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1、2001英语精读教学大纲及复习资料: 本学期精读教材为大学英语一二册。每册共有十个单元,每一个单元由课文(Text)、生词(New Words)、注释(Notes)、练习(Study & Practice)、阅读练习(Reading Activity)和有引导的写作(Guided Writing)六部分组成。重点是培养学习者的阅读能力,同时兼顾写和说的能力的培养。课文全部是选用原文材料,学习时应着眼全篇内容,同时掌握一些常用词和词组的用法。练习包括朗读和背诵(Reading loud and Memorizing)、课文理解(Comprehension of Text)、词汇(Vocabula

2、ry)、构词(Word Building)、结构(Structure)、完形填空(Cloze)和翻译(Translation)等部分。朗读和背诵练习主要要求掌握句重音和意群的划分,并熟记课文的有关段落。课文理解练习要求根据课文回答问题或针对某些内容陈述自己的看法,通过练习提高理解能力和口头表达能力。词汇和构词练习目的是掌握现代英语中的主要构词法,借以扩大词汇量。完形填空分A、B两篇。前者目的是在语篇基础上巩固操练重点词和词组的用法。后者较难,供学有余力不从心的学员借以进一步提高自己的英语水平。翻译练习旨在培养熟练使用英语的能力。阅读练习旨在培养学生的阅读技能,书中每一(或二)单元编列一项技能,

3、并配有一篇内容与课文相近但难度较浅的阅读材料;其中之一1-4级的大纲词汇均加注汉语,要求掌握。书中所设的复习题或自测题可以帮助巩固所学内容。大学英语第一册较简单,学习时请参照注释进行,并完成课后练习。第二册难度相对较大,现将每单元重点列举如下。Unit one: Language focal points: 1. manage (to do sth): succeed in accomplishing or handling,esp. with an effortExample: He managed to paint the whole room in one hour.2. signal:

4、 (n.) movement, message, device, ect. Used to convey informationExample: All vehicles must stop when the traffic signal turns red.(v.) send a signal or signals toExample: Sailors signal SOS by flags.3. ever since: from then till nowExample: I have known them ever since they came here in 1982. 4. kno

5、wn as: generally recognized as; calledExample: The radiation zones around the earth, known as Van Allen Belts, were discovered in 1958.5. be named after: be given the same name (of) asExample: Our elder son was named George after his uncle.6. as to: about; concerningExample: There is no doubt as to

6、her honesty.7. base on: build or found on ; use as a basis forExample: We should always base our opinions on facts.8. for one thing: in the first place (used to introduce a reason, often the reason that first comes to the mind; sometimes followed by “for another”)Example: Wed better give up the idea

7、 of making a long trip fort the coming holiday. For one thing, there isnt time; for another, we dont have enough money.9. be composed of: be made up ofExample: A car is mainly composed of a body, an engine, and four wheels.10. survive: (1) remain alive Example: According to the Theory of Evolution ,

8、 only the fittest animals survive.(2) live longer than Example: It is unnatural for parents to survive their children.11. indicate: showExample : Early results of the election indicate that the rime Minister will soon lose his job.12. be unfit(to do sth./for sth.): be not suitable (for sth. /doing s

9、th.)Example: Those who have a low voice are unfit to teach large classes.13. keep doing sth: continue doing sthExample: My parents kept encouraging me to study hard.14. stick up: project upwards ; stand upright ort on endExample : The girls hair has stuck up straight with fright.15. give off: send o

10、ut; emit( a smell, ect)Example: The chimney gives off a lot of waste gas.16. set back: cause to put off or get behind schedule; reverse he progress offExample: Bad weather set back the construction of the building by one month.17. Proceed: continue after having stoppedExample: He glanced at the newc

11、omer and proceeded with typing.Unit two1. shortly: soonExample: He died shortly after the car crash.2. track down: find by determined searching or hunting Example: She spent weeks in the library tracking down reference information in almost all the books on the subject.3. bare: (a.) not covered; wit

12、h no plants growing on it no more than; mere (v.) reveal4. spring up: arise, develop or grow quickly and as if from nowhere Example: Suspicion sprang up in her mind.5. at (the) sight of: on seeing Example: At sight of the police officer the thief took to his heels.6. feel like: feel a desire for; be

13、 inclined for or to Example: What lovely weather! I do feel like a swim.7. motion(v.) give a signal by moving the hand ort head (n.) signal by hand or head; movingExample: He motioned me to sit down while talking into the phone. He made a motion with his hand to make me sit down.8. fighten sb. into

14、doing: cause sb. to do sth. By frightening him Example: They tried every possible means to frighten the old man into signing the paper.9. emerge: come or appear from somewhereExample: The moon emerged from behind clouds.10. come to: return to consciousness Example: The driver came to slowly after th

15、e accident.11. make for: go toward; start in the direction of Example: It was getting dark; they turned and made for home.12. light up: give light to; become or make bright with light or colourExample: The sky lights up at sunset. Unit three1. obtain: get through effortExample: the old woman who obtained her degree at the age of 74 won respect from others2. go out of ones way ( to do sth.): make a special effort or exert oneself more than usual (to do sth.)Example: Jane went out of her way to be nice to the newcomer.3. threaten: hang over dangerously; utter a threat ag


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