中考英语突破复习(第一部分 语法专项)三 冠词课件

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《中考英语突破复习(第一部分 语法专项)三 冠词课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语突破复习(第一部分 语法专项)三 冠词课件(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,考点一 不定冠词a/an 的基本用法,不定冠词aan,(1)泛指某一类人或事物中的一个或一类。例如: An elephant is much heavier than a horse. (2)在叙述时用于第一次提到的某人或某物之前。例如: This is a book.,(3)用于序数词前,表示“又一,再一”。例如: I have read the books twice, but I want to read them a third time. (4)用于某些固定词组前,如have a good time, in a hurry, have a rest, for a while, ta

2、ke a walk, have a look, have a cold等。,不定冠词aan,(5)a/an 的区别:a 用在辅音音素开头的单数可数名词或字母前,an 用在元音音素开头的单数可数名词或字母前,如 a book, an orange, an egg。 注意: 以字母u开头的单词u发音为/ju:/时, 单词前用a,如a usual boy, a university, a unit, a useful book。 常见辅音字母不发音的单词有:an honest boy, an hour, an honor。,不定冠词aan,互动一,( )1.Whats this in English

3、, Maria? Its _ map. Aa Ban Cthe D/,( )2. Cathy was very happy to meet _ old friend on the plane to Paris. Aa Ban Cthe D/,B,A,考点二 定冠词the的用法,定冠词the,(1)用来表示特指的或双方都知道的人或事。例如: The man over there is Johns uncle. (2)表示上文中提到过的人或者事。例如: There is an English book on the desk. The book is Li Leis.,定冠词the,(3)用在世界

4、上独一无二的名词前。例如: The sun is bigger than the earth. (4)用在形容词最高级、序数词前面。例如: This is the highest building in this city.,(5)用在乐器名词前。例如: My sister can play the piano and the violin. (6)用在方位名词前。例如: in the east/west/south/north, on the left/right (7)用在姓氏复数形式前,表示一家人或夫妇。例如: The Smiths are watching TV. (8)和形容词连用,

5、表示一类人。例如: The old should be looked after well.,定冠词the,(9)用在江河湖海及山脉名词前。例如: The Changjiang River is the longest river in China. (10)用在有介词短语或定语从句修饰的名词前。例如: The girl in red(who is wearing red)is my sister. (11)用在某些固定词组中。例如: in the morning/evening/afternoon, in the daytime, in the end, at the same time,

6、by the way, at the age of, at the beginning of, in the middle of, at the moment等,定冠词the,互动一,C,C,( )1. My cousin went abroad at _ age of eighteen. Aa Ban Cthe D/,( )2. Look! Whos _ boy over there? Oh, he is my cousin, Bob. He is _ honest boy. Aa; the Bthe; a Cthe; an Da; an,考点三 不用冠词的情况,不用冠词,(1)在专有名词(

7、国名、城市名、人名、 路名)前不用冠词。 Beijing is a beautiful city. (2)在季节、月份、星期、节日前不用冠词,如in summer/on Monday/in 1995;但中国的传统节日前一般加the,如the MidAutumn Day 中秋节,the Spring Festival;具体某年的季节前一般加the,如in the winter of 2009在2009年的冬天。 (3)在球类运动、棋类和学科名词前不用冠词。例如: Mr Zhang likes playing football and chess.,不用冠词,(4)三餐饭前不用冠词,如have b

8、reakfast/lunch/supper/dinner;但三餐饭 前如有形容词修饰时,可以用冠词, 如have a nice breakfast吃一顿 美味的早餐。 (5)名词前有this, that, those, these, my, your, some等词修饰时不用冠 词。例如: This is my best friend. (6)用在某些固定词组中: at school, at home, watch TV, on foot, in bed, in hospital, at first, in trouble, in public, by bus/bike/plane/train, at noon, at night 等。,互动一,B,A,( )1. My son seldom has _ breakfast. It is _ unhealthy habit. You must ask him to change it. A/; an Bthe; an C/; a Dthe; a,( )2. Bill likes playing _ basketball, but he doesnt like playing _ piano. Athe; the B/; the Cthe; / Da; the,


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