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1、七选五专练(二)李仕才AEffective Ways to Be Successful at EventsThe holiday season is upon us, and Im frequently asked for my event success tips. Well, it all begins with taking care of ones own spirit and keeping a positive attitude. The following are practical things that anyone can do. 1 1. Greet everyone a

2、nd wish them well. 2 Youre a team, for youre all present in that location together, for the whole process of the event. So open up and join the team from the beginning.2. Shine your own light. Never mind what or how others are doing. 3 Put away the iPhone, iPad etc., and be present with your own lig

3、ht so that it shines purely.3. 4 Express thanks for the weather, the furniture, the other people attending the event, and the opportunity to be there. Express thanks to those who spare time to talk with you. Of course if its a big event, you wont get to everyone, but includethose near you.4. Keep a

4、sense of happiness throughout the event. People attending events tend to be attracted by happy souls. Your sense of happiness will positively influence those around. So I always keep my sense of humor while at events. 5 If you do these small things regularly during events, Im sure you will enjoy you

5、rself and become a star.A. Give thanks throughout the event.B. Make eye contact and start conversations.C. You should be polite when attending events.D. It can make people laugh and spread happiness.E. Follow them and increase your success at events.F. Be yourself, offer what you can offer, and stay

6、 focused.G. Concentrating on what isnt there will not improve conditions.BIf youre in your 20s or even 30s, you might feel a lot of uncertainty all the time. You may be not sure what your life purpose is. 1 This is normal.We all want to have a certain life purpose. We all want to feel were on the ri

7、ght path. We all want to perfect our habits, our routines, or our productivity. We all want to feel more certain, and perfect in what were doing.There is a struggle between the comfort of certainty and perfection and the fear of uncertainty and being suboptimal (不最理想的).Let me let you in on a secret:

8、 no one is free from this struggle. Look at the most successful people you can think of Bill Gates, Obama, Taylor Swift. 2 Do you think they have certainty and a feeling of reaching perfection? Not a chance. There is not one of us alive, not me or anyone else, who ever feels certainty about their pu

9、rpose or path. If they do, theyre fooling themselves. 3 No one ever feels theyve found the perfect productivity routine, or the perfect version of themselves. 4 We all feel uncertainty, all day, and we all struggle with it. Some people have grown more comfortable with it than others, but in general

10、no one likes uncertainty.5 Thats perfectly OK, perfectly normal. Dont run from it. Instead, stay with this uncomfortable, unappealing uncertainty. Its here in you, a part of this moment, a part of you but not the whole of you.A. Because it doesnt exist.B. Do you think they have it all figured out?C.

11、 This uncertainty youre feeling is unpleasant.D. But if theyre honest, they dont feel that certainty.E. See if you can tell what youre being uncertain about.F. So focus on what you actually have right in front of you.G. You may be uncertain about what path you should take in life.CTwitter is an onli

12、ne social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called “tweets.” I rarely meet a Twitter user who doesnt want more followers. Therefore, Id like to share with you how I have built my own follower count to more than 240,000 followers since I began with Tw

13、itter. Practice strategic following. By this I mean, follow people in your industry. 1 . Ifthey retweet (转发信息) you, it means you will be introduced to their followers. Be generous in linking to and retweeting others. 2 . The more you link to others, the more people will be thankful to you in return.

14、 And thats exactly what must happen for you to grow your follower count. You need others to introduce you to their followers. Avoid too much promotion. Yes, you can advertise your blog posts, products, etc. on Twitter, but be careful. 3 . If you do, others will hate you. Not only will you not get ad

15、ditional followers, you will annoy your existing followers and many of them will unfollow you. Dont use an auto-responder. I used to use Social Oomph to thank everyone who followed me and provide a link to my “Beginners Guide to Twitter.” I thought I was being polite and helpful. 4 . Avoid it.Finall

16、y, dont worry too much about the numbers. If you follow the advice I have given above, the numbers will take care of themselves. 5 . I didnt build my following overnight and neither will you.A. Theres a line you must not crossB. Some of these will follow you backC. As it turns out, I was being annoyingD. Twitter advocates a culture of sharingE. Like most things



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