高考英语一轮复习 unit6 design课件 北师大版

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1、模块2 Unit 6 Design,.写出下列必考单词,基础再现,识记类词汇 1shade(n.)_ 2creature(n.)_ 3shallow(adj.)_ 4shore(n.)_ 5roof(n.)_ 6architect(n.)_,阴影,生物;(有特性或特质的)人,浅的,海岸,岸边,屋顶,建筑师,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,7castle(n.)_ 8bat(n.)_ 9religious(adj.)_ 10landlord(n.)_ 11worm(n.)_ 12washroom(n.)_ 13basement(n.)_ 14garbage(

2、n.)_ 15curtain(n.)_,城堡,蝙蝠,虔诚的;宗教的,房东,虫子,洗浴室,地下室,垃圾,窗帘,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,表达运用类词汇 1直的;直接(adj.& adv.)_ 2想象力(n.)_ 3展览(n.)_ 4汗水(n.)_ 5青年(n.)_ 6有价值的(adj.)_ 7典型的(adj.)_,straight,imagination,exhibition,sweat,youth,valuable,typical,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,8详情(n.)_ 9毁坏,毁灭(vt.)_ 10目

3、的,意图(n.)_ 11幸福(n.)_ 12寺庙(n.)_ 13公寓,套间(n.)_ 14结论(n.)_ 15强调(vt.)_,detail,ruin,purpose,happiness,temple,apartment,conclusion,emphasise,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,.写出下列单词的变化形式,基础再现,1想象,想象力(n.)_ 想象(vt.)_ 富于想象力的, 运用想象力的(adj.)_ 可想象的,想象得到的(adj.)_ 2展览会(n.)_ 展览,展出,陈列(vt.)_,imagination,imagine,imaginative,i

4、maginable,exhibition,exhibit,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,3诗(总称) (n.)_ 诗(n.)_ 诗人(n.)_ 4贵重的,有价值的(adj.)_ 价值;评价,重视(n.& vt)_ 无价值的(adj.)_ 5优美地(adv.)_ 漂亮的,优美的(adj.)_,poetry,poem,poet,valuable,value,valueless,elegantly,elegant,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,6强调(vt.)_ 强调;重点,重要性(n.)_ 7宗教的,虔诚的(adj.)

5、_ 宗教(n.)_ 8结论,结束(n.)_ 结束;推断出(vt.)_ 令人信服的,确凿的(adj.)_ 令人信服地,确凿地(adv.)_,emphasize,emphasis,religious,religion,conclusion,conclude,conclusive,conclusively,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,9典型的(adj.)_ 类型(n.)_ 10慈悲,怜悯,同情心(n.)_ 慈悲的,有同情心的(adj.)_,typical,type,mercy,merciful,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础

6、再现,活学活用,用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 1Its a_that the injured young man was sent to the hospital by a_ gentleman.(mercy) 2My friend gave me a copy of a_ computer software,which is of great_ to us students.Of course,I_ my friendship with him much more than that.As you know,you can set a_ of on any things,but you c

7、an never do that on friendship.(value),mercy,merciful,valuable,value,valued,value,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,3That_ lady went into the hall _(elegant) 4As the most suitable person_,the_young man made up a beautiful story,which shows plenty of_I can_ the scene clearly in my mind.(image) 5They

8、 are in different_,which can be told by their_ clothing.(religion) 6To give_,the teacher_ what he had explained in class.(emphasise),elegant,elegantly,imaginable,imaginative,imagination,imagine,religions,religious,emphasis,emphasized,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,7We have produced some fairly_

9、evidence,but they drew different_ from the facts.All this proves_ that they didnt pay enough attention to it.We had to let them know what we had_ from the facts.(conclude) 8She will have an_ of her pictures.That is to say,she will_ her paintings at our school.(exhibit) 9He liked_ and wrote some_ in

10、English,and his friends jokingly called him a_(poem) 10This_ of wine is_ of the region.(type),conclusive,conclusions,conclusively,concluded,exhibition,exhibit,poetry,poems,poet,type,typical,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,.短语熟记,基础再现,翻译下列必背短语 1注视,凝视_ 2追溯到_ 3陷入沉思_ 4把加进_ 5举起,抬起_ 6小心做某事_,gaze/stare at,dat

11、e back to,deep in thought,add.up,lift up,be cautious to do sth.,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,7喜爱_ 9梦想做某事_ 9是的家园_ 10决心去做某事_,be keen on,dream of/about doing.,be home of,be determined to do,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,活学活用,基础再现,根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1The little boy_(fixed his eyes on) the

12、 foreign guests,feeling very surprised. 2They couldnt help_(start laughing suddenly) when a boy made faces. 3The ambulance was running along the highway_(very quickly) towards the spot of the accident.,stared at,bursting out laughing,at high speed,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,4The teacher sat

13、in his chair for a long time with a smoke in his hand,_(absorbed in thought) 5The old custom can_(have existed since) more than 1,000 years ago. 6His remarks didnt_(connect sth./in meaning or thought) the topic under discussion. 7Scientists_(take a test or a trial) thousands of chemicals before they found


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