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1、HO s1e21 The Hard PartSpeaking Japanese-Hiro: Now the hard part.现在要到困难阶段了。-Ando: Why are you smiling?你笑什么?-Hiro: It is exciting. This is our chance to change the future.exciting: 令人兴奋的 chance: 机会 change: 改变很兴奋啊。这是我们改变未来的机会。-Ando: But how? How will we know what to do?但是怎样改变呢?我们怎样才能知道该做什么?-Hiro: I hav

2、e Mr. Issacs comic book. It isnt finished. It only has the pictures, not the words. Lets go to ask Mr. Iic: 连环图画我有 Issac 先生的漫画书。这本漫画还未完成,只有图画没有语言。我们去问问 Issac 先生。-Ando: We could be talking about anything.talk about: 谈论我们可以谈论任何事情呀。-Hiro: Dont worry, New York! We will save you!worry: 担心、忧虑 save: 解救别担心,

3、纽约!我们会拯救你的!car door slamsslam: 猛然关上,砰地关上-Heidi: Come on, boys. Honey, were e on: 来吧,过来来吧,小帅哥们。亲爱的,我们到家了。-Nathan:Hows my girl?Hows=How is我的女孩,你怎么样?-Nathan daughter: Daddy!爸爸!-Nathan:Hey, boys, come here.嗨,小家伙们,来吧。 -Heidi: Anything interesting happen, while we were gone?interesting: 有趣的 happen: 发生 whi

4、le: 当的时候我们不在的时候,有发生什么有趣的事情吗?-Nathan:Nope, everything was.unbelievably ordinary. Waitll you see what I got you guys. What do you think it is? 没有,一切都难以置信般平静如常。快去瞧瞧我给你们准备了什么。你们想会是什么?-Angela: Paris is cold, this time of year, so heres a nice, warm coat. Brown wool. Its not flashy, but its fashionable.wo

5、ol: 毛线,洋织品 flashy: 浮华的 fashionable: 流行的,时髦的 每年这时候,巴黎都挺冷的。这是件不错的保暖大衣。棕色的羊毛。谈不上华丽,但还算时髦。Now lets talk about gloves.talk about: 讲,谈论,交谈 glove: 手套现在我们来看看手套。knock on doorknock on: 敲(门、窗等)-Angela: Ill let you two say good-bye.我让你们俩单独道别吧。-Peter:You cant leave.leave: 离开你不能走。-Claire: I have to. At least unti

6、l the elections over.have to: 必须,不得不 At least: 至少 election: 选举 over: 结束的我必须离开。至少得等到选举结束。-Peter: I found you in Odessa. We save each other .You end up being my niece. This isnt just random, okay, this is destiny.each other: 彼此 end up: 结束,告终 niece: 侄女,外甥女 random: 任意的,随便的 destiny: 命运我在敖德萨找到了你我们救了彼此的命。你

7、还成了我的侄女。这不仅仅是偶然,这是命运。-Claire: My father sacrificed himself , so that I could have a life, not a destiny.sacrifice: 牺牲 so that: 以便,为使 我爸爸牺牲了自己,为的是让我有一个平静的生活,而不是接受命运You cant save me, Peter-not this time.你救不了我,彼得。这次不行。-Peter: And Nathan can?那内森就可以吗?-Claire: Nathan can keep me safe.keep: 保持 safe: 安全的内森可

8、以确保我的安全。-Peter: Safe?! You cant get hurt. Youre here, to save the world.get hurt: 受伤安全?!你甚至都不会受伤。你是为了拯救世界而来的。-Claire: How?! Im sorry. I cant go around chasing some fantasy.go around: 走来走去 chase: 追逐,追捕 fantasy: 幻想怎么拯救?!我很抱歉。我不能四处游荡就为了追逐荒唐的幻想。-Peter: Its not some fantasy, okay? I explode. I see it. I

