八年级英语上册 unit 8 lesson 47 i made it课件 (新版)冀教版

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1、Lesson 47 I made it!,Lead in,Think about it!,1. Are you good at spelling? 2. Do you think spelling is important? 3. What words do you think are hard to spell?,Mexico,Mexico is a beautiful country.,Presentation,award,Peter彼得(人名) loser n. 失败者;败者 fail v. 不及格;失败 Krista克里斯塔(人名) Mexico n. 墨西哥 misspelled v

2、. 拼写错的 accept v. 接受;承认 award n. 奖状,奖品,Remember the new words,Look at Peters paper. Can you correct his mistakes? The Good Lunch by Peter Lopez One day, my father went to the Shoping Centre. He bot bread at the bakery. On his way home, he stopped at his bruthers hoose . “Hi”, he sayd to ,shopping,bou

3、ght,brothers,house,said,Who is Peters English teacher? Why was Peter sad? Why did Peter spell many wrong words? What did Krista give to Peter? What challenge did Peter accept?,Read and answer:,Miss Martin.,Because he failed his English exam.,Because English was not his first language.,She gave him a

4、 book.,He would learn how to spell four of the misspelled words each day.,The Most-improved Student.,6. What award did Peter get?,Language Points,Peter left Miss Martins classroom feeling like a loser. 彼得离开了马丁小姐的教室,感觉像一个失败者。 feel like 意为“感觉像”。 She feels like s real singer. 她感觉像一个真正的歌唱家。 【拓展】(1)feel

5、like 还可意为“想要”,feel like doing sth. 意为“想要做某事”,相当于want to do sth. 或would like to do sth. I feel like eating something. = I would like to eat something. =I want to eat something. 我想吃点东西。 (2)feel like 还可意为“摸起来像”。 It feels like silk. 它摸起来像丝绸。,2.Krista, his friend, noticed himlooking sad. 他的朋友克里斯塔注意到彼得看上去

6、很难过。 notice sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事。 Yesterday I noticed him crying. 昨天我注意到他在哭。 notice sb. do sth. 注意到某人做了某事。 I noticed him repair his car yesterday. 我注意到他昨天修车了。 【拓展】notice 作名词,意为“通知;注意”。 The notice on the wall says, “No smoking”. 墙上的通知写着“禁止吸烟”。,3. I just failed my English paper. 我只是英语考试没通过。 fail

7、(in) sth/ doing sth. 表示某事失败。 They failed the game last week. 他们上周比赛失败了。 fail to do sth.表示“未能做某事”。 He failed to work out the problem. 他没能解出这道题。,4. Peter accepted the challenge. 彼得接受了挑战。 accept 表示主观接受,receive 表示客观收到,没有主动收下的愿望。 e.g. He received the gift, but he didnt accept. 他收到了礼物,但没有接受。 5. He worked

8、very hard, both by himself and with Krista. 他学习很努力,不光是自己一个人还和Krista.,both pron. “二者都” 在行为动词的前面, be的后面 both and “和两者都 ” 作主语复数处理 Both you and I are good students.,. 汉译英。 1) 彼得离开老师的办公室,感觉像一个失败者。 Peter _ the teachers office feeling _ a _. 2) 我注意到他看起来有点伤心。 I _ him _ sad. 3) 我没有接受她的礼物。 I didnt _ her prese

9、nts. 4) 爬上那棵树对我来说是不可能的。 Its _ for me _ climb up that tree.,Practice,left like loser,noticed looking,accept,impossible to,. 用所给汉语或英文提示补全句子。 1. Do you have _ (自信)in yourselves? 2. She _ (失败)yesterdays examination. She was very sad. 3. Our teacher presented many _(奖品) last week. 4. Do you think _ (spell)is very important? 5. She often _(agree) with others ideas. 6. Li Ming always does homework by _(他自已).,confidence,failed,awards,spelling,agrees,himself,Homework,你平时有哪些单词容易写错呢,现在自已好好整理一下,专门写在一个本里,每天突破几个,看看一周下来,是不是进步很多呢。,He is a fool that forgets himself. 愚者忘乎所以。,


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