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1、6.4 空间红外天文观测空间红外天文观测 高空气球高空气球 altitudes as high as 25 miles. In 1963, 机载红外观测机载红外观测 The Kuiper Airborne Observatory,discover the rings of Uranus in 1977. 火箭火箭 1969首次首次 AFGL(Air Force Geophysics Laboratory), 1971-1974年年, 16.5cm,中红外巡天中红外巡天, 3000个天体 观测时间短 个天体 观测时间短, 花费大花费大 红外卫星红外卫星 IRAS,ISO,Spitzer , He

2、rschel(2008) Galaxies this faint have never been seen before. In 1996 the HST created one of the most famous pictures of modern astronomy, the Hubble Deep Field (HDF). Now HST has returned to a piece of the HDF for a long exposure by its new NICMOS camera. The resulting image, shown above in represe

3、ntative color, shows known galaxies in a new light, and previously unknown galaxies probably farther than anything ever seen before. Galaxies as dim as magnitude 30 are visible. IRAS红外卫星巡天红外卫星巡天 http:/irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/IRASdocs/iras.html IRAS(Infrared Astronomical Satellite)红外天文卫星 是 红外天文卫星 是1983

4、年由美国、英国、荷兰三国联合发射的,它的轨道 在太阳同步轨道上空 年由美国、英国、荷兰三国联合发射的,它的轨道 在太阳同步轨道上空900km的地球明暗边界上的地球明暗边界上,以一些以 太阳为中心的圆形轨道上作了十个月的巡天探测。 望远镜口径 以一些以 太阳为中心的圆形轨道上作了十个月的巡天探测。 望远镜口径57cm,焦比,焦比F/9.56(5.5m focal length),62个 红外探测器和 个 红外探测器和8个可见光探测器及低分辨率光谱仪,对个可见光探测器及低分辨率光谱仪,对 10100m的波长范围进行巡天。第一、二次完成了对 全天 的波长范围进行巡天。第一、二次完成了对 全天98%的

5、巡天观测,第三次由于液氧耗尽,只完成了的巡天观测,第三次由于液氧耗尽,只完成了 75%的巡天。 数据处理由 的巡天。 数据处理由NASA的红外分析处理中心的红外分析处理中心IPAC(INFRARED PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS CENTER )完成。完成。 The focal plane assembly contained the survey detectors, visible star sensors for position reconstruction, a Low Resolution Spectrometer (LRS) and a Chopped Phot

6、ometric Channel (CPC). The focal plane assembly was located at the Cassegrain focus of the telescope and was cooled to about 3 K. In the table below, the center wavelengths are in m. For the survey array, the FOV is determined by the rather large detector mask size and is roughly the native “resolut

7、ion“ of the data in that band. The resolution of the IRAS image data is not governed by the resolution of the telescope, which was diffraction limited longwards of 12 m, but by the size of the detectors. Survey Array Center Wavelength # working detectors FOV (arcmin) Bandpass (m) Detector Material A

8、verage 10-sigma Sensitivity (Jy) 1216.75 x 4.58.5 - 15Si:As0.7 2513.75 x 4.619 - 30Si:Sb0.65 60151.5 x 4.740 - 80Ge:Ga0.85 100133.0 x 5.083 - 120Ge:Ga3.0 CPC Center Wavelength # working detectors FOV (arcmin) Bandpass (m) Detector Material Average 10-sigma Sensitivity (Jy) 5011.241 - 63Ge:Ga7.0 1001

9、1.284 - 114Ge:Ga7.0 LRS Slit width (arcmin) Wavelength Range (m) Detector Material Resolving Power 5.08 - 13Si:Ga14-35 7.511 - 23Si:As14-35 Point Source Catalog (PSC2) 245,889 point sources with 122560100 Low Resolution Spectrometer Catalog (LRS Catalog) Spectra of 5,425 PSC sources from 8-22 micron

10、s Cataloged Galaxies and Quasars Observed in the IRAS Survey 11,444 point sources associated with catalogued galaxies and quasars. Additional Observations (AOs) 13,853 images, each approximately 1 square degree Small Scale Structure Catalog(SSS)小尺度结构星表 16,740 sources with sizes larger than point sou

11、rces and less than 8 arcminutes IRAS Asteroid and Comet Survey IRAS and derived data on 1811 known asteroids and 25 comets Serendipitous Survey Catalog (SSC) 43,866 point sources derived from the AOs. Faint Source Survey Faint Source Survey Reject File (FSCR) 593,516 point source extractions rejecte

12、d for inclusion in FSC2 IRAS Sky Survey Atlas (ISSA) 12.5 degree by 12.5 degree fields on 10 degree centers 1.5 arcminute pixels IRAS Nearby Galaxy High Resolution Atlas 30 large optical galaxies at about 1 arcminute resolution. An image of infrared point sources in the entire sky as seen by the Inf

13、rared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). The plane of our Galaxy runs horizontally across the image. Sources are color coded by their infrared colors. IRAS View Of The Constellation Orion 30x 24 M42 and M43 Horsehead Nebula M78 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock This computer- processed image of the Andromeda gala

14、xy (M31) identified regions where young stars are probably forming, seen here as yellow and white areas. The image was processed from observations of the galaxy by the IRAS. ISO - The Infrared Space Observatory 1996 .2.4 1998. 4.8. ISO was at infrared wavelengths from 2.5-240m. The satellite was a g

15、reat technical and scientific success with most of its sub-systems operating far better than their specifications and with its scientific results impacting practically all fields of astronomy. At a wavelength of 12m, ISO was one thousand times more sensitive(灵敏度灵敏度) and had one hundred times better

16、angular resolution than its predecessor, the all-sky-surveying IRAS. 由于银道面上有大量星际气体和尘埃,对光学波段消 光非常严重,而在中远红外和射电波段星际介质几乎是透 明的。 由于银道面上有大量星际气体和尘埃,对光学波段消 光非常严重,而在中远红外和射电波段星际介质几乎是透 明的。ISOGAL项目正是利用在中红外波段星际介质的低 消光性对银道面大约 项目正是利用在中红外波段星际介质的低 消光性对银道面大约260个天区进行了成像观测,获得了 大量关于银河系结构,星际介质,演化晚期恒星和恒星形 成区的信息。 个天区进行了成像观测,获得了 大量关于银河系结构,星际介质,演化晚期恒星和恒星形 成区的信息。 ISOGAL利用利用ISO的的60cm红外空间望远镜和装在其上的红外空间望远镜和装在其上的 ISOCAM照相机在照相机在7m和和15m进行了观测。对点源观 测时它的灵敏度在 进行了观测。对点源观 测时它的灵敏度在15m


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