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1、湘潭大学 硕士学位论文 社区体育服务居民满意度测评研究 姓名:陈旸 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:公共管理 指导教师:邹凯 20081015 I 摘 要 为社区居民提供高质量的体育服务是社区体育服务的根本宗旨, 提高居民对社区体 育服务工作的满意度评价,是社区体育改进完善服务策略、提高服务质量的重要举措。 社区体育在其服务内容、服务方式和服务手段等方面的模式转变过程中,面对居民多样 化的服务需求,如何调整评价标准来深化社区体育服务质量的测评成为新的研究课题。 顾客满意作为现代质量管理的核心理念, 已经成为组织获得竞争优势与确保持续稳 定发展的关键要素。依据相关理论构建满意度指数模型,应用结构方程模

2、型方法对实证 数据进行测评是目前顾客满意度研究的经典方法, 本文尝试将此类方法体系应用于社区 体育服务的质量评价,从居民对社区体育服务的满意评价角度出发,根据社区体育服务 的自身特征, 建立一套测评社区体育服务居民满意度的理论和方法。 主要研究内容如下: 首先, 论文从社区体育服务居民满意度的国内外研究现状入手, 分析了其发展历程、 特点及不足之处,提出论文的主要研究内容与研究方法。在对顾客满意的相关理论进行 梳理的基础上,深入分析社区体育服务的内涵和社区体育服务的发展阶段,阐释社区体 育服务居民满意度的特定涵义及特征,并具体分析社区体育服务居民满意度的影响因 素,从而为构建满意度指数模型建立

3、理论基础。 其次, 构建社区体育服务居民满意度指数模型并选择适宜的测评方法。 在构建满意 度指数模型方面,通过对经典的顾客满意度指数模型在指标体系选择方面的回顾分析, 结合对社区体育服务居民满意度形成机理的详细阐释, 建立起社区体育服务居民满意度 指数模型的潜在变量和可测变量指标体系。在模型的测评方法选取方面,通过对以往社 区体育服务居民满意度测评方法的梳理, 提出采用结构方程模型方法来测评本文构建的 指数模型,并详细阐述该模型算法思想与实施流程。 最后, 对本文建立的社区体育服务居民满意度指数模型进行实证研究。 本章以湘潭 市岳塘区纯冲塘社区作为研究对象,通过编制调查问卷,对调查数据进行样本

4、的特征分 析、信度与效度分析,并对数据样本的缺失数据进行处理,运用结构方程模型参数估计 软件 Lisrel 8.54(学生版)进行模型的参数估计,经过多次模型修正,论文所建立的社 区体育服务居民满意度指数模型合理、可行。并根据该测评结果,本文进行相关变量的 分析探讨,进而提出相应的对策建议和改善措施。 主题词:社区;社区体育服务;居民满意度;满意度测评 II Abstract It is community sports ultimately tenet to offer sports services with high quality, and elevating residents sa

5、tisfaction with community sports service is also community sports important act to improve and advance their service strategies as well as service quality. To meet multiplex service needs of resident during mode transformation processes on community sports service content, method and means, it becom

6、es a new topic to adjust the criterions of evaluation for community sports to strengthen their service quality evaluation. As a core idea of modern quality management, customer satisfaction has already been a key factor for enterprises to win competitive advantages and maintain their sustainable dev

7、elopment, it becomes a typical method on customer satisfaction research to construct Satisfaction Index Model according to some interrelated theories and evaluate demonstration data with an application of Structural Equation Model (SEM) at present. And this paper aims to apply the method system to c

8、ommunity sports service quality evaluation, and found a set of theories and methods to evaluate residents satisfaction in community sports service from the view of residents as well as characteristics of community sports service itself. The main contents of this study are as follow: First, begins wi

9、th researches on residents satisfaction of community sports service in existence both abroad and at home, the paper analyzes its developing process, characteristics and deficiencies, and puts forward the main methods and contents of this paper. Based on reviewing relative theories of customer satisf

10、action, it makes deep analysis on the connotation and seedtime of community sports service, interprets the special meanings and characteristics of community sports service residents satisfaction with a concrete analysis about the influencing factors, so as to theorize for Satisfaction Index Model co

11、nstruction. Second, establishes Residents Satisfaction Index Model for community sports service with a proper evaluation method selection. On the aspect of Satisfaction Index Model, after a review of the index system choice in some classical customer satisfaction index models, this article builds a

12、latent variable and measurable variable index system for index model in community sports service residents satisfaction, combining with a detailed explanation on formation mechanism of community sports service residents satisfaction; while on the aspect of evaluation methods selection for model, bas

13、ed on a retrospection of evaluation methods in community sports service residents satisfaction at foretime, this paper brings forward a method of SEM to test the index model founded by the author, and demonstrates detailed the arithmetic ideas and implement processes of this model. Last, a demonstra

14、tion study on Index Model for community sports service residents III satisfaction is made in the research. Taking Chun Chong-Tang community the object of study, on the base of questionnaire making, identity characteristics as well as reliability and validity analyzing on enquiry data samples, missin

15、g data processing for the samples, this paper applies Lisrel 8.54, parameter estimation software for SEM, to model parameter estimating through several times of updating, and demonstrates the index model for community sports service residents satisfaction reasonable and feasible. And also, according

16、 to the evaluation results, this article analyzes relative variables so as to put forward corresponding countermeasures and methods betterment. Keywords: Community; Community Sport Service; Resident Satisfaction; Satisfaction Evaluation 湘潭大学湘潭大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的 研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或 集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均 已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保



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