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1、华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 电子商务环境下供应链运行规律的集成模拟研究 姓名:刘婉 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:物流工程 指导教师:胡斌 2011-04-24 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 I 摘摘 要要 电子商务方面的理论研究已经比较成熟, 目前学者们研究较多的就是电子商务在实 际企业或行业的应用过程中出现的一些问题。近年来,相关技术的进步促进了移动商务 的发展,学者的研究重点开始转向了移动商务领域。不管是在电子商务还是移动商务方 面,传统研究方法多是理论和实证分析方法,它们仅仅对问题进行了一定程度的定性分 析,本文则将电子商务

2、与供应链结合起来,利用集成模拟方法,在国内外相关理论和研 究基础上,从定性和定量两个角度出发,研究电子商务下供应链的运行规律。 首先,本文利用智能体模拟研究了供应链运行绩效问题。构建了一个产品供应链, 它是对现实中供应链复杂网状结构的抽象概括,节点企业采用的是极大极小库存策略, 对节点进行智能体建模和实现。模拟考察了企业每天库存水平、库存成本、订货或生产 数量以及成本、缺货成本和最终客户等待时间,并用供应链平均成本和最终客户等待时 间作为评价该供应链运行绩效的指标。此外,通过一个优化模拟实验,考察了在供应链 成本最小的情况下,企业的具体库存策略,为现实企业的库存管理提供了一个参考。 其次, 本

3、文利用集成模拟方法研究了电子商务下产品的需求演化对供应链运行的影 响。通过分析概括出了影响电子商务下需求演化的各种关键因素,利用系统动力学构建 了因果关系图、系统流图和动态方程,从定性和定量两个方面描述了需求演化现象。电 子商务下产品供应链有两种情况,由制造商是否提供网络销售所决定,对节点进行智能 体建模。模拟实验考察了一些影响因素对需求演化和供应链运行指标的影响效果。 以上研究都是关于产品流动所影响的供应链运营问题,而供应链中还存在价值流, 它总是伴随着物流而出现,因此本文第四章以价值链中的价值为研究对象,设计了一个 产品价值链,对价值链中的节点进行了智能体建模和实现;利用离散事件方法模拟实

4、现 了产品不断升级的现象;利用系统动力学构建了产品需求演化模型,并与智能体和离散 事件模型进行了集成。模拟实验考察了模型中参数对价值链中价值变化的影响。 最后,本文进行了一个总结,指出了在研究中所遇到的问题以及今后的改进方向。 关键词:电子商务,供应链,价值链,集成模拟,智能体模拟,系统动力学 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II Abstract The theoretical studies of e-commerce have been more mature,currently, the most studies of m

5、any scholars are the issues of e-commerce in the application course of actual business or industry.In recent years, the advance of related technology has promoted the development of mobile commerce, many scholars begin to turn their focus study to the mobile commerce application areas.Whether in e-c

6、ommerce or mobile commerce,the traditional study methods are mostly theoretical and empirical analysis methods, they only did a certain degree of qualitative analysis to issues. This paper will combine e-commerce with product supply chain and value chain, use integrated simulation method, based on t

7、he related theories and research at home and abroad, from the qualitative and quantitative perspectives, study supply chain operating law in the e-commerce. Firstly, use agent simulation to study the issue of supply chain operating performance. Construct a product supply chain,it is the abstraction

8、of complex supply chain network structure in the real world,node businesses use minimum and maximum inventory strategy, establish and implement agent models for nodes in supply chain.Simulate and study the inventory levels,average inventory costs, order or producing quantity and cost,shortage cost a

9、nd the purchase waiting time of customers of businesses each day, use the average cost of supply chain and customer waiting time as the indicators to evaluate the supply chain operating performance.In addition,through an optimized simulation experiment, investigate the specific inventory strategy of

10、 business in the case of supply chain cost minimized, provide a reference of business inventory management in the real life. Secondly, this paper uses integrated simulation method to study the impact of product demand evolution in e-commerce on the supply chain operating.By analyzing summarize the k

11、ey factors of product demand evolution,use system dynamics to construct causal diagram, system flow diagram and dynamic equations,from the aspects of qualitative and quantitative to describe the evolution phenomenon of user demands.The supply chain has two cases which are decided by manufacturer pro

12、vides Internet sales or not,model agent models of nodes in supply chain.The simulation experiments investigate the effect of some effect factors to product demand evolution and supply chain operating indicators. The above study is about supply chain operational issues affected by product flow, howev

13、er,value stream also exists in supply chain,its emergence always accompanies with 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 III logistics,so the fourth chapter in this paper study the value stream in the value chain,design a product value chain,design agent and implement agent models of nodes

14、in value chain.Use discrete event method simulates the constant updating phenomenon of products. Use system dynamics method to built product demand evolution model, and integrate it with the agent and discrete event models. Simulation experiments investigate the effect of parameters in the model to

15、value changes in the value chain. Finally, the paper makes a summary,points out the encountered problems in the study, and the future improving direction. Keywords:e-commerce,supply chain,value chain,integrated simulation,agent simulation, system dynamics 独创性声明独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的

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