9、wipe out this whole city. You, Nathan, everyoneexplode: 爆炸,爆发 wipe out: 彻底摧毁,消灭 whole: 整个的这不是幻想,好吗?我爆炸了。我看到了它的发生。我炸毁了整座城市。你、内森、每个人-Claire: You explode?你爆炸了?-Peter: Yeah. Like a nuclear bomb.like: 像,如同 nuclear: 原子核的,原子能的 bomb: 炸弹没错。就像一颗核弹。-Claire: Nuclear? Like Ted?核弹?就像泰德那样?-Peter: Ted? Who the hell

10、 is Ted?the hell: 到底,究竟泰德?泰德到底又是谁?car engine wont turn overengine: 发动机,引擎 turn over: 发动,运转push buttons beepingpush: 推,压 button: 按扭 beep: 哔哔声-Noah:I told you, no phone call.我告诉过你,不要打电话。-Matt: Its my wife. If were going on a suicide mission, Id like to call her, and tell her I love her, say good-byesu

11、icide: 自杀的 mission: 任务 Id like: =I would like 我想要 是我妻子。如果我们是在执行一向自杀任务,我很愿意打电话给她,告诉她我爱她,说再见。-Noah: You think I dont want to talk to my wife?That I dont miss my son, and my daughter?talk to: 对说话,找谈话 miss: 想念你以为我不想和我妻子谈谈吗?我就不想念我的儿子和女儿吗?Were doing this to protect the people we love.protect: 保护 company:

12、公司 我们这么做是为了保护我们所爱的人。The company has a new tracking system. Now, this Walker System doesnt rely on isotopes and satellites.tracking: 跟踪,追踪 system: 系统 rely on: 依赖,依靠 isotope: 同位素 satellite: 卫星公司有个全新的追踪系统。现在,这个沃克尔系统不依靠同位素和卫星。It just finds you, wherever you are. So weve gotta play this smart. Switch car

13、s. Stay to the back roads.weve gotta: = we have got to 我们不得不 play: 玩,进行比赛 smart: 聪明的 switch: 转变无论你在哪里,它都能找到你。因此我们必须放聪明点。不断地换车、走小路。-Matt: Fine, we go to New York .We wipe out the Walker System. wipe out: 彻底摧毁,消灭 wipe: 擦,消除,拭去好,我们去纽约,摧毁沃克尔系统。-Noah: Exactly. Ted.正是如此。泰德。-Ted: Yeah, almost done.是的,差不多了。

14、Engine startsstart: 启动,出发-Ted: Lets go.我们走。dramatic music-Sylar: That man. with the glowing hands. Hes the exploding man. Im going to take his power.glow: 发红光 exploding: 爆炸 take: 拿,取 power: 力量那个男人.有一双会发光的手。他是那个核爆人,我将会夺走他的力量。Im going to explode? Is this my future? Is that what you saw, Isaac?我会爆炸?这就是

15、我的未来?那就是你看到的吗,艾萨克?telephone ringing-Suresh: Hello?你好?-Sylar: Mohinder, I need your help.Mohinder,我需要你的帮助。-Suresh: Sylar?Sylar?-Sylar:I think Im gonna do something bad.我想我会做些很不好的事。-Suresh: Youre a murderer. You dont get the luxury of regret.murderer: 杀人犯,凶手 luxury: 奢侈,豪华 regret: 遗憾,后悔你是个冷血杀手,后悔对你来说太奢

16、侈了。-Sylar: You dont understand. I think Im gonna kill a lot more people.A lot more.你不明白。我想我会杀死更多的人,更多的人。I understood it before the killing. I had a reason. To take what others didnt deserve. It was natural selection.understand: 了解,明白 killing 谋杀,杀戮 reason: 理由 take: 拿,取 deserve: 应受,值得 natural selection: 自然选择我在屠杀前就明白了。我有我的理由,取走他们不该得到的能力,这是物竞天择。-Suresh: What are you talking about?t



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