 5.be afraid of 6.dare not do 7.what to do 8.make progress (in) 9.feel like doing 10.stick to (doing)sth. 11.share sth with sb 12. turn to sb,复习检测一,1.把自己的意思说清楚 2.吸一口气 3.只要. 4. 遇到困难 5.害怕做某事 6. 不敢做 7 .做什么 8. 在取得进步 9 .喜欢做 10.坚持

5、(做)某事 11.与某人分享 12.向某人求助,一、英译汉,二、汉译英,1.把自己的意思说清楚 2.吸一口气 3.只要. 4. 遇到困难 5.害怕做某事 6. 不敢做 7 .做什么 8. 在取得进步 9 .喜欢做 10.坚持(做)某事 11.与某人分享 12.向某人求助,1.make yourself understood 2.take a breath 3.as long as 4.get in trouble 5.be afraid of 6.dare not do 7.what to do 8.make progress (in) 9.feel like doing 10.stick t

6、o (doing)sth. 11.share sth with sb 12. turn to sb,复习检测一,1.深呼吸,微笑,你就会平静下来。 _ _ _ _ and smile,and then you can calm down. 2.我在英语课上害怕犯错误,所以我不敢回答老师的问题。 I _ _ _ making mistakes in English classes, so I _ _ _ the teachers questions. 3.他们不知道接下来该做什么。 They dont know _ _ _ next. 4.这位来自日本的选手在赛前遇到了些麻烦。 The runn

7、er from Japan _ _ _ before the race. 5.如果在学习上有困难,你可以向老师求助。 If you have difficulty in your study, you can _ _ your teachers.,三、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(分钟),Take a deep breath,am afraid of,dare not answer,what to do,got in trouble,turn to,复习检测一,复习指导三,1.复习内容:快速熟记课本Unit3 Topic3的下列句子 2.复习方法:大声朗读 3.复习要求:能够英汉互译,并

8、熟练运用 4.复习时间:4分钟,key sentences,1.Could you make yourself understood in the USA? 2.But I dare not speak English in public . 3.Ive worked hard at it for a whole week, but it seems that I havent made any progress. 4.I dont know what to do. 5.Kangkang, could you give us some advice on how to learn Englis

9、h well? 6.China has the largest population in the world 7.How to improve it was my biggest problem. 8. He is thinking about where to go. 9. Im sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them.,复习检测二,1.Could you _ yourself understood in the USA? 2.But I _ not speak English in publi

10、c . 3.Ive worked hard at it for a whole week, but it seems that I havent _. 4.I dont know _ to do. 5.Kangkang, could you give us some advice _ how to learn English well? 6.China _ the largest population in the world 7._ to improve it was my biggest problem. 8. He is thinking about where _. 9. Im sur

11、e that you will make great progress _ you stick to them.,补全句子,make,dare,made any progress,what,on,has,How,to go,as long as,复习指导四,1.复习内容:“特殊疑问词+动词不定式“及课 本122页123页构词法。 2.复习方法:自读与同桌讨论 3.复习要求:掌握“特殊疑问词+动词不定式“ 及构词法的用法并能准确地做题 4.复习时间:分钟,“特殊疑问词+动词不定式“结构,相当于名词短语,可作主语、宾语、表语等。如: When to go hasnt been decided.(主

12、语) 什么时间走还没决定。 Please tell me which road to take.(宾语) 请告诉我该走哪条路。 The problem is how to remember the new words.(表语)问题是怎样记生词,要点归纳:,1.“特殊疑问词+动词不定式“的用法,2.构词法 详看课本P122-P123,Write down new words in the brackets by following the example.,re + tell dis + cover dis + like in + direct im +possible un +healthy

13、un +happy head +ache grand +daughter fire + place,( retell ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),( direction ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),direct + tion ill +ness develop + ment wonder + ful home + less excite +ing snow +y main +ly film +maker down +stairs,discover dislike indirect impossibl

14、e unhealthy unhappy headache granddaughter fireplace,illness development wonderful homeless exciting snowy mainly filmmaker downstairs,prefix,suffix,复习检测四,1、I have no idea when _ her the bad news. A.will tell B.telling C.tell D.to tell 2. There isnt any difference between the two. I really dont know _. A. where to choose B. which to choose C. to choose what D. to choose which 3.That man was_


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