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1、Chapter 7 Community Language Learning,Outline,Background Approach Theory of language Theory of learning Design Objectives The syllabus Types of learning and teaching activities Learner roles Teacher roles The role of materials Procedure Conclusion and Problems,Background,General description Charles

2、A. Curran, a prof. of psychology at Loyola University (洛约拉大学), Chicago, was a specialist in counseling, whose applications of psychological counseling techniques to learning is known a Counseling Learning (辅导学习). Community Language Learning, a method developed by him and his associates represents th

3、e use of Counseling-Learning theory to teach language. It is one of the examples of “Affective-Humanistic Approach” (人文法).,Tradition 1: CLL derives its primary insights and organizing rationale from Rogerian counseling (Rogers, 1951). Counseling consists of one individual (the counselor) assuming “i

4、nsofar 限度内(在范围内,在) he is able the internal frame of reference of the client, perceiving the world as that person sees it and communicating something of this empathetic understanding”. Or Counseling is one person giving advice, assistance, and support to another who has a problem or is in some way in

5、 need. CLL draws on the counseling metaphor to redefine the roles of the teacher (the counselor) and learners (the clients) in the language classroom.,The client-counselor relationship in psychological counseling the learner-knower relationship in CLL CLL techniques are of humanistic techniques that

6、 engage the whole person, including the emotions and feelings (the affective realm) as well as linguistic knowledge and behavioral skills. Blend what the s feels, thinks and knows with what he is learning in the t language. Rather than self-denial being the acceptable way of life, pursue self-actual

7、ization (自我实现) and self-esteem. Help ss to be themselves, to accept themselves and to be proud of themselves. Help build rapport(友好关系,和谐,融洽), cohesiveness, and help foster a climate of caring and sharing in the FL class.,Tradition 2: CLL is linked with a set of practices used in certain kinds of bil

8、ingual education programs and referred to by Mackey (1972) as “language alternation”. A message/ lesson/ class is presented first in L1 and then again in L2. Ss know the meaning and flow of an L2 message from the recall of the parallel meaning and flow of an L1 message, and begin to holistically(整体地

9、) piece together a view of the language out of these message sets. In CLL, a learner presents a message in L1 to the knower who translates it into L2. The learner then repeats the m in L2, addressing it to another learner with whom he wishes to communicate. CLL learners are encouraged to attend to t

10、he “overhears” they experience between other learners and their knowers.,Approach: Theory of language,Currans student La Forge (1983) accepts linguistic theory must start, though not end, with criteria for sound features, the sentence, and abstract models of language. FL learners tasks are to appreh

11、end the sound system, assign fundamental meanings, and to construct a basic grammar of the F language But he goes beyond the traditional structuralist view of language, and elaborates an alternative theory of language called Language as Social Process.,Language as social-process model consists of 6

12、qualities or sub-processes: The whole-person process The educational process The interpersonal process The developmental process the communicative process the cultural process,The interactional view of language underlying CLL: Language is people. Language is persons contact. Language is persons in r

13、esponse. Types of interactions are: Interactions between learners (equals) unpredictable in content, but involving exchanges of affect. Learner exchanges deepen in intimacy as the class becomes a community of learners. The desire to be part of this growing intimacy pushes learners to keep pace with

14、the learning of their peers. Interactions between learners and knowers (unequals)initially dependent(The learner tell the knower what he wishes to say in the target language, and the knower tell the learner how to say it), self-assertive(自作主张的,自信的) in Stage 2, resentful and indignant in Stage 3, tol

15、erant in Stage 4, and independent in Stage 5.,Approach: Theory of learning,Currans counseling experience is applied to learning in general and to language teaching in particular. CLL advocates a holistic approach to language learning since true human learning is both cognitive and affective, thus ca

16、lled whole person learning. Such learning takes place in a communication situation where teachers and learners are experiencing a sense of their own wholeness.,The process is divided into 5 stages compared to the ontogenetic(个体发生学的) development of a child: Stage 1 “birth” stage when feelings of security and belonging are established. Stage 2 as the learners abilities improve, he begins to achieve a measure of independence from the parent. Stage 3 the learner speaks independen


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