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1、华中科技大学 博士学位论文 糖类和氨基酸对水稻硝酸盐诱导型高亲和力转运系统的影响 姓名:周诗毅 申请学位级别:博士 专业:生化及分子生物学 指导教师:何光源;John cram 20090828 I 华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文 摘 要 植物不断从空气中吸收碳,从土壤中吸收氮,经光合作用生产有机物质,建造 植物体并储藏物质以繁殖后代。植物对碳、氮的吸收、转运、合成始终保持平衡, 植物体内必然存在着对这 2 类物质吸收的调控机制。光合作用的产物(糖类)可能 作为一种信号分子,当光合作用加快,新生成的光合产物运输到根部引起根部硝酸 盐吸收的加快,这种调控机制称为正前馈调节;当植物

2、生长加快时,根部吸收的氮 元素被很快消耗掉,植物体内游离氨基酸和其它氮化物浓度下降,还原性氮运输到 根部的速度降低,这种还原性的氮可以作为一种信号分子,增加硝酸盐的吸收和转 运速度,这种调控机制称为负反馈调节。硝酸盐转运由糖信号分子控制,糖信号分 子与光合作用有关,形成了正向前馈控制,而还原性氮信号通常是与生长有关,可 以形成负反馈。本研究以水稻(Oryza sativa L.)为材料,应用非侵害性测定技术, 在一定时间内不间断测定了一系列糖类物质和氨基酸对水稻硝酸盐吸收的影响,获 得了详细的动力学曲线,通过对动力学曲线定性分析,探讨了糖类和氨基酸对水稻 硝酸盐诱导型高亲和力转运系统调控的影响

3、,主要研究结果如下: 1、选取9 种不同的糖类:蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖、半乳糖、棉子糖、D - 甘露醇、 甘露糖、阿拉伯糖、乳糖进行实验。加入蔗糖后,水稻对硝酸盐的吸收立即有显著 的上升,持续1 . 5 h 后到达峰值,没有明显的平台期,上升幅度为处理前的2 9 8 % ;葡 萄糖和半乳糖对水稻硝酸盐的吸收也有显著的促进作用,上升幅度分别为处理前的 2 2 3 % 和 2 0 0 % ,但是在葡萄糖和半乳糖加入后,从处理时间到水稻硝酸盐吸收率增 长点之间明显有一段延迟时间(大约为3 0 m i n 左右),整个上升过程仅持续4 0 m i n 左右。果糖和棉子糖对硝酸盐吸收的动力学影响均有一段延迟

4、时间,上升幅度分别 为 1 9 2 % 和1 4 0 % , 持续时间为4 0 m i n 左右。甘露糖对水稻硝酸盐吸收的动力学有明 显的抑制作用。 2 、选取1 0 种不同的氨基酸:谷氨酸、天冬氨酸、谷氨酰胺、天冬酰胺、脯氨酸、 缬氨酸、苯丙氨酸、精氨酸、赖氨酸、丝氨酸,进行实验。加入谷氨酸后,水稻硝 酸盐的净吸收率上升了3 7 7 % , 加入天门冬氨酸后, 水稻硝酸盐的净吸收率提高了1 8 6 % , II 华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文 整个上升过程都只是持续了1 0 2 0 m i n ,然后缓慢下降。脯氨酸、苯丙氨酸、缬氨 酸、丝氨酸对水稻硝酸盐净吸收率没有显著的影

5、响。谷氨酰胺、天门冬酰胺、精氨 酸、赖氨酸对水稻硝酸盐的吸收率有明显的抑制作用,但是没有一种氨基酸对水稻 硝酸盐的吸收有即时的抑制作用。 3、选取了蔗糖、葡萄糖、半乳糖、甘露糖探讨了糖类对水稻诱导型高亲和力转 运蛋白编码基因OsNRT2.1的影响。结果表明,蔗糖、半乳糖、葡萄糖都能促进水稻 植株中OsNRT2.1基因的表达,其中用蔗糖处理后,水稻OsNRT2.1基因上调表达最为 明显,甘露糖对水稻OsNRT2.1基因的表达没有显著的影响。经不同时间蔗糖处理后, 水稻根OsNRT2.1基因的表达在处理后30 min到4 h内逐渐升高, 在4 h时OsNRT2.1基因 的表达量达到最大,然后基因表

