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1、Period Four ,Project,课前预习 梳理记忆理解,课堂讲义 感悟归纳应用,当堂达标 综合巩固反馈,栏目索引,.单词自测 1. vi. 相异,有区别 n. 差别 adj. 不同的 adv. 不同地,有差别地 2. n. 行为,行动 3. vt.& vi. 打猎,猎杀;搜寻 4. n. 外观,外貌 vi. 出现,出场,答案,词语识记,课前预习,differ,difference,different,differently,deed,hunt,appearance,appear,答案,5. vt. 代表;展示,描绘 6. vt. 简化 adj. 简单的 adv. 简单地;简明地 7.

2、 vt.& vi. 组合;(使)联合 8. vt. 区分,辨别;使具有某种特征 9. vt. 显示,表示;象征,暗示 n. 征兆,迹象;指示 10. n. 缺点,短处 11. vt. (被)压,挤,推,施加压力; n. 报刊;新闻界;出版社,represent,simplify,simple,simply,combine,distinguish,indicate,indication,shortcoming,press,12. adj. 方便的 adv. 方便地,便利地 n. 方便,便利 13. n.& vi. 战斗 14. n. 图案,花纹;模式,方式 15. vt. (使劲地)拖,拉 16

3、. adj. 切实可行的,实用的 n.& vt. 实践;应用;练习 17. adv. 以此方式;如此;因此,从而 18. n. 版本,答案,convenient,conveniently,convenience,battle,pattern,drag,practical,practice,thus,version,.短语自测 1.differ 与不同,不同于 2.instead 代替,而不是 3.stand 代表,象征 4. a whole 作为整体,总体上 5.turn 变成 6. the 1950s 二十世纪五十年代 7.think 想到 8. a result of 由于,答案,from

4、,of,for,as,into,in,of,as,答案,1,2,3,4,5,.阅读P38课文,选出最佳答案 1.The main difference between the Chinese language and many Western languages should be that according to the passage. A.Western languages are usually formed by combining and mixing many different languages from different countries B.the characte

5、rs the Chinese language uses have meanings and can work alone as words, while Western languages cant C.the Chinese language has a longer history than Western languages D.the Chinese language is easier to be understood than Western languages,课文预读,B,答案,1,2,3,4,5,2.From the story of Cang Jie we know th

6、e first Chinese characters were invented to represent . A.objects B.ideas C.actions D.pictures,A,答案,3.Which is the correct explanation about the forming of the character “休”? A.A man lying on the ground with his arms crossed. B.A man lying against a tree. C.A man running. D.A tree lying beside a man

7、. 答案 B,1,2,3,4,5,答案,4.Which of the following is formed with one part showing the pronunciation and the other indicating the meaning? A.明 B.囚 C.卡 D.吓 答案 D,1,2,3,4,5,答案,5.The passage is mainly talking about . A.how the Chinese characters were invented B.how the Chinese characters have developed C.how

8、the Chinese characters have been influenced by Western languages D.how the simplified Chinese characters were introduced,1,2,3,4,5,B,答案,.阅读课文完成下表,每空一词,combining,答案,inspired,represent,made,ways/methods,indicating/suggesting,答案,inventor,due,返回,答案,based,easy/practical,语境感悟,课堂讲义,重点单词,(1)(教材P38)The Chine

9、se language differs from Western languages in that,instead of an alphabet,it uses characters which stand for ideas,objects or deeds. 汉语与西方语言的不同之处在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表达思想、物体和行为。,differ,(2)I have to differ with you on that. 在那一点上我不能同意你的看法。 (3)I cant tell the difference between Tom and his twin brother. 我分不清

10、汤姆和他的孪生兄弟。 (4)We are using memory differently.(2015安徽) 我们正在利用不同方式的记忆。,归纳拓展,(1)differ vi.相异,有区别 differ from.in.在方面和不同 differ with sb. about/over/on sth.在某事上与某人意见不同 (2)difference n.不同,差别 make a difference(对某人/物)有作用或影响,有差别 (3)different adj.不同的 (4)differently adv.不同地,有差别地,答案,(1)They how to deal with the

11、 problem. 关于怎样处理那个问题,他们和我的意见不同。 (2)Changing schools to my life. 转学对我的一生有着重大影响。,即时跟踪,differ with me about/on/over,made a big difference,(3)He differed other people he always looked further ahead in his work. A.from;in which B.from;in that C.with;in which D.with;in that 解析 句意为:他不同于别人,因为他总是在工作中能有远见。 di

12、ffer from与不同;in that连词,意为“由于;因为”。 答案 B,解析答案,语境感悟,(1)(教材P38)Then he had the idea that he could use different shapes to represent different objects. 于是他想到可以用不同的形状来代表不同的物体。 (2)This picture represents a scene at King Arthurs court. 这幅画描绘了亚瑟王法庭的一个场面。 (3)People can easily represent things as we wish them

13、to be. 人们可以很容易地把事物描述成他们希望的样子。,represent,归纳拓展,represent vt.代表;展示,描绘,正式声明 represent sb./sth.as sb./sth.把描绘成,(1)She tied several chopsticks together, .(2015安徽) 她把几个筷子绑在一起,代表一个家庭。 (2)Dr.Zhong was chosen to our hospital at the international meeting. A.represent B.stand for C.instead of D.take the place o

14、f 解析 句意为:钟大夫被选出来代表我们医院出席这次国际会议。instead of意为“代替”,是介词短语,无论词义还是词性都不符合题意;take the place of也是“替代”之意,不符合题意;stand for常用于“符号或缩写代表某一名称”的意思,而“代表某人或某单位(某国家)”时只能用represent。,即时跟踪,解析答案,A,representing a family,语境感悟,(1)(教材P38)Sometimes to express ideas,some characters were made by combining two or more characters t

15、ogether. 有时为了表意,一些汉字通过将两个或两个以上的汉字合在一起而组成。 (2)We should learn to combine work with pleasure. 我们应该学会在工作中享受乐趣。 (3)These two companies combined against their competitors. 这两家公司联合起来反对竞争者。 (4)The combination of red and white forms pink. 红色与白色调和后成为粉红色。,combine,归纳拓展,(1)combine v.组合;(使)联合 combine A with/and B 把A和B相结合 combine against为反对联合起来 (2)combination n.结合,联合,(1) (与联合) that big company,the small firm becomes more competitive.,即时跟踪,Combined with,答案,解析答案,(2)With the number of migrants(移民) rising sharply, Europes leaders have struggle



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