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1、 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!第 1 页 共 4 页2017 考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:希拉里新书欠精彩每年考研英语阅读篇章很多都取材于经济学人,因此 2016 年考研复习之初,一定要从基础打好,稳扎稳打。凯程在线分享经济学人文章,希望大家能够多看、多练,提升阅读能力!2016 考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:希拉里新书欠精彩Lexington莱克星顿Hillary Clintons bad book希拉里克林顿新书欠精彩Her stodgy memoir is best understood as a briefingbook for surrogates and “influ

2、encers”对这本枯燥乏味回忆录的最好诠释是为代理人和有影响力者写就的简明手册HILLARY CLINTON is a big fan of briefing books. As Barack Obamas envoy to the world shedevoured great, thick binders on every subject imaginable, she writes in “Hard Choices”, a newmemoir published on June 10th. As she worked tirelessly to prepare for summits

3、and officialtrips to 112 countries, she admired the expertise of her diplomats. Only one thing botheredher. A few months into the job she asked the State Department to be more creative withgraphics, after envying the flashier briefings carried by Pentagon brass. Soon, she beams: “there were plenty o

4、f coloured maps and charts to go around.”希拉里克林顿是这种简明手册的忠实粉丝。她在她 6 月 10 日出版的新回忆录艰难抉择中写道,作为奥巴马总统的代表出使全世界,她见多识广。在她不知疲倦地为她112 国的峰会和出访做准备时,她还不忘对她的外交官表达钦佩。只有一件事让她烦心。入职几个月后,眼红五角大楼浮夸的简明手册,她要求国务院在制图上也能够更有创意一些。不久后,她终于能够笑得出来:“总算有足够多的彩色地图和图标了。”Mrs Clintons 600-page doorstopper is full of this stuff: micro-revel

5、ations which are earnest,dull and self-serving, all at the same time. “Hard Choices” is a frustrating read. The memoirhas the cautious, polished, poll-tested feel of a campaign speech. A million copies have beenprinted. A multi-city speaking tour has begun. A first-day book-signing in Manhattan drew

6、 linesaround the block and hundreds of reporters. A large campaign-style bus idled outside. It wassent by “Ready for Hillary”, a ginger group that wants the former secretary of state, first lady,senator and presidential contender to run again for the White House in 2016.克林顿夫人这本让人望而却步的 600 页自传中充满了这样的

7、小故事急切、无聊、自娱自乐却又无足轻重的爆料。艰难抉择会是一次让人挫败的阅读经历。这本回忆录就像一本小心翼翼、千锤万凿、经得住选民考研的竞选演讲。100 万本印刷完毕,计划在多个城市的巡讲蓄势待发。第一天在曼哈顿的签售会吸引了长长的队和数百名记者。一辆庞大的竞选风格的巴士停在外面。它是由激进团体“为希拉里准备”(Ready for Hillary)赠送的,该团体支持入主白宫。A press strategy was even crafted to handle a single chapter of the book, addressing the lowpoint of Mrs Clinto

8、ns time as secretary: the 2012 killings of four Americans by militants in 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!第 2 页 共 4 页theLibyan city of Benghazi, including Americas ambassador. The chapter was leaked early andDemocratic officials and “surrogates” (campaign jargon for folk who can speak for acandidate) briefed on

9、 Benghazi talking-points by a former Obama spokesman, Tommy Vietor,and Mrs Clintons press guru Philippe Reines.公关策略占据了艰难抉择中的整整一章,描述了克林顿夫人在担任国务卿时的低谷。那是 2012 年 4 名美国人在利比亚城市班加西收到激进分子袭击的时候,这 4 名美国人中,其中就有美国的大使。这一章在书籍出版之前泄露了出来,里面写道,当时,前奥巴马发言人汤米费艾托和希拉里手下的媒体专家菲利普莱因斯曾就针对班加西时间的要点对民主党内官员和“代理人”(竞选术语,指候选人发言人) 进行

10、简要说明。Still Mrs Clinton says she has not yet decided whether to run. She did not write the book forfollowers of Washingtons political soap opera, she says severely. Rather, it is for Americanskeen to learn more about diplomacy in the Obama era, and the exercise of American power inthe 21st century, s

11、he insists. Such pieties are not wholly convincing. For starters, much of thebook smells of raw politics, rather than diplomatic history. Mrs Clinton stepped down as chiefdiplomat in 2013 with high public approval ratings (in part because her job lofted her abovethe partisan mire for four years), bu

12、t a list of vulnerabilities too. “Hard Choices” doggedlyworks its way down that list.但至今为止,希拉里称她还未决定是否参加选举。她严肃地说,她这本书不是写给华盛顿政治肥皂剧的剧迷看的,她坚持把这本书送给那些希望了解奥巴马时代的外交和 21 世纪美国的权利运作的人。这般虔诚并不是非常有说服力。因为首先,这本书更像在写政治,而非外交历史。2013 年,希拉里在公众支持率一片大好的形势(部分原因是她的工作让她在四年时间里,暂离党派混战泥潭)下从第一外交官的职位上卸任,但即使那时,她也有长串弱点。而艰难抉择则固执地一

13、项项弱化这些弱点的影响。In the Benghazi chapter Mrs Clinton accuses conservative critics of mounting a “politicalslugfest on the backs of dead Americans”. She has a point. But in turn she constructs a politicalstraw man, accusing critics of suggesting that diplomats stage an un-American “retreat” fromthe world.

14、 She leaves unanswered the more relevant question of whether the Westsintervention in Libya, which she championed, left the country better off.在班加西那一章里,希拉里谴责保守派的批评家们让“踩在死去美国人的背上进行的政治斗争”愈演愈烈。这话不无道理。但另一方面,她在谴责批评家暗示美国外交使得美国从国际舞台上以一个不怎么美国派的方式落荒撤退时,她实际上把这当做了挡箭牌,因为她避开了更需要揭露的问题,比如西方是否真的在干涉利比亚,而这项政策一直因为她认为对

15、国家有利而得到她的支持。After Ukraine lost Crimea to Russia, many Republicans accused Barack Obama and Mrs Clintonof having emboldened Russia with their 2009 bid to “reset” relations. Mrs Clinton retorts thatRussia rolled into Georgia when George W. Bush was still in office, calls the “reset” a worthyattempt to

16、 work on areas of agreement while setting tough issues to one side, and blames itsfailure on Vladimir Putin, one of the worlds “hard men”.克里米亚从乌克兰沦陷俄罗斯之手后,许多共和党派人士谴责奥巴马和希拉里在 2009年“重启”双方关系的提议成了俄罗斯的“雄心豹子胆”。但希拉里反击道,早在乔治沃克布什在任期间,俄罗斯也曾吞并格鲁吉亚,“重启”美俄关系是值得的,能够让双方求同存异,专心双方存在共识的领域,暂时搁置难题,而这次错在这位世界上的风云人物弗拉基米尔普京。 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!第 3 页 共 4 页Strikingly, other chapters involve veiled swipes at Mr Obama and his team. Mrs Clinton revisitspainful disputes from th


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