英语ppt 关于生活的各种美图资料

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1、,In the end, its not the years in your life that count. Its the life in your years. 最终,真正重要的不是生命里的岁月,而是岁月中的生活. count kant vt. 计算;认为 vi. 计数;有价值,The world is so amazing. The world is so big. Its full of natural wonders and amazing peoples. There are so many different countries. There are so many diffe

2、rent cultures. There are breathtaking mountains and rivers. There are awesome cities full of skyscrapers. Im a citizen of the world. I want to see and experience as much as possible. I want to enjoy the riches of the world. Lets travel the world together. Lets take care of the world together. Lets w

3、ork hand in hand to make our world a better and more beautiful place. Lets show our love for the world. wonder wnd n. 奇观 breathtaking bretek adj. 惊人的;惊险的;令人激动的 awesome s()m adj. 令人敬畏的;使人畏惧的;可怕的;极好的 skyscraper ska,skrep n. 摩天大楼,摩天大厦,I saw a line in the movie, is about some simple dream. Seems chastit

4、y but life is too accidentally these accident let you cant do the simple things well. chastity tstti n. 贞洁;纯洁;简洁,“I want to marry, have kids. Travel the world. Buy a house. Have a romantic holidays. Eat only ice cream for a day. Live abroad. Reach and maintain my ideal weight. Write a great novel. S

5、tay in touch with old friends. I want to plant a tree. Make a delicious dinner from scratch. Feel completely successful. Go ice bathing, swim with dolphins. Have a birthday party, a proper one. Live to be a hundred. Stay married until I die. Send an exciting message in a bottle and get an equally in

6、teresting reply. From scratch skrt 白手起家;从头做起 bathing be v. 洗浴(bath的现在进行式) dolphin dlfn n. 海豚 proper prp adj. 适当的;本身的;特有的;正派的 equally ikw()l adv. 同样地;相等地,平等地;公平地,Overcome all my fears and phobias. Lie watching the clouds all day. Have an old house full of knickknacks. Run a full marathon. Read a book

7、 thats so great Ill remember quotes from it all my life. Paint stunning pictures that show how I really feel. Cover a wall with paintings and words close to my heart. Own all the seasons of my favourite shows. Attract attention to an important issue, make people listen to me. Go skydiving, skinny-di

8、pping, fly a helicopter. Have a good job I look forward to every day. I want a romantic, unique proposal. Sleep beneath open skies. Hike on Besseggen, act in a film or play at the National Theatre. Win a fortune in the lottery. Make useful everyday items. And be loved.“ - Oslo, August 31st (2011) 奥斯

9、陆,8月31日 Oslo, 31. august (2011) phobia fb n. 恐怖,憎恶;恐惧症 knickknack nknk n. 小玩意儿;小衣饰;小摆设;轻 小装饰物 marathon mr()n n. 马拉松赛跑;耐力的考验 quote kwts n. 引用,引号;报价 skinny-dipping skinidipi n. 裸泳vt. 裸泳 proposal prpz()l n. 提议,建议;求婚 beneath bni prep. 在之下adv. 在下方 lottery lt()r n. 彩票,Have you thought about your wedding。,

10、你是否幻想或你自己的婚礼是怎样的?,The circus style of wonderful,wedding。,马戏团风格的奇妙婚礼。 circus sks n. 马戏;马戏团,A little feeling of Alice in wonderland。,有点儿爱丽丝梦游仙境的feel。,这是一位法国的艺术家的作品。叫做“星尘”,让舞者在面粉中翩翩起舞,光和影和面粉一起,以及明暗的对比,凸显人体之美。 他的作品强烈的明暗对比,并将创意与行为艺术运用到人体摄影上。创造出一系列非典型人体摄影,让人惊艳。 在这个不断变化的社会,Ludovic用人体的外观来展现自然之美,优雅而富有个性。“每个肉

11、体的里面都藏着一个灵魂,它既敏感又脆弱。” His works have a strong contrast between light and dark, and use the idea and behavior art to human body photography. Create a series of atypical human photography, its amazing. Using the body appearance to show the natural beauty, elegant and full of personality. “Every body i

12、s hidden a soul inside , it is both sensitive and fragile.“ contrast kntrst n. 对比;差别;对照物 atypical etpk()l; - adj. 非典型的;不合规则的 fragile frdal adj. 脆的;易碎的,Lion,Ostrich,Cow,Deer,Raccoon,Giraffe,Loris,Cat,Wolf,They are your friends, You have to share your life with them。 But they cant put their clothes fo

13、r you。 No killing, no trade。 Please protect them。,Fractal art is a kind of digital art, unlike the ordinary computer painting, it is to use mathematical methods of creation, requires the creators have deep knowledge of the mathematical language and a basic understanding of color ,modelling. This fus

14、ion of science and art, brought the unity on the mathematics and art aesthetic. so yesterday boring mathematical is no longer merely abstract mathematics philosophy, and bring a new feeling feelings. 分形艺术是一种数字艺术,与普通的电脑绘画所不同的是,它是使用数学手段进行创作,要求创作者有很深的数学功底和对色彩、造型的基本认识。这种科学与艺术融合,带来了数学与艺术审美上的统一,使昨日枯燥的数学不再

15、仅仅是抽象的哲理,而变成具体的感受。 来自意大利的Silvia Cordedda在今年一月才开始接触分形艺术,但如今她已经创作了一些非凡的作品 。她的三维抽象艺术的创作往往集中于花,而且是从未存在于这个世界上的花。明亮的半透明加上丰富多彩的靓丽颜色。 fractal frktl n. 不规则碎片形,Pregnant for ten months Use a camera to record body change process 十月怀胎,阿根廷28岁女摄影师Sophie Starzenski自己用相机记录下了这个奇妙的身体变化过程。,Pregnant for ten months,然后 有了你,May 11th is mothers Day Dont forget to tell your mom you love her,Of course 别忘了你还有个爸爸。,What do you want to be when you grow up



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