2019版高三英语一轮复习第2部分 语法专题突破 专题1 构词法教师用书 北师大版

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《2019版高三英语一轮复习第2部分 语法专题突破 专题1 构词法教师用书 北师大版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019版高三英语一轮复习第2部分 语法专题突破 专题1 构词法教师用书 北师大版(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题一构词法全国卷考情分析题型典题试做命题解读语法填空1.(2017全国卷)However,be careful(care) not to go to extremes.2(2017全国卷)Steam engines were used to pull the carriages and it must have been fairly(fair) unpleasant for the passengers,with all the smoke and noise.语法填空中主要考查:1给出形容词提示词,填写副词或名词;2给出动词,填写名词或形容词;3给出名词,填写形容词。短文改错1.(201

2、7全国卷)It was a relief and I came to a suddenlysudden stop just in the middle of the road.2(2017全国卷)In their spare time,they are interestinginterested in planting vegetables in their garden,which is on the rooftop of their house.1.形容词和副词的错用;2形容词和名词的错用;3ed与ing形容词的错用。(对应学生用书第169页)形容词变副词的后缀先试做题组.单句语法填空1(

3、2017江西红色七校一联)He sat down and started gently(gentle) talking to the dog.2Similarly(similar),when Ron Webster borrowed a book from the library of the University of Liverpool,he forgot to return it,too.3But such a small thing couldnt possibly(possible)destroy a village. 【导学号:33220091】.单句改错1Parents and

4、teachers always think students should spend more time on their studies,but students themselves think different.differentdifferently2(2017宿迁三校质检)She tore up the letter angry and threw it into the dustbin.angryangrily 【导学号:33220092】再解读要点变化形式例词一般情况下直接加“ly”quick quicklyfluent fluentlystupid stupidly少数以e

5、结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加ly;绝大多数辅音字母加e结尾的形容词直接加lytrue trulypolite politelywide widelywise wiselynice nicely以“y”结尾的,且读音为 /I/, 先将“y”改成“i”,再加“ly”; 但是如果读音为 /aI/, 直接加lyhappy happilyheavy heavilyangry angrily busy busilydry dryly shy shyly以ic结尾的词,加allyeconomic economicallybasic basically(例外:public publicly)以辅音字母加le结尾

6、时,去e加y;元音字母加le时,直接加lysimple simplyterrible terriblygentle gentlypossible possiblyprobable probablysole solely(例外:whole wholly)形容词变名词的后缀先试做题组.单句语法填空1My English improved a lot;more importantly,I gained much confidence (confident)2That little act of kindness(kind) made everyone who saw it feel goodbut

7、it made me feel the best of all!.单句改错(2017山东师大附中月考)We fear that we do not have the strong and courage to face the truth of our situation.strongstrength再解读要点后缀例词ageshort shortage不足;短缺cyefficient efficiency效率;功效fluent fluency流利;流畅accurate accuracy准确性private privacy隐私;私密domfree freedom自由;自主wise wisdom明

8、智;智慧nessweak weakness虚弱;弱点kind kindness仁慈;好意careless carelessness粗心大意dark darkness黑暗thstrong strength力气;强项warm warmth温暖;热情true truth真相;真理wide width宽度ytyitydifficult difficulty困难cruel cruelty残酷;残暴safe safety安全disable disability无能;残疾responsible responsibility责任动词、名词变形容词的后缀先试做题组.单句语法填空1The highspeed tr

9、ain that connects the two cities is both fast and comfortable (comfort)2Not only the teachers but also the students find the website beneficial(benefit)3(2017安徽江南十校联考)He was more than just an English teacher,because he also taught me useful(use) lessons in life. 【导学号:33220093】.单句改错1Most people nowad

10、ays are so busy with their lives that they do not have time to enjoy a healthy and balance diet.balancebalanced2(2017黑龙江大庆调研)I dont think it a reason practice for them to behave that way in our society.reasonreasonable再解读要点后缀例词ableaccept acceptable可接受的comfort comfortable舒适的fashion fashionable时髦的suit

11、 suitable合适的reason reasonable有道理的albenefit beneficial有益的music musical音乐的origin original最初的person personal个人的;私人的center central中央的;中心的nature natural自然的;天生的form formal正式的nation national全国的fuldoubt doubtful怀疑的forget forgetful健忘的harm harmful有害的hope hopeful有希望的peace peaceful和平的care careful细心的use useful有用

12、的success successful成功的help helpful有帮助的(e)dscare scared感到恐惧的confuse confused感到困惑的puzzle puzzled迷惑的worry worried担心的beard bearded有胡须的talent talented有才能的underline underlined加下划线的balance balanced均衡的ingsurprise surprising令人惊讶的convince convincing令人信服的satisfy satisfying令人满意的worry worrying令人担心的bore boring令人厌

13、烦的ibleaccess accessible容易达到的;容易取得的horror horrible可怕的;恐怖的terror terrible可怕的iveact active积极的;活跃的effect effective有效的;生效的attract attractive有吸引力的impress impressive给人深刻印象的instruct instructive有教育意义的expense expensive昂贵的ouscontinue continuous不断的;持续的anxiety anxious忧虑的caution cautious十分小心的;谨慎的curiosity curious

14、好奇的humor humorous幽默的sometire tiresome令人厌倦的trouble troublesome麻烦的ytaste tasty美味的;可口的health healthy健康的wealth wealthy富裕的;丰富的dirt dirty有灰尘的;脏的rain rainy有雨的sun sunny阳光明媚的cloud cloudy阴天的erneast eastern东方的;向东的west western西方的;向西的ishchild childish孩子气的fool foolish愚蠢的;可笑的self selfish自私的icscience scientific科学的economy economic经济的history historic历史上著名的动词变名词的后缀先试做题组.单句语法填空1(2017山东泰安一模)It is necessary to have a physical examination(examine) every year.2Annan will be remembered fo


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