6、达开始下降。 4、选取谷氨酸、天门冬氨酸、谷氨酰胺、天门冬酰胺、赖氨酸、精氨酸,探讨 了氨基酸对水稻诱导型高亲和力转运蛋白编码基因OsNRT2.1的影响,结果表明:经 2h处理后, 6 种检测的氨基酸中都能明显抑制水稻植株中O s N R T 2 . 1 基因的表达,各种 氨基酸之间的抑制作用没有显著差异。 总结:本实验结果表明蔗糖可能是植物体对硝酸盐转运起主要调控作用的糖类 物质,而氨基酸可能不是直接作用于硝酸盐转运的调控物质 关键词:水稻、糖、氨基酸、正前馈调节、负反馈调节、iHATS、OsNRT2.1 基因 III 华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文 Abstract The

7、 growth of plants depends on their taking carbon from the air and nitrogen from the soil in a ratio of approximately 30 C: 1 N. Thus the assimilatory mechanisms of plants are dominated by photosynthesis and nitrate uptake. If photosynthesis is perturbed (by changes in light intensity or CO2 concentr

8、ation, for instance) then nitrate uptake must change to maintain the N supply at the necessary rate, and if nitrate uptake is perturbed it must recover its former rate in order to continue matching the rate of photosynthesis (or photosynthesis must respond). Such adjustments have been observed.In pr

9、evious studies, the results of feeding sugars (sucrose, glucose and fructose, but not sugar derivatives) to the roots suggest that new photosynthate, moving to the root in the phloem, acts as a signal. This would be positive feed- forward control. Alternatively, if photosynthesis and growth speed up

10、, the N arriving from the root will be used up faster, the concentration of free amino acids and other N compounds would fall, and the flow of reduced N to the root system would also fall and act as a signal to increase the nitrate uptake and transport rates. This would be negative feedback control.

11、 We have invented a system for measuring nitrate uptake with very high time resolution in Oryza sativa L. The system has enabled us to measure nitrate uptake every 10 minutes for many hours on the same plant and on successive days. More frequent measurements are also possible. In the parent studies,

12、 by using this system, we studied the effects of sugars and amino acids on the iHATS (induced high affinity nitrate transport system) in rice. The main results are as fellowes: 1、 Nine different sugars were chosen, among which, sucrose, glucose and fructose are substrates transported in the phloem,

13、and galactose, raffinose, mannitol, lactose, arabinose and mannose are components of the cell wall. Lactose is a disaccharide only present in some special structure. The duration of nitrate uptake was accelerated by sucrose, and this accelarated could last for 1.5 h, before reaching a maximum, and t

14、he extent was 298%. By contrast, the acceleration of nitrate uptake by glucose, galactose, fructose and raffinose lasted for 40 min, and the increase of nitrate uptake rates were 223%, 200%, 192% and 140% respectively. In addition, there were obvious platform periods after the glucose, IV 华 中 科 技 大

15、学 博 士 学 位 论 文 galactose, fructose and raffinose treatment. In addition, mannose showed inhibition of the nitrate uptake. Therefore sucrose appears to be a specific signal molecule to nitrate uptake. 2、 The effects of ten different amino acids on nitrate uptake in rice roots were measured. A short- t

16、erm acceleration of 10- 20 min was recorded after the Glu and Asp treatment, the extent of acceleration were 377% and 186% respectively. Gln, Asp,Arg and Lys showed obvious inhibition on the nitrate uptake rate, while Pro, Phe, val, and ser had no effects on the nitrate uptake in rice foot. No single amino acid was found to inhibit the net nitrate uptake immediately. 3、The gene expression analysis showed that sucrose, glucose, and galactose enhanced the OsNrt2.1(coding iHAT transporter) gene e



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